Yes, absolutely ridiculous, irresponsible "journalism" from any Australian media group, let alone the ABC who we hope will report truthfully. The American warmongering always effects other countries, not their own, but the arms manufactures spread throughout American states all benefit.

If another un-winnable war is started by the US and Australia is forced, dragged or pressured to join in there is no excuse to blame China for the devastation it will undoubtedly bring to Australia. Meanwhile the warmongering American financiers could not care a hoot on how many deaths or how much devastation is caused as long as they make more money.

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Such utter stupidity on part of leadership. No war with anyone any where. The US, Britain, Australia lacks moral leadership. So very weary of this crap!

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An infomercial for war. Not even a pretense of actual journalism. Sickening.

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"It might sound like twisted logic, but military forces everywhere argue that the greater the firepower they possess, the greater the chance of maintaining peace,"

Next segment: China's slight increase in defensive military budget (lower than Australia's per GDP) threatens countries thousands of miles away for no reason, and makes war inevitable.

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As Henry Kissinger famougly said. "To be an enemy of the United States is dangerous. To be its friend is fatal." Watch out Australia. You're in danger of ending up like Ukraine.

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Calling the Five Eyes "top cops"? Still characterizing the US (and here its merry little band of tag-alongs) as some global police force facing down a host of international bad guys?

Please, please stop. I can't stand it anymore.

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"Why, of course, the people don't want war," Goering shrugged. "Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship."

"There is one difference," I pointed out. "In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars."

"Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."

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the nuclear war suicide cult never rests. even more convulsions and frothing at the mouth for their own destruction - not just their own, the world’s, but how I wish they couldn’t bring us all down with them, just their psychotic selves

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America, with its low-T and low-IQ army of trannies and drag queens, would last about a month against China.

And I think that’s the plan.

China started investing and buying up America like a liquidated asset fire-sale 30 years ago and now wants to take delivery of its property. The elites have their CCP-promised golden parachutes, and China knows that A weak soft feminized nation of beat-down, overweight, broken, psychotropically-medicated, propagandized beta males isn’t going to be much resistance, even though they have lots of guns.

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I've never been to Australia, but the sample of Australians I've seen here in the U.S. (and no, this is not drawn from Foster's Lager's commercials, "Crocodile Dundee," or anything to do with Steve Irwin) has convinced me that Australians as a rule are a hardy bunch, with none of the simpering suburban deadweight moping around on motorized scooters by age 11 and terrified of normal emotions.

That has me afraid of misinformation there, because I picture all these reckless and sturdy fuckers making ill-advised moves in all directions, quickly and fearlessly. Here, people mostly sit in front of their TVs and soak in Rachel Maddow or Sean Hannity until their mandibles are kissing the carpet and their eyes have taken on a trout-like glaze.

I could be wrong (not about Americans, though).

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I am a retired infantry officer. However, I am appalled by the militarism displayed by this journalist, who is also ridiculously self-staged. I'm all the more shocked because, as a former soldier, I have no sympathy for militarism. Militarism is an ideology of gun merchants and white-collar imperialists, certainly not a soldier's ethic. But how low has the profession of journalism reached to sell propaganda based on the most shameless lies; this journalist seems almost to rejoice in this deployment of means of destruction and never asks good questions, that is to say those that Caitlin Johnstone asks and must ask himself any citizen still having some neurons connected.

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Some of the best anti-propaganda comes from Australia, in Juice Media's Honest Government Ads. Have they yet addressed this irresponsible insanity? If not, why not?

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May 25, 2023·edited May 25, 2023

When you said that she was moaning and orgasming, I thought you were just exaggerating, but then I watched it and damn....

I'll have what she's having!


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What can you say? Some people simply have a death wish. Some people are simply mean to the bone. China's history shows it to be as reliable as any country can be, and far more so than any other powerful country on the globe, except Russia with whom it has a natural affinity. What can you do with such people? They should be tied up, but barring that, recognize them for what they are: mean people with a death wish. They deserve no serious consideration on any subject.

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Wars are peace, Truths are lies, China threatens us all! Of course it was 'evil' Russia that backed down in Cuba not Kennedy's Camelot....did the US remove the missiles from Turkey? Well yes, and then replaced the obsolete Jupiters with Polaris. Turkey still hosts 50 or so US B61 nukes.

China's military bases around the world: 1 (Djibouti. As do US and France and others depending)

US overseas bases: 800+

UK overseas bases: 145 (68 run directly, the others rented out)

Who's threatening us?....CHINA!

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It’ll be good for Australia to join in...we’re running out of Ukrainians. U.S. mercenaries don’t seem to be a match for Spetsnaz. We’ll see how they do against the Chinese SOFs. Once we run out of Australians, there’s plenty other bodies we can throw at ‘em. Starve ‘em at home, kill ‘em overseas. The oligarchs are laughing their asses off.

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