Feb 24, 2022·edited Feb 24, 2022Liked by Caitlin Johnstone

Dark times, but it's not like they've descended suddenly or mysteriously. Excising the word detente from the American diplomatic vocabulary was a deadly choice, not easily justified, and may well carry the ultimate price. For some it already has.

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I would like to hear more from Putin, his reasons for his stand. agree with your comments and concerns. US needs to focus on easing tensions, detente.

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Agree! Interestingly the Dems are much more for a real US war military involvement per today’s WaPo. Not that they would enlist or send their children, mind you. This privilege is mainly reserved for the poor, the Black and the unemployed. I’ve often wondered if the economy isn’t manipulated to ensure adequate cannon fodder.

Reading the usual Dem talking heads, it seems they want Joe B to be seen as a War President because they think that will translate into Re-election Express.

Watching the American media massage and caress the “ news” is ever fascinating. Mostly about the gaming of what they claim is democracy.

The Ukrainians were foolish to think the Americans would save them from their own foolish flirtations. What did they think would happen?

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Dear Caitlin, and pardon the "dear" but it's because I'm feeling a little lonesome these days, what with even the German Linke stepping up to the Putin-bashing plate to denounce his Ukraine moves "in the strongest possible terms" as a "war of aggression, which is contrary to international law and cannot possibly be justified." They have pinned this brave statement, agreeing with virtually every MSM and official narrative outlet in the world, on their Facebook page. I fully agree with you. This is sickening.

The Linke ("Left," a German political party for those who don't know) think they are being "consistent" by denouncing any and all violations of international law, but the real reason is that they fear that if they don't they will be accused of being Putin stooges. As you have pointed out, many much worse "violations of international law" have gone virtually unnoticed by all those who are now screaming about Ukraine, and Ukraine and its Western supporters are more to blame for the current situation than Russia. This is what the Linke should be saying, but they are not.

Putin has explained this at length in recent speeches and press conferences -- but who reads them, and who can read them, since they are not made available via the Western MSM? It is not "necessary" to condemn the Russian actions. It IS necessary to understand how the US and its European allies have been systematically driving Russia into this corner for the past 20 years, until they have finally decided that the only way to get out of it is what they are doing now.

That doesn't mean it's good and it doesn't mean we have to approve of it or join the chorus of condemnation. It does mean that it is perfectly understandable and that we in the West bear the responsibility for it. If we listen to what Putin says we will understand this. It's not complicated.

What Die Linke et al. should do now, instead of jumping on the "condemn Putin" bandwagon, is -- as you also rightly say -- force the US et al. and Ukraine to finally deal substantively with the Russian demands re their national security. They are clear: no nuclear weapons (or infrastructure for them, i.e. convertible "ABM" sites) in Ukraine OR in Eastern Europe. It's bad enough that the Brits, French and Germany have them, especially since everyone knows that Washington has its fat finger on all the buttons, but that would be the next step.

Yes, even little Germany has options. We should say: Denuclearize Ukraine and Eastern Europe -- with clear and binding agreements -- or we will drop all economic sanctions, resume NordStream 2, and even drop out of NATO. We should do this anyway, but we could use the threat first to get a response.

But Germany and all the other US vassals are quite ill with Stockholm syndrome so it won't be easy.

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i go by my simple principle: whatever DC, bansksters, and corporate media oppose (and they are always in agreement with each other in foreign policies), i support. there's no better measure to go by. i haven't been wrong for the last 50 years.

under the US military occupation (1945-1950), 95% of the political leadership -- mostly socialist-communist as the population was then -- plus hundreds of thousands of politically active civilians were mass-murdered all across South Korea. that led to the Korean War. this decision by Putin to drive the genocidal zionist regime out of Kiyiv reminded me of Kim Il-sung's attempt into South Korea in 1950. China and USSR were in no shape to stop the US / Japan / EU imperialists, unfortunately, in those days.

the last few days has seen a momentous shift in the way the world is understood and run. the world has changed with that decision to break the destardly zionist cycle of exploitation and wars.

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The situation is not unprovoked, spontaneous and unprepared. As usual, there is a method to US madness, and Caitlin describes it ably.

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This piece by Caitlyn's cousin Diana at Consortium News offers a pretty clear perspective...


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Thanks. Spot on comments as usual. Hopefully this doesn't go on too long.

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Feb 24, 2022·edited Feb 24, 2022

The CIA is a criminal organization. Their interference in US politics is particularly pernicious.

Maybe news outlets should stop hiring all of the people who run this agency to help "analyze" and report the news? Maybe journalists should be skeptical of their planted stories?

ACLU (Feb. 11, 2022) -- Newly declassified documents reveal that the CIA has been secretly conducting massive surveillance programs that capture Americans’ private information.


Jake Sullivan, Hillary strategy advisor had a KEY role in launching Russia-gate hoax – he is now national security advisor to Biden.

Same people that launched the Russia-gate hoax are now hollering (in reality celebrating) that Russia invaded Ukraine. All to "save democracy" there -- in order to distract from the fact that St. Obama organized in 2014 bloody coup against democratically elected Ukraine government.

St. Obama installed Biden and his CIA pal Brennan as de facto governors of Ukraine -- immensely enriching US "elite" and posting and removing government members, judges and heads of industry with billions of corrupting cash -- in "fight against corruption".

US War party’s key exports are – coups, wars and all-encompassing corruption.

All together -- a tragedy for two beautiful Slavic nations that share so much in their culture -- a tragedy created by the US War party that concocted the Russia-gate hoax.

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Ukraine - eastern and western - was a part of Russia from 1783 until 1991, with a brief two year break during the Bolshevik Revolution. From 1991 until 2015, it was basically a client state of Russia. Before 1783 - going back to the 1600s, the eastern part - including Donetsk and Luhansk - was in Russia, the western part was a part of Poland. Before then, it was settled by Cossacks - escaped serfs from Poland - and was ruled by a general - a "hetman" - and before that, it was Scythians and Greeks. So Ukraine has been a part of Russia except for the last 7 years, for as long as the United States has been a country - the Treaty of Paris was signed in 1783. And that idiotic comment about Russian warships in the Black Sea made by Biden - who is writing this stuff for him? - it's totally ignorant of history, Russia has had a naval base at Novorossisk since 1725 - it was created by Catherine the Great.

Biden is doing it because his economic policy is pure shite and he wants the Democrats to not go down in flames like they so richly deserve: "In time of actual war, great discretionary powers are constantly given to the Executive Magistrate. Constant apprehension of war, has the same tendency to render the head too large for the body. A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defence agst. foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have enslaved the people." James Madison, 29th June, 1787.

For a good background on Ukraine, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrMiSQAGOS4 - "Why is Ukraine the West's Fault", Prof. John Mearsheimer

And I forgot to mention that there is a rocket engine manufacturing plant complex at Kiev... that's another part of the Russian military industrial complex. And Kiev was the first capital of Russia, from the 900s until 1254, when Moscow was settled and became the capital. https://www.ancient-origins.net/history-ancient-traditions/kievan-rus-0013926

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Russian leaders would not be doing what they're doing if they weren't supremely confident that the US and NATO do not have an effective military response in Eastern Europe. The reason the US and NATO do not respond is that their military leaders have a visceral fear as well as strong military intelligence that the Russian leaders are correct.

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Brilliantly expounded!

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I have been 100% onboard with the desire to see peace through the Minsk Accords, or their forceful substitute, until yesterday. Until then I considered Vladimir Putin to be the sanest and most rational political figure on the world’s stage. As of now, my trust in his rational decision making has been reduced to ZERO. While I understand the background and history of what has been happening between Russia and NATO for the last 30+ years, yesterday’s escalation in size and scope has been utterly disproportionate, reckless, and dangerous. Growing up in the USSR, I lived in both, Ukraine and Russia. I understand profoundly Russo-Ukrainian culture, which is the most of Ukraine. I opposed the 2014 coup d’état, war in Donbas and supported Minsk Accords. Ukraine, goaded by the West, failed not only to implement the accords, but made things progressively worse. Even worse, it begged to be an American puppet state. I understand why the country got to where it was yesterday. Had Russia engaged in peace keeping operation in Donbas as in effect to fulfill the Minsk Accords, I would have been 100% supportive. However, this is not what happened yesterday. What happened yesterday left me in the neutral territory from where I see no escape. How does it end? How does Putin pacify central Ukraine (where I am from), let alone the West? What is the escape route, what is the solution? I am despondent. For years I have been trying to reconcile my nationalist and separatist friends. Where does one go from here? Do I condemn my nationalist friends for engaging in a partisan warfare, turning the country into another Vietnam? Or do I congratulate my separatist friends for their chance to avenge? I can’t do both or either. Russia’s yesterday decision to start such an extensive conflict leaves me with no answer, other than anger at the apparent loss of the moral compass by Vladimir Putin, which might very well turn out to be a curse for the Russian nation for years to come.

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There is a simpler way to view this. Both the US and Russia were playing Realpolitik. Apparently the US did not take the Russians seriously. This was a mistake. In Realpolitik, mistakes generally result in war, sometimes disastrous wars. Similar mistakes occurred in 1905-1914, the 1930s, the 1950s, and so on up to the present mistake.

As long as people follow psychopaths -- which is what Realpolitik is -- the mistake will be repeated. No use going into the details.

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i have no intention to take any more bullshit from the wall street parasites than i have to to survive. so i don't read all their bullshit you gather to prove it's bullshit yet one more time.

i simply hope Putin, Xi, Kim, Iran, Obrador, etc will successfully build alternatives for other weaker nations to join asap, while i do my bit by not contributing to or participate in the evil empire.

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Brilliant. Thank you for writing and sharing.

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