Great writing, poetic.

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Accurate and lovely.

My only qualm with your poetry is recycling Christian lore which equates dragons with evil. As one born in a dragon year, I feel I must stick up for my kind.

The Chinese got it right; St. George was a murderous asshole.

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I hear the songs of Nature in her visual beauty, in the scents of her trees and flowers, in the altruism of the reciprocity of a dying tree feeding its symbiotic fungi as it dies. In the humming and thrumming of the vast extended biochemical communication network among the different species that comprises its eco-brain.

Your metaphor is so apt because through the endless propaganda of this fundamentally corrupt socioeconomic system, we've become deafened to that music; substituting celebrity and hyperbole as agents of distraction. Distractedly looking to the heavens to try to hear the "music of the spheres" while we ignore the music in the ground beneath our feet. And consequently murder the singers of those songs in a nonchalant fashion. In this context is revealed our fundamentally brainwashed approach to our daily lives. The cracks in this concretized outlook provided by those growing tree roots are the spaces through which we must continually deprogram ourselves, releasing as much of that propaganda like outgassing toxic gasses under pressure. Such introspective actions can also keep us alert and questioning, to shield ourselves from new infiltration of propaganda. This is absolutely necessary. Question everything, even when you're characterized as a troublemaker because the poor babies would prefer to wallow in their denial!

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Really beautiful Caitlin.

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If what we are expected to believe were all condensed into a novel, it would be a cheap pulp novel that few with intact minds and souls would buy into. Religion has taught us to look for miracles instead of using natural and formidable cosmic gifts to solve our own problems - in natural ways. Even viable systems are called "utopian" and so, impossible. We have become magic-oriented in the worst sense, always hoping a solution will materialize on its own - if we pray hard enough - and fall into our collective lap.

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Hollywood....like Rose McGowan, one day posing liberal, the next a fascist. All in the same skin! Hire me!

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The US recruiting sergeant's day job: nightmares, sold as dreams.

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