I was so hoping you would write about this. It makes me feel slightly less crazy to have someone else know and explain how insane it all is. Thank you.

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The US Government: "The dog ate my homework. But I can't prove that it did eat it, since we don't own a dog. So, now we have to go to war with a nuclear power to give ourselves an alibi." Uh, yeah. Makes perfect sense.

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Matt Lee is an AP reporter. I read AP articles in my local newspaper just to see how propaganda is done. Aside from the AP’s textbook propaganda expertise, they are among the best stenographers of the Official Narrative.

Matt Lee, however, does have a history of being confrontational with government spokespeople, so I’m not sure if this represents that glorious moment when the tide turned in American journalism and reporters actually started doing journalism and stopped regurgitating the obvious nonsense pushed out by government sources.

We will know this episode is momentous if Matt Lee is either cancelled, sent to a journalism re-education camp, or charged under the Espionage Act.

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I would not believe US intelligence agencies if they said rain was wet without independent verification. I'm an American. They've been lying to me since I was born.

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The Western media would need evidence, an apology, rounding up, arrests, charges, show trials, guilty verdicts, long prison sentences, their money sequestrated, their buildings seized, emptied, the contents sold off, refurbished, transformed into accommodation for homeless people ... for me to part with my cash.

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Unreal. The whole scam from day one has been like a B grade movie script. The kind where you know the ending within the first few minutes of the movie. In this one the ending goes like this: Sniffy Joe stands up to Russians and prevents invasion of Ukraine.

Russia invading Ukraine would mean serious repercussions. This would include economic sanctions that would impact the economy and Putin's grip on power. Putin may be a lot of things but stupid isn't one of them.

As for: "If you doubt the credibility of the U.S. government, of the British government of other governments and wanna, you know, find solace in information that the Russians are putting out, that’s for you do to."

That was actually said with a straight fave. Now why would anyone doubt the credibility of the US and British government? Since this post is likely already a bit long I will keep the answer to my question to one word: Iraq. Of course I could go on and on because there are many other reasons to doubt credibility.

'Trust me I'm with the government' just doesn't cut it when that very same government has been the source of lies upon lies. That doesn't mean that people who don't trust the government think that Putin is wonderful. He can be a lying bastard too. He just isn't a moron who would invade Ukraine and risk great loss.

The movie however has been written and the narrative will be that Sniffy scared the shit out of Putin and saved Ukraine from being invaded. He may have even saved us from a third world war. It's a nice movie but to mistake it for reality requires having cognitive challenges similar to those of the hero in the movie.

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Pass the yellow cake..

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The United States persecutes Edward Snowden and Julian Assange literally for telling the truth.

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Marx called individualism (liberalism / empiricism / essentialism that gave birth to identity politics) an ideology (which serves capitalism), vis a vis a philosophy, for this reason: it has no philosophical foundation on which to build a verifiable substantive narrative on which to build a just and reasonable social structure. it can only produce substance-free fluff.

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Meanwhile, Shoigu says the CIA and Ukrainian allies in their military are planning a false flag chemical attack to blame on Donbass militias as a pretense for Ukrainian military attack. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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I don't understand how an actual journalist crashed the press briefing.

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