For the Empire, it's always Munich, 1938, because that historical analogy provides the justification for the wars that they so crave.

It's like an addict who can always find an excuse for one more fix.

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The US UK warmongers have run out of countries to bomb, so now they have turned their attention to their own people. Orwell would be proud of the Surveillance, misinformation boards, and censorship. The party is always right!

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I fully agree with you on this one, Caitlin. We are suffering from mass mental delusion in the USA (and probably in much of western Europe). You see cult behavior all over the place.

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Do not blame capitalism for the faults of statism & the false morality of altruism; bad epistemology. Other wise a perfect post any American old right isolationist ideolog would heartily indorse. Down with the death merchants whom laisser faire capitalism would starve for lack of a market. They need statism to thrive which is logical as every thing that thrives under statism is objectively bad & destructive. Capitalism is the solution not the problem.

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Oh very well, then....

“A wolf, meeting with a Lamb astray from the fold, resolved not to lay violent hands on him, but to find some plea to justify to the Lamb the Wolf’s right to eat him. He thus addressed him: “Sirrah, last year you grossly insulted me.”

“Indeed,” bleated the Lamb in a mournful tone of voice, “I was not then born.”

Then said the Wolf, “You feed in my pasture.”

“No, good sir,” replied the Lamb, “I have not yet tasted grass.”

Again said the Wolf, “You drink of my well.”

“No,” exclaimed the Lamb, “I never yet drank water, for as yet my mother’s milk is both food and drink to me.”

Upon which the Wolf seized him and ate him up, saying, “Well! I won’t remain supperless, even though you refute every one of my imputations.”

Moral: The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny.”


For a few more years, the US will have absolute power over other people and we will use that power in an absolutely corrupt way. When retribution finally comes our way, no one will shed a single tear for us.

Nor should they, for we do evil.

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The hawks rely on 1938 because both they and the general public are dumbed down and simply do not know enough history. It is the easiest analogy to use.

What pisses me off about the rhetorical appeals to Munich is that no one acknowledges that it was part of a wider context of regional mischief. Poland had friendship treaties with Nazi Germany (one signed in 1934, another in 1938) and assisted with the attack on Czechoslovakia. Polish troops invaded at the same time as the Germans and they were rewarded with Czech territory. At the time Churchill (not part of the government) called the Poles "the hyenas of Europe" for this very reason. The UK and France could live with Munich, because they thought that Hitler would attack the USSR next. The Czechs had an army of 1 million men (including reservists) and the advantage of a mountain range between them and Germany. The Czechs also had a vast armoury, more tanks than the Germans and the most advanced weapons industry in Europe at the time. The German generals warned Hitler that they could not guarantee a victory against Czechoslovakia. Chamberlain handed Hitler everything. The UK even handed over the Czech gold reserves, even though the papers authorising the transfer of the Czech gold to Germany had been signed under duress.

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Jul 29, 2022·edited Jul 29, 2022

I sometimes wonder if we should take an extra step back and see if Russia and Ukraine might be serving more agendas, in addition to enriching the military industrial complex (certainly one goal). Provoking such a war has certainly had some big impacts on global food and energy. It’s almost as though this area is a critical node in a bigger plan that involves famine and freezing. Germany - a massive industrial powerhouse that is key to many economies - may now have to ration energy thanks to the war and their response to it. This will have many cascading effects. Ukraine and Russia are a massive source of food, fertiliser and energy to the world. The Netherlands and Canada now want to reduce food production by limiting nitrogen. Many mysterious fires of food plants and the LNG plant in America. The UK and US paying farmers to NOT farm their land. All on top of the mass hunger caused by the lockdowns and drought. That’s a lot of different isolated occurances all seeming to move in the same direction, and it’s not to mitigate the coming famine, I can tell you.

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“ People who are ideologically prohibited from seeing capitalism as the obvious source of society's ills are forced to make up other things to blame those ills on like elite pedovore cabals, Jews, immigrants, the LGBT community, and Satan”.

I agree that CRONY capitalism or corporatism is a large source of society’s ills. Not sure why you really seperate it from elite cabals though, whether pedovore (lol) or not. I’m also curious as to what you would have us implement in place of capitalism. Are you advocating for communism? Because you know the Totalitarianism that comes with it is pretty murderous too.

Personally I think at least one of the malign forces attempting to shape the world at the moment is a bizarre mix of both crony capitalism and communism, prob best identified as a Totalitarian Technocracy. Where the dumb masses will own nothing, but apparently we’ll be happy renting from public-private partnerships (government and corporations, mmm smells like fascism).

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It seems that Nancy Pelosi he has become aware of her mortality and, even if she is a mother, she does not want anybody to outlast her. Thus, she simultaneously pokes the bear (by proposing to declare Russia a state sponsor of terrorism) and the tiger (with her visit to Taiwan) in an attitude that makes Joe Biden look like a peacenik. I hope she becomes mentally incapacitated before she accomplishes her hopes.

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There has always been one reason for war and only one reason.

Those with the power to foment war WANTED WAR.

Otherwise they would have been the most asinine, dumbshit, ignorant f*cks ever misnamed "leaders", because any high school student could figure out how not to kill millions of people. F students could figure out this sh*t.

But not your beloved and hated "leaders". They were too f*cking stupid to avoid war. War was inevitable. War was unavoidable.

Well, yeah, of course. When the people who can make them want to make them and all their acolytes drool and scream, "I'm in! They're so awesome in the movies! I want some of that 'glory'!" then, yeah, in demented, violence-rife, bloodthirsty societies, wars are bound to happen.

The question is: Why are those who see through this BS so resigned to accept and therefore condone and therefore enable and therefore support demented, violence-rife, bloodthirsty societies? Why don't they believe we can and must change the channel?

Cult indoctrination is a bitch.

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Again, you are right, Caitlin. I wonder who will listen. These tendencies just seem like an automatism. Even if you see them coming, everybody seems to be deaf and blind, and no warning will come through to prevent them from happening, as if all the actors were puppets on strings. It is amazing to realize that the population of the scientifically most advanced orders of life are obviously lead my imbeciles and morons, retarded idiots and their academic clowns and yesters, all acting like the opponent of Batman, who in turn suffers from his childhood neurosis. 🦇🤣😭

It is strange that this seems to be unstoppable. While in the face of the situation the planet has been brought into by means of all these 'efforts' of modernization, technology, science etc. the war in Ukraine seems to be judt a side symptom so far, while the cancer of the mind of politics is eating up the remainders of reason. ♋🎗️

So be it. ♍

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U’re really just the best, in this obnoxious media world we are living in, u’re a beacon take care

Hasta siempre comandante


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Yes our noblest values always turn to shit, because true nobility is quiet, doesn't brag or threaten, and has to do with common decency, or what should be common. You don't pat yourself on the back just for being human and wanting the best for all human beings, all life, and the planet. It shouldn't be such a bloody big deal. Hoo-haw usually hides something ugly: patriotism, glory, power, majesty, the big brass band. These have all been pushed upwards in an effort to bring us all down. And it has succeeded. We are suffocating, choking, boiling, dropping dead from our own effusions, wastes, mental, physical and spiritual.

Most wars are preventable. Certainly WWI, but also WWII, if we had only sided with the Russians and socialism, instead of Capitalism and Nazis-so long as they were prepared to kill every last Russian, and any vestige of socialism. But both survived. And Minsk I and II. The solution was there and easy, but we preferred complicated war and its consequences. And the consequence is the universe talking. You can't snuff out true justice, no matter how you trample it: it is moderate and thoughtful, but it will alway thrust a defiant arm and fist above the dirt. And those who go down because they can't lie have not lost anything in the big picture. The universe is with them. That is genuine strength.

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But... I... thought? We'd ALL kept placating Hitler, Tojo & Mussolini BECAUSE our leaders worked for THEIR puppet masters. Many, now acknowledge Ford, Prescott Bush, Pat Robertson's pop... basically ALL US autocracy, figured WAY beyond using fascists to keep Commies in their place (look up: Formosa, Kuomintang, Chiang Kai-shek, Dixie Mission & Claire Lee Chennault). French, US, British kleptocracy thought of Hitler as a buffer to save our colonies AND a customer, willing to use Keynesian pragmatism, during the depression?

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Hitler took Germany out of a depression and turned it into the leading economy in Europe in FOUR years...voted TIMES "man of the year" in 1938...he also made several peace offers that were intentionally refused...just like Russia offered peace proposals to Ukraine today...the empire doesnt want peace or they would've taken their very fair proposal offers...https://archive.org/details/adolf-hitler-the-greatest-story-never-told-full

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"If Ukraine has taught us anything it's that the US and its allies should definitely stage as many aggressive provocations as possible in Taiwan." Sarcasm I presume?

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