Great artwork! Catchy titles! More Caitlin! What's not to like?

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I’m jealous of how great the name of this is... Sedition & Treazine ... HA-larious

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Samizdat. I love it!

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It has just been discovered that the Facebook Covid vaccine Fat-Checkers are funded by vaccine companies https://twitter.com/Xx17965797N/status/1564997101171478530?s=20&t=mlgUjuqYzfvhe23KpSxqKQ

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Nice job Caitlin!

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Free for you Patreon supporters :)?

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Somebody here in the US was just sentenced to 6 years in prison just for conspiring to commit sedition. I haven't even read the 58 pages yet, and don't even know if it's safe to down load, let alone distribute, so how can I give a fair value?

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The Truth has a way of showing itself. Fed back at them it makes those involved sick and rotten, requiring more meds, pushing them deeper into the hole they created. There is a way out to come clean so to speak.....

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Your headlines are a work of art. Nice magazine cover. Bam, bam, bam, and Pebbles in the center. *wordplay

It would be nice to get a bunch printed to hand out. Many people are not online, very good point.

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Technical problem: my iPad can’t enter a $ amount in the field.

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Printing is not easy for me. I'd buy a copy of this and #1 through the mail though,

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Thanks for the great work!

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Congrats, Caitlin!

The graphic (w Zucker etc) is catchy enough to grab me.

For now tho, I've been hacked down to only having my (also constantly ... "monitored" ...) cheap ($97) smutty, so reading even online "Treasine" aint gunna happen for now.

But, I mayswell live in hope, that big spooks will get off the dopemine one day and let me buy a secure bit o kit.

Keep up your Excellent Efforts!


the bankster's badlandlaws bast**d

BTW: F**K asio!

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I like Caitlin Johnstone. Despite the penchant for boxed wine.

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