Key players in the Russia-gate hoax and impeachment “entertainments” are now hyperventilating about “all but certain major war in Europe a la WW2” – ghouls Adam Schiff and colonel Alexander Windman (an Ukrainian). Same bastards who led the scam of the century concocted by the SAME lying team -- Obama-Biden-Hillary-Pelosi-Schumer-Schiff and the rest of DNC-CIA/FBI cabal.

Adam Schiff has been, for years, a leading recipient of huge “donations” by arm industry – his main source of funds. Remember when Raytheon in 2013 put on a Beyonce concert to promote Adam Schiff? This despicable -- that human excrement and serial liar is among leading Congress war-mongers and recipient of arm industry donations.


Schiff is now driving government’s domestic terrorism legislation !! In his free time this loathsome grifter wants to write a novel – of all things about Holocaust.

The entire Russia-gate lying team is back in FULL power -- we are now paying the price for not fully unmasking the brazen scam of the century. Of course, Trump and GOP lunatics were and remain VERY bad, however – however, DNC lying and warmongering team is INFINITELY more dangerous. They will for sure try to prevent 2022 elections - as "illegal" - in order to stay in power.

Also remember – Biden was the governor of Ukraine under Obama – selecting and removing heads of industry and Ukraine’s puppet government after successful US coup there. The immense corruption of Biden family still needs to be investigated – Hunter’s Burisma was used to ‘wash” their dirty money. Thanks heavens that recent “colored revolution” coups in Belarus and Kazakhstan were not successful.

WHO will be the first current or former Democrat Congresswoman/man or Senator to publicly acknowledge and confirm the brazen scam of the century – DNC’s + CIA/FBI security complex (St. Obama/Biden/Hillary/Pelosi/Schumer, Jammie Raskin, etc. + Brennan, Clapper, Hayden, etc.) Russia-gate hoax and subsequent conspiracies, including 1/6 “armed insurrection”?

War-monger vampires must be stopped. Military-industrial complex must be defunded – US main “products” and exports are now weapons, coups and immense and all-encompassing corruption. China is far more capitalist than the US, Russia has not been Communist for 30+ years, while the US is a corporate socialism (more polite term for fascism)

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This latest infuriating scenario highlights how little light exists between our corporate press and the intelligence apparatus it purports to cover. Apparently "Democracy Dies in Darkness" is not a motto, but a recipe.

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This ain't at all unusual for the NYT go back to 1917, hell to back to the Spanish American war. They do loves them some war.

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Sorry Caitlin. I can’t separate the NYT from its advertisers and govt handlers, so to me they’re all the same brand of useless.

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But Caitlin, Russia has not disproved this allegation. They need to publish all diplomatic correspondence to prove memos about this nefarious plot do not exist. Much easier to do that than demand the West publish the intercepted cables that prove the plot's existence, since that would expose the West's "sources and methods." /sarc

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And of course, Lichtenstein has weapons of mass destruction, while Monaco is building up its secret arsenal of up to 490 nuclear warheads. 🤣🤣🤣

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Let me add to the list of no-evidence claims supported by the Times et al.: "Operation warp Speed produced excellent vaccines that will defeat the pandemic." As a molecular biologist, I said a year ago that I would very much like to scrutinize that evidence — the molecular-immunological details behind such a claim. Answer: "Sorry, you'll have to wait until you're dead." This is the quite standard operating procedure of feeding us merda and calling it nutritious. Bruccia in inferno, MSM.

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I must say left wingers are far more dangerous than right wingers. Your version of the lie is so much more sophisticated and convincing. NYT gives it all a great heft and gravitas. I prefer the earnest pathos of conservative media with it’s authentic jingoism and an ever present 2nd amendment vibe.

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Jan 23, 2022·edited Jan 23, 2022

Also, this super secret plot ZOMG is useful, as it provides Zelenskii a pretext to further crack down on domestic opposition in Ukraine.

Note how Zelenskii already has arrested opposition politicians and shuttered opposition media, and the Free And Democratic West(R) has raised not so much as a peep in complaint.

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Why Did Russia Give Away Crimea Sixty Years Ago?


Crimea was part of Russia from 1783, when the Tsarist Empire annexed it a decade after defeating Ottoman forces in the Battle of Kozludzha, until 1954, when the Soviet government transferred Crimea from the Russian Soviet Federation of Socialist Republics (RSFSR) to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (UkrSSR). The transfer was announced in the Soviet press in late February 1954, eight days after the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet adopted a resolution authorizing the move on 19 February. The text of the resolution and some anodyne excerpts from the proceedings of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet meeting on 19 February were published along with the very brief announcement.[1] Nothing else about the transfer was disclosed at the time, and no further information was made available during the remainder of the Soviet era.

Not until 1992, just after the Soviet Union was dissolved, did additional material about this episode emerge. A historical-archival journal, Istoricheskii arkhiv (Historical Archive), which had been published in the USSR from 1955 until 1962, began appearing again in 1992 with transcriptions of declassified documents from the former Soviet archive.

That the transfer was justified solely by Crimea’s cultural and economic affinities with Ukraine is -- far-fetched. In the 1950s, the population of Crimea — approximately 1.1 million — was roughly 75 percent ethnic Russian and 25 percent Ukrainian. A sizable population of Tatars had lived in Crimea for centuries until May 1944, when they were deported en masse by the Stalinist regime to barren sites in Central Asia, where they were compelled to live for more than four decades and were prohibited from returning to their homeland. Stalin also forcibly deported smaller populations of Armenians, Bulgarians, and Greeks from Crimea, completing the ethnic cleansing of the peninsula. Hence, in 1954, Crimea was more “Russian” than it had been for centuries.

Crimea had originally been an “autonomous republic” (avtonomnaya respublika) in the RSFSR, but its status was changed to that of an “oblast’” (province) in the RSFSR in 1945, ostensibly because the forced removal of the Crimean Tatars had eliminated the need for autonomy. After the Crimean oblast was transferred to the UkSSR in 1954, it retained the status of an oblast’ within Soviet Ukraine for 37 years. In early 1991, after a referendum was held in the UkrSSR and a resolution was adopted a month later by the UkrSSR parliament, the status of Crimea was upgraded to that of an “autonomous republic.” Crimea retained that designation within Ukraine after the Soviet Union broke apart.

A tragic irony of the Crimean transfer is that an action of sixty years ago, taken by Moscow to strengthen its control over Ukraine, has come back to haunt Ukraine today.

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MSM owns the truth and they do with it as they please: assert, change, outlaw, categorize, ban, sanctify, manipulate, as they please.

I’ve been rereading Matt Tiabbi’s book Hate inc as serialized on his Substack, archives 2018, what a revelation. Without it your appreciation is incomplete. Really, do yourself a favour.

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Sounds like a variant on the old "rainmaker" scam.

Rainmaker makes promises and demandscompliance, and whatever happens, rainmaker takes credit for a successful prediction. If nothing happens, rainmaker takes credit, claiming that compliance delivered the desired results.

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"The paper of record" They really call themselves that still? That makes your toilet paper a "Paper of Record" too. Maybe even more so. Cause your toilet paper ends up with the same quality of substance on it.

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It seems they just toss out whatever sh** and see what sticks. They tried "175,000 Russian troops on Ukraine border" last month (google it), but had to settle for 100,000 .

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As a Brit I am constantly embarrassed by my country's foreign policy of Russophobia/Sinophobia.

I know why they do it.

They are obedient to the Windsor Black Nobility.

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I believe a link to this substack was promoted here recently but, it is such a good historical analysis of the current situation in Ukraine that I hope folks will read it, and again if they already have: https://adamtooze.substack.com/p/chartbook-68-putins-challenge-to

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