I used to be a part of the "left" but as they say, the left left me...though I don't consider myself "right" now either. There are now two basic "lefts" - the corporate left, which is the mainstream media, big tech, and political establishment. Then the "woke" left, which is used by the corporate left to support their control agendas. Basically, if you slap a rainbow flag on a bomb or a bulldozer, you're good to go these days.

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I agree that the democratic party, fascism, nazism, and anything else is "on the right" of the dictatorship of the proletariat / communism. So what is "on the right" depends on where you stand.

But as someone who has been trying to understand why the "populist" left and the populist right do not unite, I can say that the difference between libertarians and communists is that libertarians want freedom for absolutely everyone. There is no group preference. But this is not at all the case among the "populist" left.

Communists want to enslave the people that they call capitalists. Democrats want to enslave straight or white or male or whatever people. Fascists want to unite state and corporations and enslave both workers and "capitalists". Nazis want to do all that fascists want and also enslave jews (and other countries). Im sorry but you are all the same. You do share this same ideology of dominating other people. You just disagree about who should be the slave owners. And it is very interesting that you don't even recognize it.

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Yes, the irony of the age: the US derives its credibility, its power, in effect, on the basis of a reputation for justice and equality it does not possess, and never has done. It was always a promise based on symbols, labels, mottoes and a lot of hype: even its populism was not genuine. Even its political parties differ only in style in a calculated attempt at manufacturing choices that are not choices at all. It is time to drop labels and articulate objectives, and the means to attain them. Equality, and basic amenities for all without exception: quality health care: free education to any level or technical training of choice: guaranteed affordable housing, and salaries always commensurate with cost of living, especially house prices: an end to monopolies or private ownership of public utilities and amenities. Call it whatever the hell you want, or call it plan humanity. And we all know what that amounts to. It amounts to choosing life over war and death. It amounts to choosing what is beautiful and our birthright, over what is ugly.

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"All they can think of is what country they'd rather be using their smartphones in." - and they think everyone thinks like them, strictly in terms of moving someplace.

What do you think, LMAO boy from the previous post's comments? That everyone thinks like you? That everyone has "values" like yours? "Freedoms", my ass. You're only "free" while you're a nobody. As soon as you cross the regime in some meaningful way you're gone, no matter where you are, China, the US, or you-name-it.

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A very interesting 2017 interview of Alexandr Dugin by Alex Jones


I have never before seen Alex Jones actual video. This one contains demented short videos of Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi, symbols of DNC corruption – one can see why the bipartisan US War party hates and fears Alex Jones.

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Why are we even still talking about Left and Right? To even use those terms is to allow Empire to frame our identity. If we allow the Empire to manufacture our identity, the Empire doesn’t have to manufacture our consent.

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I love (though it's dark) the abuse analogy and your ending it with "At some point you've got nothing to lose." It's inspiring in a dark way.

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"Crowning" was an unexpected way to end today's post. Powerful image!

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I don’t understand why so many commenters are talking about socialism and libertarianism. If we want an equitable world for all, shouldn’t we be focused on egalitarianism and it’s implementation. That will require rejecting all the current fake dividers like left, right, liberal, conservative, Democrat or Republican. Those are labels to keep us at each other while ignoring the sociopaths running the corporations and government. But thinking of all other humans as our brothers and sisters will take evolving, like Caitlin has been beating the drum for these many moons.

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someone asked "what happened to journalism?" someone answered "a lot of money happened." top "journalists" are multi-millionaires. the same thing happened to academia. money for researches / scholarship, which attract students, who then have to produce what fits in the given framework to survive school and land a job later. MBAs became presidents of top colleges, whose job is fundraising / endowment building, which justifies mansions for themselves. church too. the archbishop of new york parish built a french furniture furnished mansion and "justified" that he needs it to host billionaire class for million dollar donation checks. same with medicine. a thorough privatization / corporztization of the social foundation.

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"Humanity is still being born. As a species, we're just barely crowning." That's the whole point, we're right at the brink of being able to one thousand year life spans. There's no damn way that we can let people live that long! Then, of course, there's the issue of who's going to be God. Well, hell, if some people have 1,000 year life spans and the rest 40 or 50 year life spans, it's obvious who the gods are. Most of our Christian gods are psychopaths anyway. Hardly nobody in 2,000 years ever heard about love, even today love is against the law in all its forms, within the empire.

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So, while no one is reading, this from, Michel Chossudovsky;

The powers of Big Money which are behind US-NATO led wars control both the anti-war movement as well as the media coverage of US led wars. That’s nothing new. It goes back to the so-called Soviet-Afghan War (1979-) which was spearheaded by US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Through their “philanthropic” foundations (Ford, Rockefeller, Soros et al) the financial elites have over the years channelled millions of dollars into financing so-called “progressive movements” including the World Social Forum (WSF)

It’s Called “Manufactured Dissent”: Big Money is also behind numerous coups d’état and color revolutions.

Meanwhile, important sectors of the Left including committed anti-war activists have endorsed the Covid mandates without verifying or acknowledging the facts and the history of the so-called pandemic.

It should be understood that the lockdown policies as well as the Covid-19 “Killer Vaccine” are an integral part of the financial elite’s “broader arsenal”. They are instruments of submission and tyranny.

The World Economic Forum’s Great Reset is an integral part of the World War III scenario which consists in establishing through military and non military means an imperial system of “global governance”.

The same powerful financial interests (Rockefeller, Rothschild, BlackRock, Vanguard, et al) which are supportive of the US-NATO military agenda are firmly behind the “Covid Pandemic Op”.

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I've stopped using " right" and "left" terms bc they are just shortcuts to emotional triggers and reflexive behavior . I'm trying to refer to people by their actions; for example: some people can counted on to always put themselves first while others can be counted on to balance their needs with the needs of the whole community.

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Good post. You touch on areas reflecting the critical points:

(1) the serially abusive nature of the systematic beating we have taken from these self-appointed psychopaths, and

(2) that the so called left is not the left but the extreme right wing and an alliance between governments, corporations, and institutions. It is the definition of fascism.

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spot on…like a laser.

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