Great writing! Thank you for speaking so concisely about the reality of empires. The race for global hegemony should be the scariest it's ever been in our (un)civilization. All our lives are contingent on what these titans decide to do, crush, deprogram and condition. Not sure how we get out of it, or if we do. But how can we live within it without participating in its darker scripts, is something I'm interested in. It sounds like we have to realize how to dissociate willingly or live in pain. The self-delusion of denial (helped by plastic narratives) or the acute confusion of lucid awareness.

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You are letting the Fascists define Fascism, I don't see the foundation for such stratospheric declarations.

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I appriciate your piece which is enogh to expose the declining empire the US has been. Your argumentation will open the eyes of the supporters of biden who is there to serve the corporate America, not to serve the vulnerable and will not relieve countries which are suffering from us sanction and bombing.

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Do you ever wonder whether your use of hyperbole may be counterproductive? Canada & America share a border and have different political systems, but, so far, the Yanks haven't invaded.

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