Whenever your articles delve into the realm of propaganda I'm left to ponder the willingness of people to be duped by authority, whether that authority is political, religious, or merely celebrity.

And it's not like the better clues aren't all around us. I'm no genius and l've found them, so what gives? One presidential campaign should do it; yet one more Israeli bloodbath should pop the eyes open; any given half hour on CNN should set off alarm bells.

What's so damn compelling about somnambulism?

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Great post. As you say, it's human nature...

The real problem is that this "natural" make-up-the-world-for-my-selfish-benefits pervades every aspect of society today because it is a tactic that works for everyone at all levels. In fact it has become a key organizational survival tactic.

1) People are overwhelmed by the information ecosystem, flooded, so they don't have the ability to parse out meaning and hence rely on simply stories and narratives (usually of social belonging.) This has probably been the case even before Facebook...

2) Humans are genetically disposed to be bullies. It was a fitness trait a million years ago that simply won't change. It can only be ameliorate.

Because of #1, above, it's very easy to be a bully and impose the narrative (or performance) when people do just about anything.

If you want to see some of the best "theater" these days, attend any non-profit organization zoom call and watch everyone follow a script while no one thinks critically about actual results.

Yes, this framework does get lots of push from the top down, but it's certainly embraced along the way. It's human nature.

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Not news media apathy, news media complicity. Same owners of the One World that drum up support for the next war of 'liberation' turn a blind eye a year later to the planned destruction. All courtesy of evil minds epitomized by the likes of Edward Bernays.

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"And it's not that people are dumb; intelligence has little to do with it."

But integrity has everything to do with it.

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You are rising from strength to strength with every article, in the flow and kicking ass! Once my financial woes are resolved, I will try to support your work in a more $ub$tantial way

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Caitlyn says,

"...This mass-scale manipulation is the result of wealthy people buying up narrative influence in the form of media, political influence, think tanks, lobbying, NGOs, etc, in conjunction with the mass-scale manipulations of the powerful government agencies which are allied with them.

"The powerful work to manipulate the way the general public thinks, acts and votes to ensure that they remain in power."

What she has expounded is essentially what Antonio Gramsci meant by "cultural hegemony." Gramsci held that the oppressor class (in his case capitalists) use their "cultural hegemony" not only to develop capitalist ideology as Marx suggested, but to control all accepted ideologies and narratives for their own benefit as well as the more mundane instruments of propaganda such as incubator babies and WMD. These ideologies and narratives affect the attitudes of lower levels of society including wage laborers, which results in a loss of "class consciousness" among the proletariat, making revolution impossible.

The Frankfurt School thought the way out would be to focus on other oppressed groups within society such as racial minorities, women, LGBTQ etc. They argued that the oppressors of racial minorities (whites), of women (men) and other oppressed groups like minority religions control the narrative just as Gramsci thought capitalists did, and that the way forward to a more just society is to get such oppressed groups to rise up in solidarity and throw off their "chains."

The flaw in this thinking is that it miss-identifies the exploiting, hegemonic group. Let's focus on race and CRT. Sure, there are some individual whites who are racist, but where do they get such ideas? Historically speaking, "white supremacy" was never an end in itself. If it were, all whites would be rich today, but the elites don't care about "poor white trash." In the US , race was a useful tool to identify those to be held in bondage. Blacks found it much more difficult to escape slavery than the Irish slaves who were shipped to America. Blacks could more easily be apprehended and brought back than the Irish who could blend in. So the slavers and imperialists fostered a belief in African inferiority so they could more easily apprehend slaves and justify imperialism as the "white man's burden." They weren't trying to uplift "poor white trash" to their own supremacist level, but to maintain their own control of the system. A bonus was that their "cultural hegemony" also allowed them to contrive hostility between lower class blacks and whites, helping them to exploit both the white wage laborer and the black slave. They are still doing it today through CRT.

The practical implications of Critical Race Theory (CRT) are that all disparities of outcome between whites and non-whites are a result of the racism of ALL whites and to the benefit of ALL whites and the exploitation of ALL blacks. Thus ALL whites are or were exploiters, including Hans Christian Heg who died at Chicamauga, and ALL blacks are victims with no agency or personal responsibility.

Furthermore, given that the oppressors of women are men, of LGBTQ are cisgendered heteros, it follows that the reason for all society's inequities is the cisgendered, heterosexual, white patriarchy. All whites, and particularly white males, are thus guilty by virtue of their birth and if they refuse to acknowledge their "white privilege," they are "fragile" racists. When did you stop beating your wife?

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Congratulations. You made me cry. What's really sad is that some people could read your words and remain dry-eyed.


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this is a good one ♥️

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Without God everything is permissible.

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