Sadly, there's nothing here that wasn't predicted by lots of people since Biden was nominated and Sanders disgracefully immediately gave up his fight. Yet I had oh so many online debates with people on the Left who claimed that Biden would be worth voting for and that he'd move left after he was elected.

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As Antonio Salieri framed it in Amadeus: "I bless all you mediocrities; I am the patron saint of mediocrities." As one widely detested YouTube host frames it, the most mediocre people go into politics. I'd add that only the most slavish practitioners of mediocrity would want to expend energy shilling for mediocre pols within an atmosphere rife with corruption. Stir in American celebrity addiction, with the spoon of the empire-of-illusion's one great skill — PR rhetoric — and we have the recipe for a reality-free "liberal" populace who largely believes that truth is manifest in the headlines of the NY Times. Of course, we drown in an ocean of lies; US consumption-based society is all one gigantic scam, over-revving that consumption engine while murdering the biosphere. And what really irritates is how Scranton Joe and his minions like Jen Psaki keep smiling as they elaborate new recipes in the ever-burgeoning field of scamatology.

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the stock prices have nothing to do with real economy. the political "representatives" do not represent the people. the "free press" is free from truth. US / EU are decoupling from china / russia, as EU is decoupled from UK. there are more zombies and ghosts than individuals connected to each other and "authorities." disintegration accelerates, all the while the global cabal is desperately trying to enslave and control the global population. it will get much worse before it can really be changed.

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Well said ! Ideas on how we “birth something real and authentic in to our world” ?

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Look, look, over there, Biden is implemented 'change'.

Don't look over there at the plutocrats and the M.I.C., there is nothing to see!

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Trump wanted out of Syria and Afghanistan. He was literally better than Biden, but yes to all the rest.

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The press can say 'No' to the request. The issue they have is for four years they demonized one side only and openly said anything the other side could do or would do... would be better. How, they need to say they made a mistake and go on the attack. Imagine if the Whitehouse, the congress, and the Senate had even a decent amount of the press corp asking them real questions. That's going to make an impact, but I'm not sure if they are brave enough. Instead, they are pretending that a three mask plan is really all we have been missing.

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