Keep talking about this, Caitlin; the lack of official dialogue concerning nuclear annihilation is chilling.

At least when I was a kid it colored so much of my consciousness. The Cuban Missile Crisis scared the shit out of everybody. No one seems frightened today, and no one in charge wants us frightened. Frightened of the unvaxxed, yes; frightened of white supremacists and Russian bot farms, but not about nuclear war. Strange, is it not?

If feel like we're still in high school, but surrounded by kids possessing unlimited money and power.

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I love your comment about the conformity-policing on the online left. You're spot-on, and their behavior is often that of a religious cult. Only information that comes from a list of "reliable sources," said sources picked by the Democratic Party elites, can even be discussed. Other sources are to be shunned and shamed, as are those who cite them.

The story doesn't matter; only the source.

For as much as they claim to despise such behavior by the old Puritans, they are certainly acting like them now in calling for and attempting to enforce censorship of anything that doesn't fit their narrative of the day.

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I actually shifted my commentary on the global poisoning/warming/climate/destabilization issues to focus on the "tensions" with nuclear armed Russia with the Ukrainian territory squarely in Washington's sight. I write on Medium. The same goes with China and the 'tensions" in the South China Sea over Taiwan. I may shift my focus there tomorrow if time permits.

The world's leadership is being tested by US Empire's destructive notions that they can still rule the world. So a new Cold War is brewing to a maybe hot war. It will happen in space first. Knock out the satellites that the US commerce machine runs on and the US collapses. Remember also that the US pulled out of the INF treaty of '87, that led to the end of the Cold War with Russia. The psychopaths are going to screw us all if we let them. It's high time to broker some diplomacy and ease into solving the real issue of ecological collapse--the REAL issue. Peace, All, The Ol' Hippy

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The nwo card for China is telling. It reads: China has endured for thousands of years, and will likely be here for thousands more. Any attempt to destroy it, even a disaster, has a penalty of -20.

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‘Many Bible verses have done lots of damage over the years, but among the most destructive has been "The poor you will always have with you" from Matthew 26:11. It's been used often to argue that poverty cannot be eliminated, which at this point in our development is simply false’.

Religions have done lots of damage over the years by misquoting the Bible. Jesus was not giving a command here but a prediction, a prediction that has sadly proved true as man has ‘dominated man to his injury’. (ECCLESIASTES 8:9)

And so, it is to this day. The poor have remained with us…because man has rejected God’s word.

However, Christ knew that despite the specific laws in the Jewish system of his day to mitigate poverty the Jews would fail and poverty would continue to exist until our time, which at this point in our development is actually a fact.

This is not because God ordained it, it is the exact opposite. We declare that we can be our own gods knowing good and bad for ourselves…we don’t need God, we can rule ourselves without him…and so man’s history has played out, independent of God and the consequence? The world as we know it. Now we threaten our very existence by our mismanagement of a unique and wonderful planet because of our addiction to power and greed…and independence from God…we know best, right? We don’t need God with his egalitarian, anti-materialism…love one another claptrap…we are our own gods, superior to the ridiculous and antiquated Bible. How’s that working out for us?

Christ and the early Christians put in place a system to help the poor and needy. In fact, the early Christian community, when times of hardship threatened made provision to eliminate need. ‘They held all things in common’ they assigned an administration to facilitate this and the wealthy among them ‘willingly sold their possessions to help those in need’ sharing their possessions (wealth distribution). Some have understandably but erroneously dubbed the early Christians the first communists…holding all things in common.

The first Century Christians were brutally persecuted for their beliefs and invariably the forces behind such persecution were religious authorities. This has been true through history. As it is today. In England and Europe, people were burned at the stake for the crime of even possessing a Bible. Those who sought to translate the Bible into the common tongue from Latin (a language not read by the literate working people of the day) often paid for it with their lives, people like William Tyndale.

Why did/does the Church consider the Bible such a dangerous book? Because it exposes their lies and hypocrisy. When the Protestants who claimed to defend the Bible started to become aware of the disparity between their theology; bloody sectarian wars and their desire for political power and Bible truth their theologians developed the now entirely discredited theory of ‘Higher Criticism’ (but sadly still oft quoted) that questioned the Bibles historicity and its veracity. Now Protestant faiths rarely quote the Bible if ever and continue to expound the sinful teachings of hellfire, a triune God, the God-dishonouring teaching of ‘just war’ and the lie of the immortality of the soul. Evangelical movements like the Prosperity Gospel, so popular with billionaires and political elites are the antithesis of Christ and his life; ‘It is harder for a rich man to get into the Kingdom the Heavens than a camel through an eye of a needle’. Mathew 19:24. A verse quite damaging to the prosperity Gospel loving wealthy I imagine.

Can we eliminate poverty? Absolutely. Can we end all war? Yes. Can we live in harmony with nature, our planet and be the worthy custodians of it and its wildlife as God intended? This goal is the very theme of the whole Bible…restoration of a paradise Earth. God has allowed us to try and prove that we can achieve that ourselves without Him…and we have failed…abysmally.

Now we stand at a time, the only time in human history where we can actually destroy human life forever and interestingly at the only time that a verse in the Bible book of Revelation could be fulfilled: ‘He will bring to ruin those ruining the Earth’. It is only our generation where we are ruining the Earth.

The religions of the world have shown themselves enemies of God and truth. By being part of the problem, they cannot be the solution. Bible truth threatens them. They consider those that follow those Bible truths a threat, unpatriotic (True Christians do not sing national anthems, join the armed forces or salute flags) and are increasingly considered enemies of the state as states become more authoritarian. If we want a better world we will have to prepared to live by similar principles not reject them because that is what it will take to make a better world.

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the psychopaths you're talking about are the same ones behind the scamdemic...that you dont get this is amazing...https://www.corbettreport.com/scamdemic/

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You've *got* to get someone else to read your essays online. This guy (your husband?) couldn't sound more bored, like he is forced to read.

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