"Security-wise you really want to go with us. It makes just a lot more sense, right?"

In what universe would it make more sense to seek "security" with the purveyor of endless military aggression around the globe vs. a nation that pursues economic cooperation and avoids starting wars?

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Here's a funny 2021 Australia tourism ad for something on the lighter side.


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I find this turn of events most instructive. Remember how France cancelled the sale of Mistral-class helicopter carriers, at the behest of the United States? Remember how France dutifully joined in America's wars of aggression against Syria?

Well, this incident should show the United States' vassals and lackeys (and that includes Australia) just how little their American master cares about them.

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I can't help but think how profitable this gang bang toward Armageddon must be, and how all that money is used in turn to further grease the wheels and produce even more denizens of think tanks whose only impulse is to yell "More cowbell."

I would call this madness, but the insane have no inkling of right and wrong or any means by which to measure their crimes. If these people were mad, their actions would at least be understandable.

I'm an atheist, but you're right, Caitlin. If people wake up to this, it could rightly be called a miracle.

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It makes sense that Biden's handlers pulled out of Afghanistan to free up military funding for the new offensive against China.

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I thought I was the only one thinking the Morrison goverment is authoritarian and conflict crazy. Good article

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Always had thought Australia might be one of the better places to live on Earth since so removed from the rest of the world. This movie always gave me pause:


Looked too familiar to events which occurred in the US.

The covid lockdown has pretty much sealed the deal for me.

Another good comical take on Australian government:


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