Well done, great piece.

Trump is the most significant president of our lifetime owing to the fact that he was an unauthorized president. This was the greatest electoral event in American history, it was indeed a Triumph over the deep state. Reaction to his election such a censorship demonstrates Caitlin is correct America is an oligarchy.

Trumps personal traits and lack of competence should not obscure his significance: the forces aligned against him are made plain for what they are, an oligarchy out of control.

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"Fact checkers " do not check facts , they are "fact blockers" .

In its response to Stossel’s defamation claim, Facebook responds in a court document :Facebook cannot be sued for defamation (which is making a false and harmful assertion) because its ‘fact checks’ are mere statements of opinion rather than factual assertions.

Opinions are not subject to defamation claims, while false assertions of fact can be subject to defamation ... So, in a court of law, in a legal filing, Facebook admits that its ‘fact checks’ are not really ‘fact’ checks at all, but merely ‘opinion assertions.’

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Caitlin express near the end: "It says bad things about the future that even this kindergarten-level degree of insight has become rare in some circles.". I couldn't agree more.

If you ain't got the kahunas to listen to opposing views then you must be most fragile indeed. I suspect you will crack easy like an egg and thank goodness for this because there are some of us who have the kahunas and we appreciate all views. That is what I think and I don't care whether you agree or not.


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Bravo, Caitlin! It occurs to me that individual access to the internet, in an age when information is part of warfare, is guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment, the right to keep and bear arms. Substack is facilitating your right to that weapon, with which you can and are fighting powerful artillery in a guerilla action.

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Caitlin, while I appreciate the insight that censorship stems from immaturity, I am thrown off by the tirade against QAnoners, which includes the statement: “Hate them, hate them, hate them.”

While I can only imagine the level of disrespect you get on social media (and elsewhere), and while I, too, rage against the machine, in my more thoughtful (and mature) moments I worry that we may all be falling into the rage flytrap set by the Empire’s psychological operators, who are so brilliant at getting us all to attack each other rather than the imperial rulers. After all, isn’t it possible, even likely, that QAnoners are just victims of a psyop? Maybe reciprocating the rage of the victims is misplaced aggression?

We need truth-tellers to ignore the slings and arrows of outrageous psysops. Perhaps we need to remind ourselves that the so-called sheep and zombies among us who mindlessly parrot the official narrative, and who spew their unfiltered rage against even friends and family, are all merely systematons—the sad victims of pervasive and almost inescapable psyops. Their minds (or souls) have been snatched, and if we don’t stay awake, and spend our efforts fighting the snatchers instead of the snatched, we are next. I read your blog to stay awake, and I thank you for your many nudges.

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Yes, all part of the general fascist movement to destroy free speech. Cf. Greenwald's latest on the takeover of MSM by ("ex-") government agents, and of course the Assange show trials. They are also taking over the congress by running a raft of former military and intelligence operatives for electoral office (see https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2020/08/20/ciad-a20.html). All shows the importance of developing independent media outlets like substack.

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First, what did you expect from the Oligarchs? They love the 'Collective' agenda. Even a kindergarten mentality could have figured that out, meanwhile they are trying to merge with machines too. MTG is a real American fighter, fighting the good fight, so she had to be 'censored', I'm sure alternate 'plans' are in the works for her demise too, you left that part out, her and anyone not with the 'Collective' geniuses. She actually finally got in to see the 01/06 political prisoners (labelled by the impressive collective fake media word-smiths as 'insurrectionists') in their DC hell-hole with the Madam warden from The First Circle. Only Revolver News is telling the real tale, at the moment on that... But, the Collective Left, offers their token and tepid, equivocated resistance to 'censorship' as here, even to the lowly dolts. Alex Jones was first (he was a real threat for sure), and the Leftist genius' rejoiced in that, and he predicted there would be more, and there have been many, many more. Then Trump? Fine, good even, he's so crass and mean-spirited, chaos-maker for the Deep State, now everything is sooo much better with the new, better Puppet installed and things getting back to normal. MTG, well, she should be on Twitter even if she is also one of the Bad People. And you have thus, compared them all to what you consider the really Bad People, QAnon etc., but in your high-minded benevolence you think they should still be allowed to make comment...that's so great Caitlin! You are great, really great, well done, and for sure you are not a kindergarten thinker (can't wait for the rest to chime in on just how Great and Benevolent). This is the State the Collective high-minded have brought America too at the moment. It will not stand and we have no need of sympathy' as espoused here. I mean really? We are not done and it's a good thing really, because it is HUGE TELL as to what the dolts have been saying for a long time as Truth to Power. I'm sorry I'm another dolt on here, but I just can't help myself, and I'm sure I'm very irritating but, for now you let me speak. Thanks...

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Jan 3, 2022·edited Jan 3, 2022

This is one of those glaringly simple issues that reveals if you believe in one of the bedrock values of the republic or prefer a cartoon version of the same.

Jimmy Dore has a show up where Rachel Maddow is saying that vaccinated people cannot pass Covid to others, and that we can vaccinate our way out of the pandemic -- medically inaccurate statements.

I wait anxiously for the censorship mafia to dispense their Holy Crusade consistently. Only when the Internet is uniform corporate mush will authoritarians rest -- for the briefest of moments.

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"The goal is to take away the interest, the capacity, the comfort, both internally and also on a societal level, of men and women coming together. If men and women stop ... speaking to one another, stop dating, getting married, having children, then we no longer have families. If we don't have families, we don't have civic organizations, churches and communities. The state then steps in and supplants the role of the father and begins to take over."~ Dr. Mark McDonald

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Just wondering if you or not jumping the shark when you say "it just requires some basic self-preservation and enough psychological growth to understand that the world should not be forced to align with your personal will" Would this not also apply to your writings here?

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That’s so awesome and it’s so true! #MTG need to get some mental help and get out of our House of Representatives right now!

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Does this mean I have to treat Rep. Greene's utterances with the same respect I give Dr. Malone?

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I posted a comment about the SCAMDEMIC on your medium page...and you BANNED me...pot meet kettle

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