You're a chip off the ol' block, Caitlin. He must be proud of you. Thank you, both!

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Thank you Catlin! I love you & appreciate all you do in these insane ride of life. To the baby boomer rebels every where & to the rebels of following generations, never give up!

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In the era I grew up in, protest songs were common, and played non-stop over the AM radio. I wonder what the situation is today? I anyone even writing any?

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Yeah this slaps, its a banger

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You MISSED HAWAII We've been Fighting and saying : Yankee go home for 128 yrs.

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The world is pretty shitty for the majority of its occupants. Thank you so much Caitlin for putting your talent, and your heart and soul into being an inspiration and a powerful influence for good.

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I don't totally agree with this 'collage' and narrative, our troops are not the enemy, our social marxist leaning government is, both sides of the isle. And I'm not sure I really like communism and wealth redistribution for our, or the whole world's poor and disadvantaged, although it seems it's totally planned for US now no matter what happens. We need to restore the Republic and we cannot have anymore undeclared wars, that's what we let happen, not our troops. Our Congress and Senate are Fake and the Administrative State rules all. We are in taxation without representation BIGTIME AGAIN. Only Administrative Due Process left to US. We have to restore the Constitution as it once was, or we are lost because there is no separation of powers doctrine. It's our fault we let the take over...

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Thank you -- but let's all remember - Taliban (mostly Pashtuns) is only 42% of the country population and - it is NOT "moderate"

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