Democrats Want Julian Assange Imprisoned For One Reason: His 2016 Reporting on Hillary/DNC


We live in a fascist country

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We are all Assange; we are all being slow-motion assassinated by the powers that be, body, mind and soul. We have been the proverbial frogs in the slow-boiling pot for quite some time now, some say perhaps centuries.

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They're not just killing him, they're torturing him to death, and it's been going on for years!

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If America recoiled in horror as a nation at the barbaric death of Khashoggi, I missed it.

Call me a recalcitrant cave man, but I refuse to see Kamala Harris as Willie Brown's victim. When a woman has little else to offer the world but a morally vacuous soaring ambition at the behest of power, sleeping their way to the top is merely a deft career move.

There is no light between between Joe Biden and Donald Trump when it comes to serving the interests of American hegemony. Anyone who tells you differently is desperate to have their beliefs triumph reality and is attempting to sell a bill of goods.

With so much shame surrounding Assange's torture, a special shoutout has to go to Australia for failing to stand up for one of their own.

If the US feels it can do this to Assange in the broad light of day -- with his worldwide name recognition, resources, and noteable friends -- believing they won't come for any of us simply because we have a 30.06 under the bed is to live in a child's world. Sad to say many still do.

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Thanks. As always, spot on. Keep up the great work.

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JFK was half a century too early for this, so he got the technology of the time.

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Makes you wonder why we have laws at all if they can be so easily lent to such dismally craven purpose for so long.

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They're retiring an actor whose role is now obsolete. Assange is fine. I don't get why Caitlin treats whistleblowers, climate change, etc as real and the rest of the narrative is bunk. Why is it all bunk besides the things you like? Stop mistaking the rise of your awareness of fascism for the rise of fascism: it's been tyrants all the way down for millennia. The difference now is they are having an internal war and are resorting to the taboo of nearly exposing each other's scams. This means the con has never been easier to detect: an awkward time for congratulating ourselves for noticing half of it. It is time to hit the truth-accelerator and scrutinize our own cherished beliefs, not cling to flotsam. Caitlin's writing is better than the average leftist misdirection, but too many of her hobby horses are blatant scams. There's a reason you know about every time Assange breaks wind, and it's not because someone cares about you knowing the truth. "If you're seeing it, it's for you."

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-------"The world recoiled in horror when it learned of Khashoggi's grizzly end, and it won't be long before the world begins recoiling in the same way to what has been done to Assange as well."-------

I think you are being overly optimistic, Caitlin. The scum who did this to Julian will get away with murder just like all the other deep state war criminals who are never held accountable for their crimes.

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Ian Welsh teaches us that the cruelty is the point.

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