What a great way to save on cable! All you need is CIA! Save money by skipping CNN, MSNBC, Fox, etc.

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Wow. Why didn't our definitely not corrupt government think of that? Caitlin, I think you have a future with the CIA!

Oh, or were they trying to be clever again? Pretending to be about public service when corporate greed, sadism and personal gain are the only real directives? And so they pretend the media is not their main tool for bullshit corporate narratives? And again that will fool us? Again? Should work.

Sorry CIA, you don't get your name in the credits like you should.

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uh...isn't that how it is done already?

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I wouldn't trust Media even if they paid me to read their bs articles. Just look at their role in the Covid crap. I would rather read or listen to an article that has no agenda except to inform, or that provokes thought. I love the way the Media are challenged following the Truckers Convoy. And the embarrassment when Media allows Trudeau to make an ass of himself. My take on this - Make CIA irrelevant. Make Media irrelevant. I have seen Caitlin Johnsons articles on another platform that doesn't immediately come to mind, and always found her articles interesting. Its nice to see her on substack.

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Fine for the USA, Caitlin, but we in Australia with our very own junior-grade copycat CIA need to be allowed to make our contribution to all the media misinformation as well and to keep the likes of the Murdoch copyists supplied with good material. Anything of interest to give us all a break from Covid.

For example, this week, this ‘intelligence” source down under let fly with the news that the opposition party to the current government, was suspected of receiving some sort of assistance from China, the current US / Australian generated enemy, in their selection and support of candidates for an election just months away. Yes, that's true. The Australian CIA equivalent, paid and controlled as they are by the current government, suggested to one and all that the opposition were naughty, influenced by an “ unnamed Chinese businessman”. How do you like that one? Naturally denied by the victimised party called Labor, but great news for the disgraceful political incumbents who are promoting the “ news” for all it is worth, as well as the media and all the undecided voters who have been subject to China bashing by this government for so long.

Beats anything the CIA handed out this week for political impact, I’ll wager.

Did I mention we have an National election in a couple on months? Good. You see the connection then.

All this occurred while the USA, in the shape of a Biden appointed person called Blinken, was attending in this country a meeting of something called QUAD….. comprising the arrogant USA / the bag-carrying Australia / the peaceful since 1945 Japan and / India, (a reason escapes me), just another US inspired and structured war group to add to the other recent one called AUKUS…...US / Australia / and the UK. One wonders how many other groups are on the table.

So can we add our own little home-grown Canberra based “intelligence" source to the big US-based CIA as a prime source of worthy news, please?

The current government in Australia will continue to pay for it.

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When the state and corporate interests are aligned:

Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media

(1989 Noam Chomsky)


Taking the risk out of democracy : propaganda in the US and Australia

(1995 Alex Carey)



Taking the Risk out of Democracy, Corporate Propaganda versus Freedom and Liberty

(1997 Alex Carey)




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Your ideas are absolutely terrific.How well you understand propaganda!

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Same people that launched the Russia-gate hoax are now hollering that Russia invasion of Ukraine is "imminent".

All to "save democracy" there -- in order to distract from the fact that St. Obama organized in 2014 coup against democratically elected Ukraine government.

St. Obama installed Biden and his CIA pals as de facto governors of Ukraine -- immensely enriching US "elite" and posting and removing government members, judges and heads of industry with billions of corrupting cash -- in "fight against corruption".

US key exports today are – coups, wars and all-encompassing corruption

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John Stockwell, former CIA agent, stated that when he was running CIA operations in Angola and Vietnam, he would routinely invent atrocity stories out of whole cloth, complete with eyewitness testimony and action photos, and feed them to friendly media outside the US, knowing that US media would uncritically pass these reports on.

He also said that the CIA routinely ignored laws against propaganda inside the US whenever it felt like it.

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As someone who grew up watching Walter Cronkite turn against our war in Vietnam, I try to imagine getting my information from CNN or the NYT, and I can't.

If the numbers are to be believed, these sources are dying a long overdue and well-deserved death. A brainwashed brain inevitably shrinks.

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Of course, on a happy note, a few journalists (Gary Webb, Michael Hastings, Udo Ulfkotte, etc.) actually reported information the CIA did NOT want us to know.

So I can’t imagine why Natasha “Scoop” Bertrand—who attended Vassar College and the London School of Economics and whose major previous claim to journalistic excellence was “heaping credit” on the Steele Dossier—would ever be willing to accept fame and fortune as a highly paid and professionally respected undercover CIA propagandist.

Of course Gary Webb, Michael Hastings, and Udo Ulfkotte all died under mysterious circumstances. So there’s that.

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Imagine if the CIA had a cable channel and they just told the absolute truth about what they were trying to accomplish and why.

I bet it would be very popular, and a lot of folks would be on their side.

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I agree. Also. I think Dean Swift's *A Modest Proposal* should have been taken more seriously. Irish proverty could have ended centuries ago.

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Or Victoria Nuland's ass?

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Everything is connected. It is a giant Spider's web! and at it's center are The Global Elite

https://www.bitchute.com/video/hApKDJT7cuXx/ Share ,pls !

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