This is brilliant.

This piece essentially functions like a strophic poem, with a series of successive stanzas which use a constant refrain (something fixed), and then use that as counter-point for the development of variations on the opening theme. It almost reminds me of Bach, his themes and variations. He takes a simple musical theme or idea, and then explores and develops it into an extremely rich, ironical, nuanced, and beautiful composition. The truth is revealed through a masterful use of counterpoint.

This piece above is like a hybrid form of poetic journalism. It uses real fact, but also communicates a higher poetic truth. It's original, polemical, innovative in form, and strives for Truth.

I really admire this model haha.

Thank you!

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---"Consider The Possibility That This Is Already The Dystopia You Fear"------

No need to consider; I know it is. While people worried that the year Y2K might result in planes crashing, the PNAC (Project for a New American Century) was being quietly put into effect as Bush/Cheney were put quietly into office.

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Your best piece in quite some time, not to leave the impression that your others have been in some way lacking. A quick look at the current simian state of our politics and media would seem to more than confirm your thesis.

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I've known for decades that this was taking place and that it was only going to get worse, and I was one of a group which warned people that this was coming about, called "the hippies of the 60s."

I didn't want to live into the 21st century because of this knowledge, and it's just as bad as we predicted it would be.

So what do I do now? I can advise you to read certain books or watch certain documentaries to learn how to change, and you still won't listen to me, any more than you did when there was a whole group of us.

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Consider too that good, bad, right, wrong, ugly and beautiful are all merely concepts, illusions, and do not exist in reality. Consider that our commitment to these concepts, as well as to the concepts of morals, values and ethics, keeps us firmly rooted in our cultural existential illusory mindset and therefore creates the schism called duality. Consider that all of this is a figment of our culturally and existentially indoctrinated imagination, that we believe or think this all actually exists when, in fact, there is no other animal or plant on the planet that even remotely comes close to such illusory patterns of living. Consider that cultural existential humanity exists entirely within the framework of illusionary values, morals, and ethics and is therefore insane. Including you. Including me. Consider this: the way to individual and societal sanity is not difficult. Only our lack of desire for the truth concerning the cause of human suffering and conflict and how to eliminate that cause from the mind keeps us from it. It's really just an addiction issue. Until we eliminate from the mind the culturally and existentially indoctrinated, illusionary concepts of good and bad, right and wrong, ugly and beautiful, great and inferior -- until we eliminate from the mind all value, moral, and ethical judgments, we will never be at one with reality. We will never be at peace and we will never know anything but confusion, conflict and a separate relationship from reality. Until then insanity will reign supreme and all the other creatures we have placed well beneath our so called superior consciousness will most certainly outlive us.

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Raw. Uninhibited. Truth.

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Replace every instance of "capitalist" with "corporate" and this piece would be spot on. Caitlin is still just a bit confused about that.

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I listen to Russell Brand; Jimmy Dore; theAnalysis.news with Paul Jay (watch his series of interviews with William "Bill" Black); Real Progressives (and Macro'n'Cheese) for Modern Monetary Theory (MMT); and The Con documentary.

Find the DVD documentary How to Start a Revolution and read From Dictatorship to Democracy, the book by Dr Gene Sharp. Then read his three-volume series, The Politics of Nonviolent Action.

You can also read Silent Spring: Rachel Carson knew before any of us that climate change was starting in the 1950s.

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I can't quite go along with this analogy of yours suggesting that the concerns about dystopian future scenarios extrapolated from the rollout of new more invasive forms of surveillance and "social credit" type compliance-tracking systems being now run through our electronic minders is is just them tightening the bolts on the cage meaning it does not represent a revolutionary change (in a negative sense) or a leap towards some kind of radically different reality.

I would describe what's happening in this way. In some regards those who represent the predatory or parasitic energy on earth have used all manner of coercion and psychological manipulation to "convince" us to both to get into the cage which they've convinced is not a cage and have been able to make it appear convincingly that we've gotten into it of our own accord and are staying there of our own choice, but now they are clearly signaling us their intention to ensure through means of technology that should we later decide we want to re-claim a birth-right as free humans, we can never get out and all they need for us to just not see the bars for a little bit longer.

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i keep hearing that most Aussies were really angry with Novak Jokovic being treated special / differently than Aussies by the Australian political leadership, which then pressured the political leadership to deport Novak J. Does your real interaction with people around you confirm that, Caitlin?

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What? Some sense coming out? Why? Not getting any traction otherwise? Sorry, but 1984 was way before you, but glad to see you deem to acknowledge it, even as de-gunned as you are. We in America are fighting and will continue to do so, even you in your apparent dystopia. We have our guns you have words..., both count, but in the end it takes both as the Founders understood. America has just begun to fight. FJB. Get your head in that fight, and the traitors in our government, administrative state, congress, and senate. They are going down! What a time to be alive indeed. Social Marxists are on the run somewhat now, both sides. Cheers, j

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Well, obviously; they couldn't even be bothered to READ either novels or history, so they'd doubtless have some buxom intern synopsize Mike Judge, George Miller... or Romero movie. ARE their still Cliff's Notes versions of 1984, The Wanting Seed, Tropic of Kansas, Parable of the Sower or Eight O'Clock in the Morning (without crayons to color in the pictures?) I'm guessing, our betters are pretty content to let our dystopia write itself, as long as their NASDAQ jumps another 120%... It's fallen 20% in a week? Oh!





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