In 1964, Americans were told that North Vietnamese PT boats had attacked a US Naval vessel. Years later, we learned that there was no attack and were told, "We're sorry. We lied, but we promise never to do it again."

In the 1970s and 80s, we learned that most of the Warren Report was a fabrication and the Church Commission revealed Coinelpro. Legislation was passed that said, "We're sorry. We lied, but we promise never to do it again."

In 1990, Americans were horrified by the behavior of Iraqis taking Kuwaiti babies off incubators and leaving them to die. We knew the government had lied about Tonkin, but they had confessed, said they were sorry and promised never to do it again, so we believed the Kuwaiti princess who testified before Congress and the embedded "journalists" who reported favorably on the outcome of the war. A few years later, Americans were told, "We're sorry. We lied, but we promise never to do it again."

In 2002, we were told Saddam Hussein had WMD and was trying to build a nuclear weapon. We knew the government had lied about Tonkin Gulf and the incubator babies, but the perps had admitted the truth, said they were sorry and promised never to do it again, so some of us accepted as truth that the smoking gun might eventually turn out to be a mushroom cloud. After the US invaded Iraq, no operational WMD could be found. The elites didn't even bother to tell us, "We're sorry. We lied, but we promise never to do it again." The American people were apparently in a dysfunctional relationship with their elites, much like Charlie Brown's relationship with Lucy and her "truth" football.

In 2011, we were told that Khadaffi was giving his troops Viagra so they could rape more innocent Libyans, that he was preparing a civilian massacre in Benghazi based on the prior deaths of "demonstrators" there. The UNSC authorized a "no-fly zone" over Libya, but today we know that the Viagra story was made up, that there had been an insurrection in Benghazi and little threat of "genocide" there, and that the "no-fly zone" was used as cover for air attacks against Libyan government troops in support of jihadi rebels. We knew we had been lied to about Iraqi WMD, but many of us accepted the narrative on Libya because after all Khadaffi was an "evil tyrant" who had spoken ill of Israel. The result has been a failed state, racist slave markets, a massive refugee problem in Europe and the impoverishment of the Libyan people who prior to 2011 had the highest standard of living in Africa. Once again, the elites didn't bother to tell us, "We're sorry. We lied, but we promise never to do it again," but many of us assumed their contrition and that they would not do it again. Others had succumbed to a Stockholm Syndrome reverence for identitarian idols Barack and Hillary.

In 2014, Victoria Nuland organized what George Friedman, director of Stratfor Institute, called "...the most blatant coup in history.” When 95% of the people of Crimea voted not to go along with the coup and instead rejoin Russia, Americans were told that, unlike Kosovo's separation from Serbia, Crimea's decision to be re-united with Russia was "illegal" and that the actions of Russian troops, stationed by treaty in Crimea, to enforce the will of the Crimean people were an "invasion." This time, most of the American public continues to believe the lies and expect no confession or promise from their elites. The Stockholm Sydrome had taken over.

Later in 2014, a caliphate was declared in Syria and quickly invaded northern and western Iraq, threatening even the Baghdad. The Iraqi military was unable to fight back due to supply shortages, which were withheld by the US pending Nuri al-Maliki's compliance with US diktats. This was all quite apparent at the time. Later publication of a 2012 DIA report warning of the danger of an ISIS caliphate, along with a "hot mic" admission by John Kerry, made it clear that US policy in Iraq and Syria had been to allow the strengthening of ISIS in order to put pressure on the governments of those countries to step down or acquiesce in balkanization, with Iraq being split into 3 pieces and syria splintered into numerous pieces of Sunni, Kurd, Alawite, Shiah, Christian and Turkmen. Once again, most Americans succumbed to the Stockholm Syndrome of identity politics.

Today, most Americans are totally unaware of the massive OPCW scandal that has totally discredited the report on the 2018 Douma and by extension its analysis of Skripal blood samples, because the corporate media simply do not report on these well-established facts. Worse, a cacophony of slanders and character assassinations are used to drown out a multitude of whistles blown in an attempting to alert the public to the lies and fabrications told by the WHO and most Western Imperial lackey governments about Covid-19. But people are not just unaware of all the whistles; they actively participate in the shaming of their fellow citizens and suppression of dissent.

Thus have the citizens of the imperial core and vassal states progressed from innocent victims in a dysfunctional relationship, into Stockholm Sydrome sympathizers and finally into active participation in terrorism similar to Patti Hearst, but these "citizens" will not be held accountable any more than Patti Hearst was, unless the empire is eventually defeated like Nazi Germany.

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You forgot to add that in a healthy society you'd be on MSNBC every night. I know, crazy, huh?

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It is time that the theory and practice of population-to-population solidarity becomes one of the practices that are accessible to those who want to enable an upgrade in our civilization - so we are on track to really advancing the UDHR. That was the collective set of 30 Articles that the member nations of the UN adopted in 1948 to immunize the world from repeating the barbarity of WW2. Uncensored social media like Pan_Quake could be a brilliant venue for getting these sort of solidarity building opportunities acquainted to all justice activists, and seriously engaged in understandable ways.

Problems like the dehumanization of the world's most accomplished facilitator of #Principle 7Nuremberg, Julian Assange, is an example of dysfunctional institutional culture. 193 nations adopted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 in 2015. They identified Goal 16 as the strategic tool to de-corrupt failing institutions that do not advance the idea of equal justice for all. This is the kind of template that needs to become accessible, known and engaged in order to prevent psychotic derangement of our politics.

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The SlaveApp sounds an awful lot like a money redistribution scheme. If a willfully unprepared adult wants ______________ (health care, education, food, housing, you name it), they simply procure it by enslaving others to provide for them...under the guise of the provider being empathetic towards the "vulnerable" providee. Sure, there is always a small subset who simply cannot provide for themselves, maybe even their families cannot provide for them either, who will be wards of the state, but for that number to be what it is currently (in the US) is absurd and those who "benefit" from the handouts are, of course, ultimately harmed by the very system imposed on others to help the "beneficiary."

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