"We are living in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so stupid people won't be offended." ~Unknown

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When I think about it for more than a few moments, I go to a very dark place. I knew there was real evil in the world, but the stench from the rotting, zombie-like demons that have revealed themselves over the past two and a half years is overwhelming to my senses. I can't even explain it to the people around me, so, I've chosen silence and isolation.

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Their confidence is warranted, since they control the mainstream press, and the vast majority of “educated” Americans have undergone lifelong conditioning to believe what they’re told while dismissing the skeptical as uneducated conspiracy theorists. It’s a damned effective narrative control process. I know this because all the very smart people I know regurgitate empire propaganda daily on Facebook while turning up their very smart noses to any possibility they might be wrong.

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Great as always... Assange is my hero....

Caitlin... and everyone else for that matter there is something much bigger going on... WW3.

The USA Government together with Elon Musk France and Poland have logistically supplied Ukraine with 5000 Starlink Terminals (what we know).

These Starlink Terminals have been used actively to sink the Russian Warship Moskva.

What that means is that the USA Government have actively and by stealth helped Ukraine in an act of war against Russia.

Let this sink in...

The United States of America have openly declared War on the Russian Federation by supporting Elon Musk supporting Ukraine in an act of War against the Russian Federation.

If anyone is a War criminal it is the Biden Family.

They have planted those labs.

And now they have engaged in an act of war against Russia.

They must be stopped.

Please to everyone share this information.

It cannot be allowed.


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Talk about temerity and fecklessness, what Italian-American New Yorkers might describe as mancanza dei coglioni (missing gonads), thank you Guardian. I immediately went looking in this morning's online edition for their take on this story, hoping for an editorial condemning this entire fiasco by the UK government. What I found was a dry news story. Unsurprisingly, there was no such editorial by a "news source" that greatly benefited from Wikileaks reporting. How these weak-ass excuses for "journalists" can look at themselves in a mirror without shouting "castrato" to their images is beyond my comprehension.

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You can loosely classify Americans according to those who care about Julian Assange, and those who don't. Beliefs and values stem from there accordingly.

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Canada was having trouble, what a bad, bad story

That blackface fellow broke its former glory

Where, Oh where was he? What if he could be a she?

We looked around and then we found

The woman for you and me

And now it's..

Springtime for Freeland and Zelenskyy

Galicia is happy and gay

We're marching to a faster pace

Look out, here comes the master race

Springtime for Biden and Zelenskyy

Winter for Putin and Xi

Springtime for Hunter and Panama

Come on, Bankers, go into your dance

I was born in ​NYC, and that is why they call me ​Woke

Don't be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the Blue Bloke Party

Springtime for ​Banderites ​moving to Germany

Goosestep's the new step today

Bombs falling from the skies again

MIC Stock is on the rise again

Spring Time For Chrystia and Banderites

Can​a​da is happy and gay

We're marching to a faster pace

Look out, here comes the PMC Meritocratic race

Springtime for Pelosi and ​AOC

C-17 are flying once more

​Cash is flying in the door,

and we can sing more, more, more!​

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The hypocrisy and hubris enmeshed in the present narrative on "our" support of the neo-Nazis-- what Russia is trying to weed out of existence in Ukraine--knows no limits. I can't even watch the scribes/stooges(reporters on MSM, corporate sponsored media)) and other political officials call out Russia for exactly the same things that Empire(US and allies) have been doing over the last two decades.(invasion and war) Which, BTW, is what Julian Assange exposed in Wiki Leaks and why he's being tortured as a political prisoner. It's too much for my sensitive disposition and I have to disengage to keep from losing my mind. Peace, all, The Ol' Hippy

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As I wrote on another thread, imagine the precedent this sets of extraditing war criminals if the US loses its grip as the sole hegemon. One reader imagined Libya and Honduras fighting over Hillary Clinton. Another reader corrected "if" to "when".

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People are traumatized and so desperately want to feel safe and secure...they give their power to daddy government and anyone else who claims to be a protector and acts like they have all of the answers. Truth is, there are no guarantees in life, and there is no such thing as safety and security. Every moment, we are walking a knife's edge of life and death, and instead of celebrating life, most people live in fear of death. It creates the mess we currently have today: people sleepwalking through their lives, too afraid to really live. It is truly a self-created hell, and I actually feel sorry for anyone who lives this way.

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Ooh look the Globalists are consistent!

They are above the law, that much is obvious.



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The USA is by any measure the most hypocritical country in the world.

The material for Wikileaks to publish came from a courageous US citizen, free as a breeze.

The Pentagon Papers came from a US citizen, walking the streets every day.

But to top it all off, the UK court system is a disgrace as well, conforming to the demands of a criminal country in this matter. So much for British justice, a fallacy.

Then to top it all we have a weak, pathetic government in Australia (not including the decent politicians who wrote to the feeble Biden on the matter of Julian Assange...just 10 or so), a government who acted against the interests of the truth in the criminal actions by the US in so many war scenarios and who gave no support for one of their own citizens, a respected man who did the world a favour by showing the world the real USA. A disgraceful bully.

Julian Assange is a hero in the book of justice

The truth is the loser, justice disregarded and hypocrisy and arrogance the basis for it all.

I am ashamed of Australia, once respected, now just an insignificant pawn in the immoral US Machiavellian game plan for world domination, more obvious every day and currently on display in their proxy war in Ukraine.

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Alarming – Where is courageous journalist Gonzalo Lira ??


The Daily Beast Is Trying To Get Me Killed – March 21, 2022


Is US Security apparatus working, together with Daily Beast, WaPost, NYT, on locating journalist Gonzalo Lira in Kharkov?

Have they contributed to his “disappearance” by Ukrainian Nazi government secret service?

Mr. Lira just published a list of other “disappeared” prominent Ukrainians…

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Maybe someone should convince Biden that Assange should be released as he is the person best equipped to investigate those Russian war crimes.

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Woken, Blinken, and NED sailed US on the sea of doom-somebody miscalculated and the whole world went boom

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