Lithium mining represents a war on nature and a choice to transform that which is living into that which is dead (batteries) for profit so we can have luxuries and play around on ipads and e-scooters

Ontario is going to be the next Bolivia (for lithium pillaging)

I have compiled the following intel for anyone that lives in northern Ontario, Quebec, near any of the Great Lakes and also for anyone that cares about the Boreal Forest. https://archive.org/details/blood4lithiumborealforestpillaging

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"So don't give them your consent. Refuse to be propagandized. Refuse to let your countrymen be propagandized. Work to awaken people to their lies. Work to awaken people to their true power." This is exactly what we are doing. We would like to have you as an ally.

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Hola Caitlin, we are in total alignment. We could use your help in promoting the fact that we are launching nov. 30, a platform/database/network set up to hold millions to billions of like minded individuals, orgs., and networks for the purpose of collaboration and organizing. We want to launch with 1000 orgs. signed up. It is totally free and without risk. There is more. It is horizontally run, open to collaborators. Please contact me if this resonates because we could use your influence to get this idea out there to help us get the first 1000 orgs. 593980290103, whatsapp or phone, mofwoofoo@gmail.com or messenger.

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