Encircling China with hundreds of military bases and handing out numerous war guarantees to surrounding nations will almost certainly provoke a war. Anyone who supports this dangerous policy is flat-out insane.

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I think many journalists have forgotten this: "Journalists should have loyalty to the truth and the truth only."

In other words, if you're best friends with a politician, then you're not doing your job. If people like your fluff stories about how nice or funny super rich people are, then you're not doing your job. If you act like a cheerleader for endless wars for oil instead of exposing the corruption of the military industrial complex behind them, then you're not doing your job.

Do your job, or quit calling yourself a journalist. You're bringing the rest of us down.

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“The US needs to stop China's rise by militarily encircling it and crippling nations who are aligned with it and waging economic warfare and staging proxy wars and saturating the world in propaganda and crushing free speech, because otherwise a tyrannical regime might take over.”

posit this to a random sampling of the American public and 95% of them would heartily agree, completely failing to read the bitter, obvious sarcasm.

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Enjoyable piece Caitlin👏🏼

Happy to have become a monthly subscriber and help in a small way for your tireless work. 🪷

With gratitude 🙏🏼

Madonna 🪻

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War Is Freedom

Slavery Is Peace

Ignorance Is Strength

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The RESTRICT Act is being pushed by both Democrats and Republicans, so not necessarily right wing, but UniParty traitors.

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“The press is a gang of cruel faggots. Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a cheap catch-all for fuck-offs and misfits . . . " - Hunter S. Thompson.

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I don't think Trump and Bernie were puppets of the US Empire.

I think Trump was manipulated by forces that he didn't understand and thought he could control, and I think Bernie woke up one morning with a horse's head in his bed.

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Taibbi and Greenwald and you have shown the way on independent media being financially successful. Subscription models work, that’s the way. Just have to keep building it up.

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Being forced to choose between lesser evils as a matter of course has brought about changes in informal, everyday logic: good and bad never stand alone anymore, to be clearly identified: allegedly, each contain elements of the other so that every issue is clouded, and no action is safely moral or efficacious - unless it serves the interests of power. So we had intellectuals saying: "Yes Russia was provoked, but Russia was wrong to end the provocation (leading , perhaps, nowhere?) by employing a special operation to end the provocation. "Provocation" in this case was made equivalent to giving someone the finger, and that was a misinterpretation made in ignorance or malice. Take your choice.

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Caitlin, good to have you challenging the Two-Winged Political Turkey bred not to fly but only die and feed the Global Predators.

Your words below from this article seem to indicate you might be close to being, or already are, a Voluntaryist? If so, Bravo!

“There are no solutions to America's dysfunction in electoral politics. That doesn't mean there are no solutions, it just means you can't use something that's specifically designed to perpetuate the thing you don't like to end the thing you don't like. Any time you're being told that a major figure in mainstream politics is fighting for you, you're being sold a psyop; you're being sold the false belief that the system works and can be used to achieve positive change. This is done to keep you from dispensing with that system. In 2016 you could be forgiven for thinking electoral politics had some hope, but after watching Trump facilitate every deep state agenda in the book and watching Bernie cave and capitulate at every turn year after year, there's no excuse anymore. Stop buying into the puppet show.”

Towards your adjuration to abandon politics I invite you to read Robert Higgs’ “Participatory Fascism” that for me does one of the best autopsies on the dead corpse of Democracy, here


Then to go to https://voluntaryist.com/ if you have not yet and get a full picture of the Voluntaryism.

“Statement of Purpose: Voluntaryists are advocates of non-political, non-violent strategies to achieve a free society. We reject electoral politics, in theory and in practice, as incompatible with libertarian principles. Governments must cloak their actions in an aura of moral legitimacy in order to sustain their power, and political methods invariably strengthen that legitimacy. Voluntaryists seek instead to delegitimize the State through education, and we advocate withdrawal of the cooperation and tacit consent on which State power ultimately depends.”

Stay safe and free.

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Dr Paul Collets asserts that Baric aersolized HIV by inserting it into Sars. See his interview with Mike Adams on 27 March at Brighteon.com: ZOMBIE AVIAN FLU. Symptoms are neurological damage, hallucinations, swollen flesh. Big Pharma has already shipped the 'cure' (Primavir?) to major cities.

Dr Collets' website Thestudio-Rijkavic.com

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Beautifully written. Bravo.

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very very smart man!....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duhYPgdEMW8 100% right!!

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That US Article 51 "self defense" letter was rich.

Not only were the US military strikes "necessary and proportionate", they were provoked and precision strikes too!

Gotta love the facility with which they use language to lie.

Does anyone have a link to the Russian Article 51 claims on Ukraine? I've read some of Scott Ritter's discussion of that, but never saw the original documents.

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