To Americans' credit, right before Bush's ersatz invasion of Iraq, we took part in the largest worldwide protest in history, one of which went right past the New York Times' offices.

The reaction is what you'd expect: it was completely ignored. This is propaganda's fallback position -- just stuff events down a memory hole.

One can't help but wonder if such a protest could even be mounted today, so seemingly total is the indoctrination.

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I've been pondering this question lately on my YT Third Paradigm, especially in an episode called The Reality Puzzle & Propaganda Playbook. I look at all the mechanisms of control and some of the rules I've extrapolated like "It's easier to lie big than lie small" and "name things the opposite of what they really are." Love this blog for keeping the big picture always in view.

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I've been suspicious about anything originating in the intelligence community or the MIC since the Vietnam War. While they fooled me very briefly with 9-11, I opposed the 2003 Iraq invasion strenuously (as I had Iraq War I). I became a fan of Patrick Byrne's deepcapture.com site around 2010 and, though I became aware of the cozy relationship between the FDA and GMOs, I failed to understand the significance of what Byrne was telling me about not just government but academia as well. It used to amaze me that people could be lied to over and over again, then when it was too late the liars would admit they lied, apologize and promise never to do it again. People would believe them, and fall for the very next lie. I blamed the gullible people.

I was not aware of the deep, profound corruption of MOST American institutions until 2020. This includes the ENTIRE federal government (not just the Pentagon and CIA), liberal as well as conservative think tanks and foundations, all our major universities, union leadership, of course all publicly traded corporations as well as the broadcast and cable media they control. I didn't realize Big Pharma had been granted immunity from all liability for vaccines on the pediatric schedule, nor the iron fisted control Big Pharma had over the entire "health care" industry via Tony Fauci.

It's like an abusive relationship. One of the reasons the abused continues in the relationship is that the abuser keeps telling the abused they have nowhere else to go and takes concrete steps to make sure that's the case. Americans are told they have no other choice than to vote for a Democrat or a Republican, that voting for a 3rd party candidate is a "wasted" vote. Both Democrats and Republicans are rarely so united as when they act to restrict ballot and debate access.

Still, nothing will change until ordinary Americans show a willingness to run as and vote for 3rd party candidates other than President. In the 1854-55 House elections, 8 different political parties elected at least one Representative to the House. The GOP were not the 3rd largest party, but the 5th. Neither Democrats nor Whigs had an outright majority and a Nathaniel Banks of the Know Nothing Party, the 3rd largest delegation, was elected Speaker. This is what will have to happen before a 3rd party President is elected.

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There can be no better exemplar of what Caitlyn is saying than the story of covid. I’ve done my best to counter the relentless propaganda in WaPo but doubt I’ve had any impact.

At present the US leads the world, indeed dwarfs the rest of the world for total cases, new cases and deaths of/from covid. Nowhere in the Western media can you find that China has had 4700 deaths. The US.? 804,000.

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Great blog, as usual. Pity most people will not realise they are stuck in the Matrix

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Dec 22, 2021·edited Dec 22, 2021

thanks for a concise articulation of ideas that have been flying around in my head. :)

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There have been studies showing that more "intelligent" people change their minds less readily than less "intelligent" people, and "education" is also a form of propaganda. A smart, well-educated person is more likely to be a reader and believer in what, say, the NYT writes than the average Joe.

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Bravo Caitlin! I’m guilty as charged. I’m going to keep a close eye on myself henceforth.

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There are propaganda alert areas so vital that they require knee-jerk reactions, especially as almost no information of any grade is even forthcoming. One of these issues is the insane belief that N Korea is just waiting to launch its nuclear missile or, two, at the West - at the cost of its own instant annihilation, because, hey, "they don't think/feel like us". You know this and like items are crap, first grade, with no investigation/research whatsoever.

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Lol Tucker Carlson always with his expression of tortured bafflement. It's the strangest thing.

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philosophical awareness of the foundation (premises, assumptions, and parameters) of one's (social) thoughts, so as to understand the differences between alternative thoughts, is the definition of critical thinking. most people utilize their instincts and intuition (gut feelings) in place of advanced philosophical training. at the end of the day, most people want the same thing: justice and peace, and thus the ruling parasites and ghouls have to work hard to divide and confuse us with ideological propaganda. here, by ideologies, vis a vis philosophy, i mean those (like liberalism) that have no capacity to help us understand the differences between radical alternatives and think critically.

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Why do we allow lobbying since its become legalized bribery ?

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Propaganda, its one of the reasons things have gotten worse. If nothing is done to combat it this so called Democracy will disappear. Corporate news is bought and paid for rhetoric and propaganda. I don't even watch it much.

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What I have noticed is that so many in independent media berate Western propaganda whilst falling for Western-produced, pro-China, pro-Russia 'alt news' propaganda, which is actually initiated by Russian and Chinese sources to begin with? I'm not talking of the Russiagate, 'the Russians did it', Hillary Clinton-style rhetoric you see on MSM. But what you read in websites like Global Research.ca, for example. Chris Hedges, George Galloway, and the senile, old, decades-long CIA-controlled, segregationist, Noam Chomsky are also guilty of this. Many forget that the same people who own and control our Western nations own and control Russia and China too. Which is why Putin has his head as far up Klaus Schwab's backside as Boris Johnson, Trump, Macron, Jacinda Adern or Merkel has. Much of it is pushed by Dynology, Clearforce, JTRIG operatives. Many based in Israel. The idea is to make the Chinese/Soviet hegemony of the world easier for people to handle. It won't be any sweeter. It will be worse actually. Read about what is happening in Russia for example with the QR codes presently. Sometimes, trying to come across as being anti-establishment, anti-empire is actually showing people up to be more anti-America, anti-West, anti-Liberal Western values, anti-Christian and more pro-Bolshevik, pro-Maoism, pro-Marxism. And good luck with that.

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Propaganda is so rampant and insidious that most good folks don't know how infected they are. It takes lots of, sometimes, painful inner work to disembark from the multi-layered indoctrination we get from birth onward. Which is fortified nonstop by corporate(MSM) media in all of its facets.

The we get censored when we speak truth to power. I was cancelled from my Medium account; where I usually comment on Caitlin's articles. I touched a huge nerve by calling out Big Pharma and the *vaccine* industry. It's very powerful, just like the war, the prison, and the energy industries. It's killed about 500 thousand Americans that didn't have to die fro COVID.

Then the war mongering propaganda kicks in. In essence, we lowly citizens are screwed. Peace

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