As an ex lawyer and ex MoD Officer in Parliamentary and Plans I had to burnout from compromising my own integrity before I had my own personal awakening. Some people have no idea how the game is rigged but many have a pretty good idea but choose the ‘ignorance is bliss route’. The millions that lived in plandemic fear are now captivated by the proxy war in the Ukraine (which they couldn’t find on a map) or Royal pageantry that should be confined to the history books. In reference to the Roman Pretorian Guard ‘who watches the watchers’, Those like Caitlin and other truth seekers do. There is no division of power, those who play the game are rewarded with meaningless titles and finances such as the most Senior police officer in the London Met being a Dame and the Leader of the so called Opposition being a knight of the realm. The rot is so deep and the flock shepherded by wolves who don’t even bother to wear sheeps clothing anymore. What sickens me most is not only do those in power want to abuse it but they want to be seen doing it and getting away with it.

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Saleha Mohsin tweeted, "US sanctions have ... punished ordinary Russians more than Putin or his allies." Well, Putin's allies are now 80% of the Russian people, but even the 20% of "ordinary Russians" who aren't wildly approving of Putin are not suffering like people in the Empire. They have plenty of fuel and food. Forcing Russia to defend itself, then levying self-destructive sanctions against Russia was a disaster for the West that continues to mount with each passing day that NATO doesn't say, "Uncle," and negotiate with Russia in good faith agreeing to verification, and stop poking the panda.

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Jun 17, 2022·edited Jun 17, 2022

The US Freedom of Information Act sounds so good but points to the problem you describe. Why should citizens have to ask for this information? If a request results in some information suddenly becoming "free", the next question should be about how quickly we remove and punish the people who were hiding it in the first place.

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The citizens of Cuba, Venezuela and Russia do not turn on their government, that is why phoney US surrogates like Juan Guaido have to be invented and propped up like dummies, or they'd fall over into the gutter. These countries, with high general levels of free education - it's not like the populace are kept ignorant - are the true democracies, and that's why the relentless targeting of them by the US and West : they are bad examples. We don't like to characterize as fascist oligarchies the countries parading as democracies: but what the hell else are they?

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They also lie by omission. I know this thread is about war. Sorry but it’s driving me nuts.

When Cuban longevity passed that of the US a couple years ago? Not in the MSM. This month Chinese longevity passed the US. Where did you see that?


This despite having embargoed the Cubans till they went blind and not only having addicted the Chinese to to tobacco, but selling it to them long after they knew it was poisonous.

The biggest fraudsters the world has ever known.

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Children should be allowed to be children and not subjected to the twisted ass sexuality of western regimes. BDSM and fetishes have nothing to do with being gay etc. Stay off the kids and let them keep their innocence as long as possible.

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McFaul has been an imperialist wanker masquerading as a democratic crusader for decades. One could say he’s rather significantly culpable in fomenting this very complicated conflict with Russia. His biggest fault however seems to be his lack of self awareness, as it’s conceivable that he actually sees himself as some kind of freedom fighting advocate. This means that he is delusional to a spectacular degree and allowing him to have any influence on further foreign policy decisions is criminal, at worst, or fantastical, at best.

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Putin liberating Crimea from the nazies on zionist payrolls is "annexation" to go to WWIII for.

Occupation is bad except when Israhell and the US/UK bomb and occupy.

Not all Jews are blood suckers but all Germans are bad.

the US provoked Japan before Pearl Harbor but it is a secret and thus never happened.

---- inspired by McFaul

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Very interesting - I would also suggest that the "selling of hope & change" like Obama's campaign and many other Politicians is definitely a Freudian slip admitting that American Exceptionalism is untrue - this forces the populace into entrenchment (us/them). They are required for survival to go along with the purveyors of this hope. For a more descriptive metaphor, I like what Jimmy Dore says "Americans are like the children of abusive alcoholic parents - they never get mad at their abusers - only at those who point out the abuse"

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Bottom-line: Liberals, especially "journalists" and ALL dissidents are despised. In the States, that translates into authoritarian suppression of poor, "minority" or any victims of Catastrophe Capitalism's feeding frenzies, scrambling for survival, as we're re-re-infected with cascading PASC damage (CDC classifies preexisting comorbidities & psychosomatic malingering & trolling psychopaths refer to as plandemic?) With every single WEF, Atlantic Council, Bellingcat, CFR, AIPAC trope invariably proving TREMENDOUSLY false, intentionally blatant BS & media by, for, about and solely from the perspective of our boss, landlord, creditors or those who took any choice we'd ever had and monitized liquidation of our "value" as labor units. Poor workers can either walk into cranked-up OathKeeper cops, III% company thugs or Boogaloo Boi agents-provacateurs... OR watch viral phone videos of the best and brightest getting mowed-down by depleted uranium slugs from rotary cannons, drink ethanol spiked Slurpees & eat Spicy Velveeta nachos?

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Hi Catelin, Please explain the quote below. I've been writing about The Big Picture for forty years, and its meaning escapes me: "Mainstream western proponents of "democratic socialism" never call for an end to imperialism because they are fully aware that their version of "socialism" is entirely dependent upon imperialist domination and exploitation."

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The Empire is concerned that its sanctions against Russia are hurting the West more than they hurt Russia.

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****The US empire doesn't use sanctions to punish leaders, it uses them to foment unrest and hopefully spark a coup or civil war.****

Certainly this has been the strategy in other affairs, but not this one. If you dig on this, you soon enough realize that the experts agree that this would not work with Putin's Russia. So, the question then is, or now is, why the f*ck do it at all if they know it wouldn't have this historical effect? I don't know the answer but it is a question that deserves an answer.

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We may not know if humanity will survive. But there should be no mystery about which policies are best for survival. A team of people is stronger than a single person. When teams of people compete, the team with the best organization wins. The qualities that make a powerful team are mutual respect, trust, and beneficial exchanges that increase the power of the team. Deception, fear, and harmful exchanges weaken members and the group. For more detail, see my article: https://fixyourthink.com/blog/team-power/

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