Actually I disagree with the term 'capitalism' as the great evil. Honest capitalism, mostly local, seems like a fine thing. Who's shoes do you like better? Which are the better value?

Yet 'The Corporation' has become the all powerful tool of the old masters of the universe, and we see that globalism, environmental disaster and so many other ills derive from the juggernaut of money, the Corporation...

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I suspect the species will survive but the civilization will not. I think most people fear of losing the amenities of Western life, but we know we can survive without all that. I propose we relearn how to live simpler, less technologically enhanced lives, aligned with our true animal nature.

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I am one of many disciples of this truth speech.

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Thought-provoking and well-written! Though to argue from the injustices of capitalism toward a post-capitalist world is outdated and unnecessary. We can argue about justice all day long, but even if we do agree that capitalism is unjust (which it is), that kind of theory will only yield a practice that reproduces our self-domination all the more. An argument from necessity, however, is much stronger and allows us to see the freedom capitalism is creating alongside its injustice. Freedom and injustice go hand-in-hand in capitalism, and that is precisely the core of the problem. Overcoming this requires a sensibility to history, not morality.

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Don't forget the Billionaire's IOC games that poor countries are conned into believing that hosting the Olympics will bring them fortunes from tourism.

That's a LIE.

Just another example of the Global corruption and Empiricism between competing Billionaires.

Crushing Capitalism is definitely Our ONLY option.

Thank you Caitlin.

Rick White



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Labeling is a valuable tool like all cognitive shortcuts. But in a dysfunctional mind — one we identify with, that is compulsive and can’t switch off— cognitive shortcuts can distort our perception of reality... and others can and do take advantage of this as well.

So we keep it simple and true.... unlike other species humans need more protection for their bodies. This means food, water, clothing and shelter and health care are obligatory.

And our minds need protection from their own and others’ compulsive tendencies and from the Manipulative/ deceptive/ hierarchical/ dominating tendencies of our own and other people’s survival brains.

We need to evolve , to viscerally become aware that we are awareness itself so our sharing/caring/loving side is no longer suppressed by our primitive survival/ tribe-in-crisis side. We are wired for learning, exploration, creativity and needing social interaction to help us self regulate and evolve.

So conscious education, play, rest and the formation of healthy social bonds are also obligatory.

Once we set the truthful parameters of what is obligatory....o b l i g a t o r y for Homo sapien survival and self actualization then the parameters for debate and discussion are also reset.

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"There's nothing more enraging than a system which treats the homeless like the problem rather than homelessness."

Yep. That does stand out as insanity from the vantage point of any other era.

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The loading of labels by the narrative is intentional I believe, to do just what you describe. Polarize them to prime reactive fighting and simultaneously remove their usefulness in real discussion. I definitely avoid labeling myself these days for the same reasons. Way easier to focus on the important things without defending broad labels.

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"I might stop using -ist and -ism words altogether, or use them sparingly, and just talk about the actual concepts without having to rely on any label which tries to capture them all."

SOMEBODY is having an epiphany.

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This article trash

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