Thanks, comrade! If I owned a news outlet you'd be chief editor, main writer, free to remain true to yourself and humanity, and you'd write your own paycheck. Love, Florian

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Completely agree on the odious Simon Tisdall, the warmongering sociopath from the Fraudian.

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"Superheroes". Unbelievable. As in both "I can't believe he actually said that" and "I don't believe it actually happened."

The emphasis on the Khashoggi murder without acknowledgement of the Saudi massacres has bothered me for a long time. WWE justifiably gets a lot of flak for doing shows in Saudi Arabia, but every time a wrestling fan mentions it they seem to only say it's bad because the state killed a journalist and oppresses women. They never mention Yemen. I've sometimes commented "They're bombing and starving civilians in Yemen, too, and were doing that long before Khashoggi," but it doesn't seem to make a difference.

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A point about Ukraine. The weapons being sent to Kiev are part of a Lend-Lease agreement. The Ukraine is going into debt at an escalating rate, with the US taxpayer its principal creditor.

When the time comes the US will use the Russian cash reserves that it has seized to finance the reconstruction effort. Reconstruction itself will serve as an opportunity for yet more predatory lending, as well as to transfer money seized from Russia to pay for US weapons. Ultimately the war is being financed by plunder. Kiev is playing along by issuing war bonds. When it is defeated these will be sold at discounted prices and snapped up by patient insiders.

We all need to understand the finance of war. Without such an understanding, we are certain to be played for suckers.

Russia today published a brilliant piece on the human background to the war that is very good re the class/industrial angle. https://www.rt.com/russia/559061-children-donbass-world-not-care/

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Your obsession with pointing out the obvious ignores history beyond your life time. Powerful dictators have dominated the world for thousands of years and you act as though the continuation of that domination is unthinkably shocking. Only recently has the technology achieved the ability to throughly dominate at the flip of a switch. Although I agree with your rants I fail to see how they will improve our dilemma. We need more electricity in an all electric future but not a priority for producing it, we need more transparency from our secret government but we accept redaction as justified from the CDC, we need more individual responsibility not more inept and self serving bureaucrats passing out money to compensate for their bad policies. Joe’s puppet masters are implementing Dr Evils plans to Reset society and we’re too busy living comfortable lives to worry. What could go wrong has gone wrong and it’s our fault voting for the same idiots over and over. NEVER VOTE FOR THE INCUMBENT.

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Caitlin... Good job!!! You really got the trolls out with your latest! Keep up the fight...

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Re the celebrities paragraph - here's the latest prank from Vovan and Lexus: "Zelensky" talks to Stephen King. Just hear the old motherfucker out: https://rutube.ru/video/25bf0cf40fc40814843e34c58379ec1e/

"On the whole, I think Bandera is a great man, you're a great man, and viva Ukraine!"

He was open to the idea to help create fake atrocity shit.

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Agree with everything Caitlin, BUT, you'll lose people when you lead off with hyperbolic statements like "...entire economy is built on arms manufacturing...".

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“The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” - Albert Einstein

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FWIW, it seems that Gerashchenko took down the Tweet after people laughed at his claims.

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The hawk is much too noble an animal as symbol for the US empire and its relationship to human and non-human life; even the vulture doesn't fit: it does not take more than it gives, but assumes its proper place in the scheme of things. Yes, Yemen is a terrible thing, an ignoble, inhuman thing, a large-scale atrocity, but the large picture usually escapes our small minds. That fact has been well-noted before this. We think in the miniature: therefore it works to associate the US and Biden and his kowtowing to MBS with an inhuman, disgusting, personal crime: the deliberate, thought out in advance murder of an American journalist who was still conscious as he was being dismembered. That is the sum of it. That is what we associate ourselves with by ignoring this geopolitical high jinks, sleight of mind move. Biden and the US in which he is encased have largely escaped the consequences of their stupidity and egregious crimes. But ignoring a personal proclivity to bump fists without barfing - in fact with a sly grin on the face - with the likes of MBS is a line we can't cross without losing what is left of the Western soul.

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(Banned)Jul 19, 2022·edited Jul 19, 2022

****Continuing the encirclement of China will likely lead to a nasty confrontation there. Etc.****

How about this one which is the most important of all.

****Continuing the enrichment of China's industrial base and output will lead and is leading to the destruction of the living planet.****

America is not an empire. Far from it. That being said, am I for America withdrawing its military footprint and reducing its military budget by 80% or more? Yes. Do I think if America ever did that things would be all rosy? Not by a long shot. If that's not done correctly, does it increase the chances of wider conflict and ultimately nuclear war? Absolutely.

A unified global response is necessary to mitigate the worst effects of the environmental armageddon that is unfolding and yet those who focus solely on the evisceration of the American empire preclude that possibility. They are trading one apocalypse for another. Net zero. Nothing gained and everything to lose.

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Liberalism is idiocy and adherents are morons, I don’t disavow my statement. Alexander Solzhenitsyn would appear to agree: “astonishingly incorrect” in his words This speech was delivered at Harvard universities 1978 convocation so I think we can safely assume he would say our predicament has only gotten worse. I think we should heed his warning : “The pitiless crowbar of events.” Liberalism is driving us unto evil and then destruction, calling it moronic his but a pittance against the price it’s going to exact in the near future. There’s nothing to be positive about, these assholes are going to get a lot of people killed.

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I call russian troll, go live in Russia and see how you like it.

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Thank you for the truth Caitlin.🙂☮

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must watch documentary.... nuclear armageddon or ecological holocaust...take your pick... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk11vI-7czE

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