THIS Is the most important take-away:

"The idea that someone needs to be in charge of deciding what's true and false on behalf of the rank-and-file citizenry is becoming more and more widely accepted, and it's plainly irrational."

We've seen this idea brought in with the pandemic mania, and now being pushed regarding the escalating war in Ukraine, the climate hysteria, and whatever other narrative items they want us to believe.

Whatever the truth or otherwise of any of these things, the fact that we are not allowed to discuss them, or even openly consider contrary facts or alternative analysis, is deeply worrisome. It's an assault on science, rationality, freedom of speech and freedom of thought. It's an assault on every advance our Western civilisation has made since the Dark Ages, when heresy was banned and had to be punished, stomped out, and killed.

That so many people are not seeing this is itself a sign they are already captured.

And we are heading back fast to the exact same imposition of thought control.

Maybe worse...

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Not exactly a Foxworthy fan but one could change the words to one of his comedy sketches...

You might be a sheeple if you oppose the last war but not the current one.

You might be a sheeple if you still blame the unvaxxed for the pandemic.

You might be a sheeple if you still think we live in a democracy.

You might be a sheeple if you play for the blue or the red team.

You probably are a sheeple if you don't question everything.

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They all knew, facts are not the issue when you want war. But Biden's sly, snake-like attack on Ritter's self-esteem has to be the worst, most disgusting political event I have ever seen on TV.

Ritter, in comparison, was the model of cold dignity, and ethical/moral strength.

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"We gave up paradise to make a few bastards rich." But we did and had, throughout history. This episode has reached the place where the focus must now lie in surviving and perhaps, finally acknowledging, nothing will ever stop the cycle without using the knowledge we now have, to interrupt out inherent irrationality, subject to bias and the manipulations which repeat it. But at the very least, it's time to put far more energy into mutual survival strategies, than wasting it on what psychopaths will collapse, before they will reform. They don't have a "Plan B for Decency." The decent better start working on surviving that.

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I don't think there is a "paradise through science" to be achieved. And whatever that "paradise" would look like, I'm sure it would be a horrific nightmare. We've been chasing the "paradise through science" for a century or more and look where it landed us.

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The current war is always tomorrow's "mistake, bumbling into, the result of faulty CIA info, just a human misunderstanding, if we had only known, event". As in Iraq: who wouldn't take the word of an informant, code name, I believe , "curve ball," over Scott Ritter's expert testimony?

Concerning which Joe Biden's grilling and belittling of Ritter in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing is an example of the most evil political obfuscation and side-stepping it is possible to witness. Takes your faith in humanity away - as well as your appetite. Maybe permanently.

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This is the most important article I can recall reading. Period.

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As Caitlin has often said, there is no more important issue at present than preventing nuclear war with Russia. As Americans options are few, it is imperative that the pro-war democrats (100% are with Biden) lose their majority in Congress in the midterms. Sure, the Repubs aren't much better, but at least they could tie-up the Biden Regime in investigations and prevent him from carrying out his war agenda. It's not much to hang our hats on, but I don't see any alternative. Sixty or so Repubs in Congress voted against funding Biden's war and that number is bound to grow if they win a majority. A vote for democrats means that you have no problem with nuclear war.

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What frustrates me the most is how people who actually see through the war propaganda still are so driven by ego and competition or fear that they can't get into a collaborative space. Collaboration requires honest and difficult conversations and I don't think many people have the tools for that.

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The MSM doesn't even oppose the last war; rather, they drop the subject as if it were an embarrassing but ultimately minor faux pas.

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Caitlin left out one key driver of the competition that destroys cooperation: capitalism.

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I really liked the first half of this article, which is brilliant in explaining that the "fact checkers" are all part of the status quo. No wonder we get stupid regime change wars, fake vaccines, fake elections, fake democracies, etc.

I strongly believe that the powers that be, like the WEF, want you: fat, sick, depressed, and isolated. They want you estranged from everything from your community to your own body. They want to extract as much money as possible from you, and then they want you dead.

Seeing through their propaganda and knowing what they want is the first step toward helping others and yourself.

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I do like your observations.This quote seems to fit today's.

"When you control opinion, as corporate America controls opinion in the United States by owning the media, you can make the masses believe almost anything you want, and guide them as you please."

Gore Vidal

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When nations and companies actually compete, all may be ok. But instead, we see that science becomes the tool of power; power needs crises, to spur fear and flow of funds, and so we have the manufactured crises of global warming and Covid. Gov and sociopathic monopoly funded foundations provide grant to universities and buy off politicians, to feed fear and crisis.

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There is no evidence that science should be the most collaborative endeavor in the world. Our entire scientific history has been competitive not collaborative even as far back as Plato competitive theories and ideas have been the foundation of knowledge.

Collaborative study results in echo chambers that focus on consensus not innovation.

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Oh so right! This is what I have felt for many years! If only investments were made in creativity INSTEAD OF DESTRUCTION! The world would be a paradise!

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