Well said, Caitlin! Thank you for speaking up for Dr. Malone.

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It always starts with weirdos and cranks that nobody in their right mind actually supports, or even really wants to defend. It starts with folks like Alex Jones.

But that is not where it ends. And of course the alphabet agencies use front organizations to do their dirty work.

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While I have a lot of reservations about Malone and the information he puts out, I'm not all that much more prone to believe Fauci.

Puts me into a quandary since who am I suppose to believe? I've "researched" the issue(s) as best I can. I just come away confused. Confirmation bias is really hard to ignore.

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the best thing people can do is boycotting whatever the rich and powerful cabal try to sell to us, from jabs to gadgets, from insurance policies to bridges.

stop participating in their rigged institutions, stop contributing to their fraud, stop volunteering to kill and die for their interests.

start growing, making, sharing, repairing, recycling, conserving, and simplifying. start building alternative communities, independent of the ruling institutions.

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Why is no one talking about the consequences of mega dosing with monoclonal antibodies and cortisone?

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Dec 30, 2021·edited Dec 30, 2021

This article could not be more personally timely, for both covid-19 and censorship have been central to my conversations of late.

My DNC-addled family member was trying to tell me that there is no connection between the democratic party and on-line censorship; that what has occurred is merely advertisers putting economic pressure on corporations -- pretty much business as usual as far as he's concerned.

Long story short, after a bit of futile go-around, his inner authoritarian finally came out and he said the Internet is a cesspool and that sites SHOULD be censored.

Well, that didn't take long.

He claims Trump and the republicans represent some extra threat level because they're undermining the very foundations of the republic, but he remains willingly blind to the very real threat that democratic-led censorship poses.

Anyone who endorses censorship has lost the debate before even one word is spoken. That this remains unclear is a testament to the powers of mind control, subtle and otherwise.

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"In a corporatist system of government, corporate censorship is state censorship." Spot on, Caitlin. Corporations are created by government when it approves the corporation's charter. They are born of government, the original "public-private partnership." As such, they act in lieu of government and should be subject to the same laws that restrict government.

The charter grants the shareholders limited immunity for debts and torts created by the corporation. Shareholder liability is limited to the value of their stock holdings. No matter how heinous the crime, no matter that the shareholder knew or should have known about the crimes and stopped them, not even dividends received during the criminal activity can be clawed back. Thus, corporate limited liability granted by government gives shareholders license to exploit other biological human beings, causing them damage that will never be compensated. The existence of private corporations is an injustice that must one day end.

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I think it is important to remember that because of systemic decay we are already so fucked that even trying to censor for noble purposes will be infected with corruption and mistrust. I personally think Malone is sociopath who has deliberately misled many people to slow and painful deaths and done damage to society as a whole, as have the Koch-funded Great Barrington Declaration. That's what happens when you cultivate a society that rewards con-artists and psychos at the systemic level, and without social cohesion or humane values these people come out of the woodwork during a crisis. It's the seeds planted by a sociopathic capitalist society that values people like Ayn Rand. Rationally, muzzling him at this point will probably be very counterproductive, especially when there are also liars and con artists within the more establishment pro-vax, pro-COVID policy camp who ALSO bend to big business and money (see recent CDC rule on returning to work after 5 days).

What we actually need is a stronger socialist society where there aren't massive economic interests in conflict with human life and health, and an information system that doesn't create chaos, mistrust, paranoia and brainwashing all at the same time. As for America and it's orbit though, we are fucked. If we come to the point of limiting intellectual discourse, it means that everything else has already failed and removing one voice won't make anyone wiser.

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Exactly WHAT has CDC, WHO, or any of the media got RIGHT since Nov 17, 2020? In NYC, Cuomo, Trump & de Blasio murdered 35K (as NASDAQ equities rebounded >80% in 5 months!) by, "Just go on about your business as normal!" Basically, everything media tells us we believe has been cherry picked lies; forking us all to Catastrophe Capitalism's COVID feeding frenzy. Now, we're ALL infected by our sick kids. Their hospitalizations jumped >400% as FDA is about to gavage us all new mutagenic or genetically manipulated convalescent plasma horrors as a nation of virtual share-cropping guinea pigs, squealing maskless into each other's terrified faces.





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"Silicon Valley" is actually the communication arm of the Pharma industry. So, this essay a petition to them, requesting that they halt their advertising and public relations efforts. Isn't it?

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The more I read your articles, the more you come across as a plant. You had me going for a while. I actually thought you were a refreshing leftist take. But instead you're some sort of libertarian/Russian/agitator/antivaxxer/troll.

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Actually, Silicon Valley should not be determining what opinions we hold on any subject, any more than AT&T should have cut off our phone service if we said we opposed President Johnson's Vietnam war policies.

What should be happening is an enforcement of the Sherman Act and treat Google and Twitter as 21st century utilities serving the public interest. Neither Mark Zuckerberg or Nancy Pelosi should be determining what I can and can not say over these monopolistic platforms.

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