"We will not blame him for the crimes of his ancestors if he relinquishes the royal rights of his ancestors but as long as he reclaims their rights, by virtue of descent he must shoulder responsibility for their crimes" James Connolly

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"Queen Elizabeth II, head of state of the United Kingdom and of 31 other states and territories, is the legal owner of about 6,600 million acres of land, one sixth of the earth’s non ocean surface.

She is the only person on earth who owns whole countries, and who owns countries that are not her own domestic territory. This land ownership is separate from her role as head of state and is different from other monarchies where no such claim is made – Norway, Belgium, Denmark etc.

How Canada is owned:

"All physical land in Canada is the property of the Crown, Queen Elisabeth 11. There is no provision in the Canada Act, or in the Constitution Act 1982 which amends it, for any Canadian to own any physical land in Canada. All that Canadians may hold, in conformity with medieval and feudal law, is “an interest in an estate in land in fee simple”. Land defined as ‘Crown land’ in Canada, and administered by the Federal Government and the Provinces, is merely land not ‘dedicated’ or assigned in freehold tenure. Freehold is tenure, not ownership. Freehold land is ‘held’ not ‘owned’."


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UK Queen in depleted uranium trade.


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My ancestry converges at King James six, first of the UK. Psychopaths run in my family, somehow I lucked out and got the empath card, in learning about my family history I was appalled at the brutality of my ancestors. Thankfully my more recent ancestors went native in North America, so my bloodline has been tempered with native American blood.

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RE: "Kings, Queens & Royals" There is American confusion that; its false 'political' ('poly' = 'many' + 'tics' = 'workings-of') 'democracy' (Greek 'demos' = 'people' + 'kratein' = 'rule') is somehow superior to the ancient 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') system of worldwide 'economic' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') democracy. Settlers fled as refugees in the 10s of millions, from the economic-ecological disasters of oligarch-rule in Europe, only to be used as agents to violently impose the same 'exogenous' (L 'other-generated') failure in the Americas & worldwide upon people & biosphere. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy/8-economic-democracy

HENCE 'KING' (from 'kin' = 'family') were the elected leaders of the Production-Society-Guilds. Guilds were systems of lifelong progressive-ownership represented by the String-shell time-based equivalency accounting value systems for all stakeholder contributions. All continents of the world employed stringshell (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island/North America, Quipu in South America & Cowrie in Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all of the islands) across many 100s of nations, confederacies. Stringshell recognized essential collective Domestic, Industrial & Commercial labours. String-shell was issued from the bottom up with values of: Capital (voting), Currency (spending), Condolence (Social-security), Collegial mentored-apprenticeship educational-Credit, time-math-Communication & professional Costume public identification for expertise. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy

HENCE QUEEN: Domestic economy in the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) was considered the core economy with industrial & commercial contributions directed towards it. Hence women have a tendency to take more responsibility for these collective home-economies recognized-accounted-for on the string-shell, organized within any but often specific domestic Production-Society-Guild specialties. Having good communication skills, women were considered by many European interlopers, (who had lost memory of their own ancient Celtic & Slavic indigenous heritage) to have had matriarchal control of indigenous societies. These colonizing interlopers, just had no memory of women & men, collectively in creative cultural-economy partnership. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy/extending-our-welcome-participatory-multi-home-cohousing

Starting in Babylon 7000 years ago, oligarchs took control & began issuing extractive & exploitive false metal-coin 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') without intimate memory for all contributions. www.indigenecommunity.info/structure/3-economic-memory Western colonized humanity has lived under a deliberate system of collective amnesia ever since.

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100%, Caitlin...

Johnny Rotten had it right, and so did John Lennon. No MBE bullshit for any artist or any body doesn’t want the mark of the sellout (the Soupers as the Famine Irish called ‘em). Walk upright and shake the dust and nurse your long Irish memory.

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The beauty of a "constitutional monarchy" is that the monarch agrees to stay out of politics as long as politics serves the interests of the royal family. However, as soon as a Commonwealth PM steps out of line, the monarch uses a Governor General, appointed by the monarch, to remove the PM from power. So We won't control you, as long as you do exactly as We wish.

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We Brits have a love/hate relationship with the Royal Family, of course. Some merely love them. But most of us are torn between realising how disgusting they are (like most families, but worse) and considering that a nominally democratic monarchy (which does bring in tourist dollars) is infinitely better than the prospect of having someone like a Blair or a Johnson as President. Oh God, Oh God! The Horror! The Horror! No personal love for Lizzie. But she has at least from WWII onwards unquestionably devoted herself to 'her nation' and like her namesake, Elizabeth I, represents the Mother of the nation. A fuck sight better than some patriarchal inbred moron... As for the family's wealth and power. All their tax privileges need removing.. But make no mistake, The Dirty Digger, Rupert Murdoch has had the aim of making the UK a republic for decades. He wants to replicate the US model, a one-party state with two right wings... we'll, it's going swimmingly for him... The myopic self-destructive horror of the dysfunctional Windsors plays right into his hands...

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I somewhat believe that Harry and Megan have left the family be it for More than 1 Reason:

To Distance themselves from the Scandals of the Royal Family- and to PROTECT the ROYAL FAMILY- Should there be a COUP or OVERTHROW.

However; it does not in itself make them More Moral to have a GRAND LIFESTYLE because of that!

If they were to GIVE IT ALL UP, Live the Life of an AVERAGE PERSON -as Most of the People; I would then say Harry is a KING OF KINGS.

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As a 55yo Brit I endorse Ms Johnstone's comments on the British royal family. They are parasites on the state, influencing legislation without any accountability to the public they rule. As for Meghan and Harry, I just don't care one way or the other about them and I wish the media would just ignore them.

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Caitlin, you're getting warm! You're almost beginning to get it but not quite. Pay close attention to the LarouchePAC folks, who claim that the British Imperial Elites have infiltrated our Deep State and have reabsorbed us as their "Dumb Giant" in the modern version of the British Empire, the fifth of the Five Eyes. This explains the whole obsession with Russia and all of the other British ancient enemies. Matthew Ehret and Webster Tarpley write a lot on this, and make amazing sense. When you hear Alex Jones famously say, "the answer to 1984 is 1776," he comes even closer to the truth than he realizes. They have recovered "their" Colonies just as Cecil Rhodes planned in 1905 when he formed the Round Table which eventually turned into the World Economic Forum. Keep going, Caitlin, you're heading in the right direction. I'm sure there's a lot more to learn that I haven't found yet. Read: https://orientalreview.org/2019/07/06/the-british-roots-of-the-deep-state-how-the-round-table-infiltrated-america/

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Isn't that the "Greatest Show on Earth?" It's certainly a circus act.

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Potty mouth. Of course, you're right on Caitlin. We need a massive uprising...

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