Dec 9, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022

"Volodymyr Zelensky being awarded 2022 Person of the Year by Time Magazine."

A man who did not honor the Minsk accord agreed upon. Allowed Boris Johnson to torpedo a peace agreement last March that would have stopped more bloodshed, and now has overseen the deaths of 100,000+ of his own soldiers along with thousands of innocent civilian deaths, in a war that did not need to happen, and of which the overwhelming consensus among top military experts - is unwinnable by Ukraine.


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Scott Ritter’s famous tweet below (April 6, 2022). He was immediately banned from Twitter – than reinstated and soon again permanently banned without explanation.

Remember, Scott courageously fought US bipartisan War party’s WMD fraud in Iraq from the very start.

“The Ukrainian National Police committed numerous crimes against humanity in Bucha. Biden, in seeking to shift blame for the Bucha murders to Russia, is guilty of aiding and abetting these crimes. Congratulations America…. We’ve created yet another Presidential war criminal !!”

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Totally love your work Caitlin....including your arresting artwork. Here you prove again that intellectual satire is the most venomously effective hose for washing away sordid bullshit. Hi from Beaudesert...

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Perfect reflection of this make-believe moment in history.

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Well, Time Magazine is a spin-off of Mad Magazine, isn't it? Or some morbid-funny, pseudo political rag? But the deep pockets funding this fiasco are drying up with the price of energy in Germany 10x normal. The French don't like this sort of thing either, makes them feel like fools, and cold, hungry, stumbling fools right now. But the whole thing, tragic as it is, is intellectually fascinating. German industry is moving to the US? Family businesses, the heart of the economy, are struggling? And all to demonize Russia? Have they no sense of proportion?

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I don't know... This is the type of TV series that I'd rather wait to watch on DVD about a decade later--long after it's over. If after the first episode we decide it's not worth watching any more of it, we'll turn it off. (Too bad we can't do this with the real thing.)

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As a Norwegian national, and as far as I'm concerned, the following quote understates MY sentiments re. the insanity that has been played out in the Ukranian Den of Thieves since Vladimir Putin took action;

‘’Jens Stoltenberg, he’s literally every evil moving character you’ve ever imagined rolled into one!’’ . . .

- Scott Ritter, former USMC Intel Officer, and UN Weapons Inspector.

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""I need ammunition, not a ride" is the quote of the year. Stay strong, President Zelensky.👊🏾"


""I need cocaine, not weapons" is the quote of the year. Stay High, Nazilensky .I. "

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Where is Oliver Stone when you need him. Corporate rjmjob. Lol

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And "gaslighting" should be the word of the year.

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This is so legit accurate, I feel like my brain is glitching in the matrix between 'news' and 'entertainment purposes'.. like we're all in some bizarre fking Truman show remake.

Proxy War didn't quite reach the heights of Fantasy Fiction favourite GoT, but it sure had a far better marketing department. Where GoT spent their budget on FX, writers and sets, attracting a devoted and diverse fan base all over the world, ProxyWar pushed theirs heavily into media, and talking heads, foregoing the complex sets and costumes. Less of a fan base, and far less diversity.

The Documentary 'Wag the Dog' was clearly the inspiration behind such a brave and bold new 'reality' programming. Let's see how they go with Season 2! Slated for January prime time.

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This is brilliant snark but why is Zelenskyyyy fingering his nipple? Is that a hint of a plot twist to come?

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Caitlin’s satire hits the nail on the head for one simple reason: critical thinking is a bridge too far for the bamboozled American public. Decades of being told what to think and what to do and who to hate...has been massively successful, and the misinformation has yielded a society of world-class consumers.

Melvin Goodman, a former CIA Sovietologist, and a more recent analyst of Russian geo-politics for alternative media, has written an impassioned argument, stating ONLY the U.S. can bring this conflict in Ukraine to its cessation.


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Caitlin, I am not surprised! Time magazine points out that controversial figures such as Adolf Hitler (1938), Joseph Stalin (1939 and 1942), Nikita Khrushchev (1957) and Ayatollah Khomeini (1979) have also been granted the title for their impact on events.

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Can't wait for the Broadway musical. 🙄

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"...empire smut and corporate rimjobs,..." Bahahahaha.....classic Caitlin! Keep up the great work.

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