I read this gem of a piece on the subject earlier, “The Royal Reset Riddle.” Charles has actually been the lead spokesperson for the World Economic Forum. The Crown is now actually literally leading the WEF Malthusian global depopulation movement. They used to be a bit more subtle.

The Royal Reset Riddle:

“When the Great Reset was officially launched in 2O2O, it was not done so by Klaus Schwab or Bill Gates, but by Charles, Prince of Wales, heir apparent to the British throne.

Born in Buckingham Place in 1948, Charles is best known worldwide for his failed marriage to Lady Diana Spencer, who died in a road crash in Paris in 1997, a year after their divorce.

His official website announced on June 3 2020: “Today, through HRH’s Sustainable Markets Initiative and the World Economic Forum, The Prince of Wales launched a new global initiative, The Great Reset”.

A royal tweet declared: “#TheGreatReset initiative is designed to ensure businesses and communities ‘build back better’ by putting sustainable business practices at the heart of their operations as they begin to recover from the coronavirus pandemic”.


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Apparently, this is how some Irish people feel about the queen's death ...

(turn on sound)


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Kings and Queens are an anachronism, but this King is something else. Funny how scandal doesn't stick much to monarchy -must be teflon, just like billionaires. Or rarified air. Whatever happened to the Bill Gates connection with Epstein and that under-age Sex Shangrila? Into the Looking Glass, along with all those people in the global south the US, often with British and other help, killed? How crass to bring it up! Bygones!

Yeah great world, but we could do better and save lotsa money just by throwing darts at a board with all the various options: kill every last Ukrainian, and call it liberation: depose another legitimate head of a sovereign country, and call it democracy at work: consign millions in the US and EU to starvation in the cold and dark and call it austerity for "the cause". But call a conspiracy theory any suggestion the actual cause is putting more money into the clutches of the 1%. And like that. Could be a fun game with all suggestions considered, and of course a little tangible something for daring innovation.

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Thanks Caitlin for your super intelligent article about queens and kings. The worst is that they are thives and criminals. 👏👏❤

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Coming soon. The Queens profile on toast.

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"Imagine if Chicken McNuggets died..."

Best line I've read all week!

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Since I'm married to a Brit, I can't say much about the late queen or criticize her memory. It upsets him. Now, he's about as left as I am, but still, the Queen was like a beloved grandmother to him, and her death is something sad that needs to be treated with respect. I, on the other hand as an American, can't wait to see how the British public reacts when they get the HUGE bill for this big funeral/coronation hullabaloo... at the same time they can't afford to heat their homes, cook food, or even afford food to cook. Now THAT will cause some sparks to fly! Perhaps Charles will be the last LARPer Malthusian billionaire to ever say that they're the king of ANYWHERE. The Queen is dead! Long live the proletariat!

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"The Crown" has far more power than people realize. It appoints the governors general who hold veto power over who may become or remain Prime Minister in countries that still recognize "the Crown" as monarch. Since the end of WW 2, these governors general have completed coups in both Canada (the 2008 dissolution of Parliament to maintain Harper in power) and Australia (the firing of Whitlam in 1975).

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What a f**king joke that we even have to talk about this. Humanity has serious challenges facing us for our very survival. The fact that people even care about this crapola, along with things like Trumpers and MAGA and transgender and whatever other BS distraction the MSM can come up with is making me seriously question whether we even deserve to continue on as a species.

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As usual, this commentary hits a moving target with a headshot.

It's utterly bewildering to me that a self-proclaimed modern country still idolises these incestuous, grifting pieces of garbage. I left the Grey Isle many years ago and have never been happier to be away than now - the nauseating Stockholm Syndrome style coverage from all corners of the British media would be too much for my stomach to handle.

The "Royal Family" is a fairytale for adults. It's The Simpsons with less laughs and more pedophiles and murder.

Off with their jewel-covered heads!

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I think about all the empty rooms in all the palaces and giant houses owned by the royals, while other Brits sleep in the street. Of course, it's the same with monarchies all over the world and always has been. The British royals are not unique in justifying their existence, legal immunity, and wretched excess.

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This is a direct quote from George Kennan, circa 1948. He was then serving as the Director of Policy Planning under the Secretary of State, George Marshall:

“Furthermore, we have about 50% of the world’s wealth but only 6.3% of its population. This disparity is particularly great as between ourselves and the peoples of Asia. In this situation, we cannot fail to be the object of envy and resentment. Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity without positive detriment to our national security. To do so, we will have to dispense with all sentimentality and day-dreaming; and our attention will have to be concentrated everywhere on our immediate national objectives. We need not deceive ourselves that we can afford today the luxury of altruism and world-benefaction.”

Yes, maintaining disparity. That is capitalism in a nutshell.

FWIW, Kennan who was the author of America’s containment policy toward the USSR, was a serious student of Russian history and culture, and he was appalled at the demonization of the Russian people that he observed in America. Their is something to be said for scholarship and even elitism that provides a capacity for understanding the other, as opposed to anti-intellectualism, jingoism, character/culture/ethnic smearing which so easily leads to hate and fear and ignorance of the other.

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I think the Royals just exist as tools to subjugate the masses. Sadly so many people buy the story and along with it all the other lies about how privilege and wealth actually give a damn.

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In 2019, an FBI dossier on Mountbatten revealed that the United States had deep reservations and distaste for the royal. The file states both he and his wife Edwina were "persons of extremely low morals" and that Mountbatten was a pedophile with "a perversion for young boys." https://www.frontpagedetectives.com/p/royal-pedophile-investigation-lord-mountbatten-cover-up

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I'm an Anti-monarchist, Anti-establishment can't stand the way that people bow down to these relics of a bygone ear, I mean what is the point of these people. Mountbatten was a pedophile, andrew well he's totally fucked up & as the rest of the family stood bye this creep, proves there as bad as him. King rolo orders the execution of his wife, sleeps with a married woman, which is a great role model for todays youth. You got edward & simpson (nazis) & phillips dodgy family, victorian marries her mothers sisters boy & yet the state hands over billions of our hard earned taxes so they can flout the law & look down their inbred noses at the rest of us, no they have to go, the sooner the better. Long live big ears "NOT"

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“Our rulers are drawing us ever closer to nuclear war while our ecosystem hurtles toward collapse and the imperial narrative managers have everyone arguing about whether the world's biggest problem is Donald Trump or drag queens.”

Congrats, Caitlin for distilling the big lie of our time. Not the one that our lapdog media place-holders continually tell us is the big lie, the narcissist’s lament. The empire is cracking, and Trump one of the toxins it is endeavoring to pass.

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