Caitlin, can you never use that opening photo of Bliar again? It makes me physically ill and psychologically troubled for hours...

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History will not record Reagan, Clinton, Albright, Bush, Powell, Blair, Cheney, Kristol, et. al, as criminals because "History" is written by their press agents ("journalists"), who are are paid by Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and General Dynamics.

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History will not record Reagan, Clinton, Albright, Bush, Powell, Blair, Cheney, Kristol, et. al, as criminals because "History" is written by their press agents ("journalists"), who are are paid by Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and General Dynamics.

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Many comments here are using words like hubris, overconfidence, best intentions and "they got it wrong". Like Ken Burns' Vietnam documentary or McNamara saying "we were wrong" in the fog of war. You know that's Hollywood bullshit. It was always deliberate lies, sabotage and murder from the beginning. Please set your readers straight.

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Those sanctimonious so called leaders like Blair and the like will go down in history as the criminals they have shown themselves to be .The world is waking up slowly to their crimes .

We in the West should never have gone into so many countries to steal their wealth / resources . Just like the fake pandemic was declared to cull the population of the planet , 9/11 was planned in order to invade how many countries now ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ARtGrSrvCA

We have been lied to par excellence and most have followed the narrative like good sheeple herded by the border collie .

Let the Afghan people deal with their Taliban as the same goes for Iraq ,Iran,Libya etc. The changes will not come about through the barrel of the gun .Those days are dying a welcomed death .Humanity has better tools to effect positive changes for nations that mistreats it's citizens .

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Blair is essentially spewing the same tired old "stab in the back" logic that was used by militarists after Vietnam and by Hitler about WW I. At least Hitler had a scrap of truth on which to base his argument, as Zionists did actually conspire to promote US entry into WW I in exchange for the Balfour Declaration. But he conflated Zionism with Germany's own rapidly assimilating and patriotic Jewish population and the poorer Jewish populations of Eastern Europe, who just wanted to be left alone. In fact, the Eastern European Orthodox and Bund were both opposed to Zionism for different reasons. The reduction of "Jewish" to "Zionist" and the long, repeated use of the "stab in the back" narrative are the two most important accomplishments of Nazism, for which Zionists and neo-cons are forever grateful.

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Those Luciferians responsible for the war will, as always, be portrayed as heroes in history books

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If this were a movie, those listed would be exactly the ones the audience would loudly cheer at the climax perishing in molten lava. The Greeks called it catharsis; we know it increasingly fleetingly as justice, and the fact that they haven't each met with some gruesome end is my constant best ongoing argument against belief in any sort thing like karma. A blind squirrel with a cheese grater could do better.

With our Fifth Estate no longer operating in its intended role and our politics worse than worthless, it's worth pondering from which quarter should a long-overdue reckoning reasonably come?

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Good article, I’m going to quibble a little bit with Caitlin‘s ordering of things - nothing super duper, i’m sure Caitlin gets this.

I think it began with typical western liberal overconfidence, arrogance and self belief : hubris.

After that it became a pack of lies.

They didn’t go in because they are liars; they went in because they are truth seekers, concerned global citizens, altogether earnest and well-meaning. They were as we are - self-deluding. Confidence lead to arrogance, western managerial genius can cure the suffering of those ancient lands - perpetual, interminable suffering - “ oh isn’t it terrible we have to do something“

We have to do something is the hubris of our time. We know no boundaries we do not respect history or entropy or gravity we are free from fate we author our own.

Well turns out they were wrong and then they spent 20 years spending gigantic amounts of money, lying and killing and then the whole thing goes for a shit in six days and they are exposed to the light of day (which Caitlin captures beautifully).

I think it’s an important point because we are going to do it again and with the noblest of intentions.

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Again, Share with us your thoughts on the usage of the words. “Psychopath” and “sociopath”. How might we tell the difference between someone so labeled and an “asshole”?

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Very nicely written. George W. Bush should be remembered as the most evil president to ever occupy the White House.


I am realizing, however, that commenting online is just producing a virtual doppelganger of myself, so I will refrain from saying anything more.

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As always Blair again being a weapon of mass destruction. Why doesn’t he just shut up and and retire.

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This joke is said to be viral on Chinese social media: "“If you ever feel useless … Just remember that the United States took four presidents, thousands of lives, trillions of dollars and 20 years … TO REPLACE TALIBAN WITH TALIBAN!”

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Mighty fine awful pic of Blair!

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What is happening in the streets of Melbourne Caitlin? Speaking of crimes.

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Bin-Laden actually died in July 2001.


Bin-Laden had nothing to do with 9/11.


Al Queda did not even exist when 9/11 occurred.


Was all a ruse to occupy Afghanistan in order to harass Russia and China.

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