Tough time coming up with a reaction to this piece. Every word rings true but a meaningful response eludes me. Maybe the bleakness l'm feeling sums it up well. A red, white, and blue bleakness. Glad you're voice is here, Caitlin. It's needed.

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Caitlin, as always, you hit it out of the park. Agreed that awakening to reality is what's needed but I think if the awakening were sufficient, it would result not in uprisings -- at least not initially --- but rather different personal choices. Children are indoctrinated from birth and automatically move into money and baby-making mode before they have time to experience that life as it's set up doesn't work. By then, they're trapped with every day responsibilities that they can't even manage let along rising up against anything. I've given up any hope that the system can ever be changed. It's difficult, snail's pace work to heal and change myself (believe me, I've been working non-stop on this for the past 40 years) let alone effect change in anything or anyone outside of me. That's the truth I most needed to awaken to and what's left is to discover where to from there. I'm always perplexed -- you are so clear eyed, realistic and insightful. But do you really believe there will ever be change of global systems when individuals can't even change the simplest elements in their own lives? That's a real, not rhetorical question. Thank you as always for your thought-provoking writing.

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The biggest, and almost only, cause of revolution in world history is when the cost of food rises rapidly, either due to inflation of the money supply and/or physical shortage. It’s pretty much never because of outrage born of ‘enlightenment’. At most, Caitlin represents only 30% of the population, so it’s hard to see how she’d be pleased with the outcome even if it did happen when the other 70% got their act together. Unfortunately, the conclusion as an individual is that you must work and game the system to benefit you small tribe - meaning immediate family. That and a few neighbors on either side so you can deploy an enfilade.

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Rock the boat!

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Since Caitlin used "Plutocracy" 4 times and "Oligarchy" 13 times, I had to look up the difference: https://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-oligarchy-and-vs-plutocracy/

In other words the same thing -- even though Thesaurus.com has 3 synonyms for "Plutocrat" a 45 for "oligarch" and none of these are in each others list.

I find myself alternating between being filled with ennui, drained of all purpose; and a hyper-vigilance of bitter enmity.

Time for my morning gin(s). Luckily I don't own a gun.

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