Manipulation is the story of our old culture. It's all we know except for the few of us who see through the veil. Narrative flip flopping is not new, but the speed of the reversals leaves one a bit agog. The great deep truth that we are All Here Together in this Timeless Now we call Life will stop the manipulation. Not sure much else will.

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Again, Caitlin, you excel at pointing out the banana peel we're encouraged to step on, noticing only in retrospect how much it clashes with the carpet.

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You are one of my favorite thinkers!

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The official narrative is chosen by Mockingbird pundits, and it's well know that Mockingbirds can mimic practically any other bird.

As to the lab leak vs natural origin conflict, here's another possibility worth thinking about briefly. What if Fauci's funding for gain of function research at Wuhan is itself a deception? What if the virus really was developed at Ft. Detrich and the idea that it was developed at Wuhan is a fall-back narrative to protect ongoing GOF research, just in case somebody could prove it was lab made instead of natural? There are all sorts of other speculations you can make if you dive deeper into the rabbit hole.

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"Cross examination is the engine of truth."

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Caitlin, Thanks for this powerful and sobering piece. Its important that people who have found their way through the looking glass take the time to share the view. Even if it awakens only one person - its worth it. All we can do is stay firmly committed to discerning the truth.

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I read an interesting article in April 2020, written by the son of a 40 year PhD in micro biology and virology. The pair also wrote a peer reviewed paper, based on that article, which was published in August 2020.

Fascinating info...and not a little frightening.

The first link is to the article I read in April last year, and the second link is to an article I received just today... which also includes a link to the published paper. Just fyi, in case you're interested in diving down this particular rabbit hole. (PS, the writer has a brief but sensitive criminal past, and it's likely only a matter of time before its leveraged against them both.)



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"Whoever lies first wins."

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Very good first part. I do sometimes wish that you wrote more that included such specific analysis without an almost ritualistic condemnation of vast political trends and phenomena that you believe must be overturned. The ranting is understandable but dulls the impact of your specific piece.

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When even the best intentioned democratically structured politics and governance are chock full of high Macchiavellian personalities out for short term gain, ANY random event is tantamount to conspiratorial reinterpretation. Discarding "conspiracy theorists" is to disregard all form of critical thinking. This message is addressed to the high falutin brahmins at Facebook, Twitter, Google, WashingtonPost, NYtimes, WSJ, Financial Times, and other gate keepers of imperial narratives.

Right now, you can be certain, under cover of the global corona pandemic, rival intelligence agencies will be striving to "do in" their enemy nations with viral release. Is that too conspiratorial? Why? The hatred has ALWAYS been there! A Macchiavellian mind is all thats needed, and the line of reasoning i mentioned above becomes REALITY. Are there NO macchiavellian types in government? I would say government is 75% sociopaths and macchiavellians.

Take 9/11: We were told, repeatedly 19 saudis were involved in the attacks. Did an investigation run this unprecedented crime "to ground"? Hell no! Within months, Dick Cheney was wondering how he could "use this" to get some oil and his pet geopolitical zionist projects underway. Is that too conspiratorial for you?

Let's stop with the brahmin BS. Let people speak. Sunlight.

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