Thank you.

To keep troops in Syria, US leaders are lying like in Afghanistan

While claiming to oppose "endless military deployments" abroad, the Biden administration is keeping hundreds of US troops in Syria and deceiving the public like its predecessors in Afghanistan.

To keep troops in Syria, US leaders are lying like in Afghanistan - by Aaron Maté - Aaron Mate (substack.com)

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Your outstanding piece touched on something I've been discussing with my son of late, and that is what is the moral responsibility of our soldiers?

He believes only the civilian leadership should be condemned while I feel those who actually pull the triggers and pilot the drones should have known the bloody proposition they were signing up for. Considering the amount of propaganda aimed at our youth, at what point are such people unknowing victims? To me, "honoring the troops" is merely advertising for making conquest and murder noble and normal. My son disagrees. I really can't say which one of us is wrong.

Thank you for consistently putting out words that make us think as well as feel.

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LOVE this!

'There is no path forward for humanity on this planet without complete female reproductive sovereignty.'

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I love these “Notes from the Narrative Matrix.” It’s like a metapoetic form of journalism.

Revolutionary stuff.

I hope millions of people get to read these. They’re like a regular “booster” shot of collective consciousness.

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One of your better and shorter essays as it's right to the point. As for people; well, most Americans were tricked into believing that they were ever free, just because their neighbor died in a fake Revolutionary So-called War. All the signers of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Preamble were all the same sort of people who go around dropping atomic bombs on civilians, etcetera. If people want to call their wars ordained then they should let their God do their killing for them. Otherwise it's called cold blooded murder.

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