Mar 4, 2023·edited Mar 4, 2023

They're not even hawks, they're full blown psychopaths. How they run the highest levels of government boggles my mind. There are so many intelligent people that want and know how to make a cooperative society and world. The people that actually make the world go would make it so much better than what we have with religious fanatics, politically backwards, intelligently lacking, and last but not least the greedy profiteers blocking the works of reason and good. How did we get the psychopaths in control?!

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The West is not just wrong: it has lost its collective mind. An article in a prominent Canadian newspaper states that "rumblings of a coup" are emanating from Moldova, which "needs the West's help." Like a hole in the head. They are protesting the high price of energy , and think the West will help? The West caused the high price of energy in Moldova and everywhere else when it blew up Russia/Germany pipelines. I thought pain and deprivation might turn the tide in the direction of reason and truth. Now I don't know what it would take.

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The "new intelligence" of COVID originating from a lab leak couldn't have happened at a more convenient time.

Just like Cheney claimed to have Secret Squirrel Intelligence that Iraq was behind 9/11, right when the Bush Administration was seeking a pretext to make war on Iraq.

Needless to say, Cheney was lying.

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Maybe we can get the "left" on board by explaining how nuclear war is - according to scientific consensus - actually an extremely accelerated form of global warming! (followed rapidly by global cooling!) It kills plants and animals too! It hates LGBTQ+ people too!

Or that Trump supports the war and opposes negotiations.

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Love your articles Caitlin. Yes you are absolutely right about the left either not getting it, or not homing in on the whole US hegemony thing. Re Ukraine, in Europe the UK and in the US. In Europe and the UK there have protests but the press just blank them. Once you start any serious attempt to discredit NATO, state actors get involved. The first venue secured by the No2Nato group (for their recent meeting) withdrew after pressure on them, then the No2Nato website was compromised. Meeting went ahead at an alternative venue and tickets sold out in the end. Just seen interview with Bernie Sanders where he says he hasn't really wngaged with the Ukraine conflict but supports Bidens policy - utterly ridiculous and depressing

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The left has disappeared. The Democratic Party created the Reagan Republicans in 1972 when it savaged the last real anti-imperialist who ever got a real shot at the Presidency. Ever since, the war against the ‘excess of democracy’ proclaimed by IIRC the Trilateral Commission has been waged very successfully. The complete defeat occurred with the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court in about 2010. Since then, there’s not been a war at all; more like the bi-partisan imperial war machine wandering amongst the corpses and bayoneting them just to make sure. We are here, with you, but we have no presence in the ‘mainstream’ because the cost of being present there cannot be paid by anyone who is really on the left. Those who are exceptions to the rule are treated like they are predicting the appearance of JFK, Jr. during the Super Bowl halftime show. Sigh.

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I think I said this before, but it is long past time to pay close attention to Dr. Helen Caldicott. This amazing woman was born in 1938, and has dedicated much of her life to actively opposing nuclear weapons. helencaldicott.com (skip www; just copy and paste Helen's name.com, or you won't likely get there).

I spent much of my life actively worked against these Weapons from Hell, starting in 1971, when I showed the film Helen takes relevant parts from, I think two weeks after the bombing of Hiroshima. It had been hidden from public for many decades. I was using 16mm films from our local library at the time. One of my brilliant fourth grade students, whom I'll call Michael, went into the hall and vomited hard. Called to the Headmaster's Office on that one, to get a gentle suggestion to hold back on these kind of things. NOW I strongly say every adult should see this... If every adult saw Helen's 25 minute speech to college students, I can only imagine we'd have many "anti-nuclear 'weapons warriors' in short order."

In 1978, I interviewed the late, great David Brower for Mariah Magazine (now extinct). Here is part of that:

Mariah: What is your greatest source of dismay at what we are doing to this planet?

Brower: Proliferating nuclear technology in the attempt to harness the atom for peace. As Indira Gandhi proved, atoms for peace are very easily changed to atoms for war. I refer here to the fact that Canada and the United States provided the nuclear technology that enabled India to fashion and detonate its first atomic bomb. What India did, any country with any reasonably intelligent people can do, without any help other than what is in the public domain, in the libraries.

The burden of my argument is that the atom in the fist and the atom in the glove are the same atom; the only thing that makes them different is whatever human determination there is to maintain a barrier between the two. To keep that barrier intact requires an infallibility that does not exist. It requires a stability of government that has never existed. The way to avoid proliferation is to stop it where it starts, and that is with the peaceful atom. Once we do this [the United States], other countries will see that we are serious, that we are not just trying to stop their export of reactors so that we can get the business. We want to stop the whole thing, so that nobody gets the terminal business the atom promises. (Whole interview here https://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_daniel_g_061116_has_jesus_come_and_g.htm)

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Caitlin, I had the privilege of attending a few lectures from Michael Parenti, and your style of direct, frontal attack is so reminiscent of Parenti that I, more than once, thought of him after reading you.

One area where Parenti was pretty clear, and where you diverge, is in promoting the concept of conflict among elites. It is practical and slightly demagogic to argue that, because our government apparently is inching closer to planetary annihilation, that there are no persons in government with any courage or integrity because they don’t speak up. If I’m being honest, this is simplistic. And simple sells. I think you are right in that this issue cannot be permitted to get intellectualized into hot air, but I also think that people have to be adults and understand that there are moral people who follow their beliefs, who take a step up and are forced to surrender their freedom to say what they believe when it undermines the platform to which they have risen. It is life.

Parenti used to say that elites have power, and power buys anonymity. But he would also stress that elites regularly disagree, sometimes strongly, and those fractures among them, are often not reported or are given very quick mention in the media. This matters, I think, because you want those who follow you to understand nuance and subtle distinction. I read one of your passionate diatribes that indicts everyone who has not taken a stand on the issue you are addressing, and comment after comment recite disgust and condemnation of “them.” Every leader is a psychopath or a sociopath or a murderer. I am as sick as I have ever been at the abject contempt that our government directs toward the public, but there are still firemen who save lives, nurses who comfort those in pain, and lawyers in elected positions who apply their knowledge to serve their constituents. It is too easy, I think, to expect that a capitalist system that is effectively owned by self-serving billionaires can be called out by a member of congress, or a Senator or a Supreme Court Justice. These institutions are not run democratically, and they aren’t institutions that have agreement among their members.

So I take from this that making the effort to cite real distinctions may not feel germaine, but might be a closer approximation of the true reality. And here’s what I mean. In his many years as Senator Credit Card, from the Credit Card State, Joe Biden was a consummate careerist who shucked and jived his way to longevity, maligning women, African-Americans and thinking people along the way. Never voted against any war TMK, but, importantly, he never carried water for the Kaganite neocons before he assumed office in the WH. Biden was very quick to name Anthony Blinken and Jake Sullivan to his inner circle, and both of them are from the Kagan/Wolfowitz policy circles. From my uninformed perch, Biden, because his seat was purchased by oligarch money, was compelled to name Blinken and Sullivan, and, given our completely lame MSM, this happens in daylight without a whimper.

So while this doesn’t speak directly to Ukraine, the crisis du jour, it isn’t worth seeing all of the elected as cowards or warmongers or chickenshits, in my opinion. When Ilhan Omar stands up to have the law respect her right to criticize Israeli ethnic cleansing, or when AOC stands up to holler “Tax the Rich,” or when Bernie draws a direct line from low to no corporate taxes and the obscene cost of healthcare, these are all attempts to get accountability back into everyday government. And if accountability goes up oligarchic prerogative goes down.

Another aspect of elite conflict is understanding that the picture that we think we see may not be what is really there. So while Kagan is penning volumes of peons to the angelic American mission to bring freedom to every corner of the planet, and weapons are flowing into Ukraine, it looks as though the Wolfowitz Plan is in full swing. But if we can safely assume that there are people in power who do not subscribe to the Wolfowitz Doctrine, then ask again, “What are we seeing?” If the reports out of independent media are correct, Ukraine is already defeated, and they know it, Europe knows it, NATO knows it, and the only Americans who don’t know it are the ones getting their news from the MSM. This is important because it fits a pattern. The U.S. has not won a war since WWII, but it has been actively engaged in warfare from that time to the present, almost continuously. This perpetual war is the key to bilking the public for every last penny toward weapons manufacture and military installations throughout every continent on Earth. This serves to employ and pay generously millions of Americans, and it serves to scare and silence those opposed to this arrangement. So where this intersects the madness of the neocons, and the likely strong disagreement that many elites have with them, is maybe the mad bombers get the media mics and cameras, while those not on board are silent and invisible, but the ALL love the cha-ching of big checks pouring in ad infinitum for the beloved MIC.

Cailtlin, details may take some wind out of your impassioned pleas for people to care about our most dire potential reality, but if the scenario is us versus every last business vendor, bureaucrat, government official, every professional, then standing up is an invitation to lose whatever you have, which ain’t much. While it may be true that elections change nothing, it is the one arena where we are recognized to speak up, and do speak up we must.

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I frame it this way: the difference between Dems and Repubs is, the Republicans KNOW they are hypocrites.

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Thank you -- see Moscow university:

https://thedreizinreport.com/2023/03/05/dreizin-on-belief-and-unbelief/ -- March 5, 2023

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This all boils down to money. You can have the brains of a chicken but as long as you can pay for another chicken brain to do your egg laying you've got it made. Money doesn't mean smart! This is truly evident in the amount of complete idiots in our government. I noticed something that is off track here in a way but this train wreck in Ohio shows how there is only one party that shows a false act of differences. Biden canned the rail workers strike (which also had to do with SAFETY!) and here a prime opportunity for the repubs to say look what happened and what? Crickets. They don't want unions either. I am waiting hopefully for the 18th to see the outcome of this our latest protest but I am afraid protest no longer have any affect and there is no peaceful resolution to this. When it comes down to it it will be us or them and catching them on the way to their bunkers will be too late!

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"The difference between western liberals and the Proud Boys is that the Proud Boys are self-described "western chauvinists" who promote the belief that "west is best", whereas western liberals espouse these positions without voicing them out loud."

Thank you, that one sentence nails a whole lot of the problem. Western liberals have become converts to a new religion of social justice activism, which sounds good on the surface. But scratch beneath, and the ideals they adore are entirely based on (1) Maximal individual identity and (2) Maximal individual autonomy. Both of these are perfectly compatible with global free-market capitalism. And as long as you don't rock that boat you are welcome aboard. The supposedly liberals are so intoxicated by their puritan virtue that they cannot see they have been coopted by the system of capitalism.

"Iceberg ahead? What iceberg? Who cares? Our ship is unsinkable!"

"Glub, glub."

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"The fact that we are closer to nuclear annihilation than at any point since the Cuban Missile Crisis is not some act of God or fate or something that's passively happening like the weather; it's the result of concrete decisions made by concrete people with names and addresses."

WE KNOW WHERE THEY LIVE. If that major detail doesn't give impetus to the left to fight back hard to save the world from nuclear annihilation, what else will? It's time to confront these so-called "elected officials" and "leaders" and let them know how much we despise them and all that they stand for and take them out of the positions where they can continue to threaten our lives and our planet's future.

If we don't act now, we might as well not know where they live because we'll know where we'll die.

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Always wonderfully thought-provoking. Thanks again.

I see the cup half full.

China and Russia are each individually capable of annihilating the United States in less than 55 minutes, and each capable of surviving an American nuclear attack much better than handful of obese Americans who survive the first Russo-Chinese 1,000-missile volley.

US fleets are no match for Chinese and Russian fleets in their areas of influence, ditto air forces. And 1951 told us all we need to know about China's land forces and Russia's on its worst day can always lick America on its best, as we saw in 1921 and '25.

Armies and fleets win battles, but economies win wars.

China's wartime (productive) GDP is three times America's: one the PLAN's thirteen shipyards is bigger than all of the US Navy's combined. In December it will launch five Burke Class destroyers, simultaneously .. The State Department report this week that China leads the USA by large margins in 37 of 44 new technologies (and draws in the remaining 7). There are reality moments like this every week.

Besides, China hasn't played a single card in this game, and she has a strong hand. A joint announcement that the PRC and ROC Coast Guards will jointly patrol the SCS? A new reserve/settlement currency? Deployment of their new quantum radar or the opening of the first industrial photonic chip fab.

China appears to see things as you do, and so does Russia, and Xi is Putin's biggest fan (for real) and between them they have the world's smartest people and more money than God.

Of course, the White House could follow Japan's famous 1938 Cabinet decision, after the General Staff told them Japan had no chance of winning a war.

Washington would commence hostilities knowing that the US has no chance at all of prevailing – at either end of the Continent – and would watch on TV as each American city turned to vapor on the first afternoon of the war.

I don't think even Victoria Nuland would support that.

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GO to Global Research !

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Even Chomsky has very openly said the provocations against Russia and China are insane. So what if we destroy the world as long as the psychopaths get whatever it is they want. Countries all over the world and populations are against what is going on and the neocon technocrat eugenicists pretend not to notice. Hate for u.s. government around the world has never been higher.

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