Marginalized or ignored. I've tried, as a last desperate measure, to quote Gandhi to my no-fly-zone acquaintances -- an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind -- but they don't want to hear it. And ever since I played cowboys and Indians as young boy, I've always felt this blood lust in American culture. First on a gut level, then in my face during Vietnam. And ever since; it always seems to be lurking there under the surface. Very sad.

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There is so much more to this conflict.....

Dilyana Gaytandzhieva first impressed me a few years ago when she found diplomatic flights carrying highly suspect materials into the middle eastern war zones.

"The US Army regularly produces deadly viruses, bacteria & toxins in direct violation of the UN Convention on the prohibition of Biological Weapons. Hundreds of thousands of unwitting people are systematically exposed to dangerous pathogens & other incurable diseases. Bio warfare scientists using diplomatic cover test man-made viruses at Pentagon bio laboratories in 25 countries across the world. These US bio-laboratories are located in former USSR countries such as Georgia & Ukraine, the Middle East, South East Asia & Africa."


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Mar 9, 2022·edited Mar 9, 2022

Sudden withdrawal from Afghanistan was to focus on NATO trap in Ukraine for Putin – a repeat of Brzezinski’s approach of “financing and arming resistance” that created Al Qaeda.

- The 2014 US coup against democratically elected Ukraine government,

- Russia-gate immense and “lunatic” hoax concocted by Deep State and St. Obama, Biden and Hillary, and

- NATO relentless expansion, including into Ukraine and Georgia

All three are VERY closely connected and components of US bipartisan War party strategy for continuing US world dominance. US will fight to the last Ukrainian to weaken capitalist Russia and its alliance with China.

The SAME lying team and key psychopathic players. Remember militaristic bipartisan funeral of John McCain who endorsed Nazi-units in Ukraine.

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I'd be willing to hate Putin, - like everybody else, just for the fun of it, if anyone can name a world figure that is less corrupt, less blood-thirsty. The fact is, you can't blame mass murder on Putin, it just isn't on his record, unlike that of almost any Western leader you can name. And either Western leaders are all being paid off, or they are delusional. Or maybe there is a subtle reason for their strange, zombie-like behaviour that I just can't grasp.

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Mar 9, 2022·edited Mar 9, 2022

OK the "close the sky"demonstration is the most terrifying thing I've seen in my lifetime (not counting archival footage of Nazi rallies that were filmed before I was born.) Does anyone know who organized such an insane event?

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Thanks for the reality check. Pow!

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the US bombing and invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq was wildly popular in the US too. at least for a while. while people thought they would benefit from it somehow. i may not live to see the complete end of this fucking empire, but i'm sure and glad that the empire is on a down slope and this blood lust is only accelerating the process.

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"World War 2, the one war that the US can justify having entered into eighty years ago,"

Really? Was the US justified in entering WWII? I guess that all depends on whether or not one thinks the war stared on 7 Dec. I'm beginning to think -- not.

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I would have thought by now Americans would wake up and see what is happening, instead I've been shunned for attempting to explain what is really going on yet no one gives a fuck, instead they follow the war mongers whether Democrat's or Republicans.

I personally hate the country I was born and raised in America. I live in California but wish I were in another country that respects life more than America. This makes me hate myself because I can't do enough to stop the madness. I don't care what color or what nationality you are this has no dependency on anything other than plain common sense.

Thank you for your message thread's at least I believe there are others with a sane perspective on this issue. For the rest that disagree fuck them.

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Yes, this is the point that I make in my new YT: Yanis Varoufakis is Naive on Ukraine. I quote from three of Caitlin's newsletters (posting her link in the description). I ask who really is the aggressor and quote 19 Western analysts who have warned of this for years. I look at sovereignty without the right of secession (Donbass) as being like marriage without the right of divorce. And I ask, if someone's pointing a gun at you, do they need to pull the trigger before you can call it defense? I'm also linking a Michael Hudson article you might find interesting, that came out after my YT on him.

Yanis Varoufakis is Naive on Ukraine: https://youtu.be/mYaPiQBdteQ


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If this doesn't underscore the gaping madness between our citizenry and our political class, nothing else will accomplish the task. Voting certainly won't change a thing. And Russians are in the exact same canoe. We either try something else entirely, or allow ourselves to be pushed off a very well designed cliff while vaguely remembering something about COVID restrictions.

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I insist we continue the COVID-19 hype. I haven't even taken down the decorations yet!!

Seriously though, the place I live is still clinging to masks and the get-your-jabs, like Linus and his disease ridden blanket.

We in Washington State are closer to Russia than most, but they don't think about that when they poke the stick into that bear's den. Boeing makes a shit-ton on military contracts, but that is not reason enough to push for World War Three.

Hell, on a low tide, they could almost walk over to Alaska.

"What a stupid son of a bitch"

Gardening season is upon us and that surely will beckon my focus.

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Good one

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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022

America's entry into World War 2 began not with Pearl Harbor but with crippling sanctions placed upon Japan for their brutal rampage through China and it seems this tactic of crippling sanctions will also become America's entry into World War 3

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that was quite a tour de force, i am glad someone has an alternative view about which side to take.

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