Ukraine will not win this war. They will not win any more battles. Whatever military equipment the U.S. and the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization place in Ukraine will be destroyed by the Russian military. Keeping this farce going is just killing more Ukrainians and Russians. But, then again, there isn't a war the neocons and the MIC don't salivate over.

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Russian forbearance is causing the United States and its vassals and puppets to behave more and more recklessly.

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Crimea already voted decades ago to stay a part of the Russian Federation, but, with Russia reeling and powerless, Ukraine occupied it forcibly. When the US backed coup in Kiev threw out the legally constituted government in Kiev, using the Ukrainian Nazis the US had been cultivating for decades to accomplish this, Crimeans asked the Russian government it had wanted since the fall of the USSR to come to their aid. This happened, and in Crimea, there was yet another referendum, which duplicated the first one’s result. The United Nations has turned into one of two things, depending on the situation with which it is faced; a feckless puppet for its puppeteer in Washington, or nothing at all. The idea that Russia would, or should, let it and its cholera-infected ‘peacekeepers’ anywhere near Crimea (or, for that matter, Donbas) is crazy. There is absolutely no way, now, that there will be any ‘negotiated settlement’ in Ukraine. The Russian government now knows that there is no point in even discussing anything with the US or its stooges in Europe, and that any end to this conflict must be imposed by Russia, and that Russia must be capable of enforcing the endgame result unilaterally. Russia’s ‘forbearance’ is rooted in its knowledge that it will have to govern at least a large part of what the US and its stooges regard as Ukrainian territory, and that said post-war governance will not be aided by US- style murderous ‘shock and awe’ against future citizens of Russia. And, contrary to western propaganda, if Putin is ever removed from his position in Russia, especially for the failure of the Russian armed forces to win this conflict, forbearance and all, there will not be a collapse of Russia. The new leaders will abandon the policy of forbearance.

The last time there was a real chance of nuclear war occurring was in October of 1962. It was called the Cuban Missile Crisis, and it damned near finished off the world in the manner Caitlyn describes. It riveted the world’s attention for 13 DAYS, before a way out was found. The crisis stage in Ukraine has been ongoing for 11 MONTHS, and, aside from Caitlyn, and a smattering of others, no one who has any visibility at all has any idea of the insane risks the US is taking on behalf of every shred of flora and fauna remaining on our planet. If the US goes forward with this insanity, which it has run up the flagpole in the NYT article to see who salutes amongst the .01% and their dutiful enablers in the PMC, it will quickly result in catastrophe.

As this is exactly what the Empire had in mind when it launched the coup in 2014, I sadly share Caitlyn’s grim thought that the DC blob just doesn’t care.

Right after the 1962 near miss, the film Dr. Strangelove was made. The currently serving loons in the military-industrial-intelligence complex are clearly crazier than the ones portrayed in that movie. Can anyone imagine Biden on the hot line telling Putin ‘nobody’s sorrier than I am, Vlad’? Although it would surely be true.

If the creatures currently gathering at the WEF in Davos respond negatively to this idea, it won’t happen. They are the people who constitute the clientele of the DC Blob, after all. So, our collective fates lie in their hands. Ain’t that just great?

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What is the societal threshold for maintaining silence while witnessing a wholesale abdication of basic human responsibility? The billionaire club was created by a conscious re-routing of monies earned by and owed to the whole society, and from that conscious decision, the circling of the drain did begin. First taxes were lowered, and then again, and yet again. Then manufacturing was cavalierly ruled to be a “property,” one owned solely by proprietors who, no surprise, chose to maximize profits by vacating the country. Then there were trade agreements to consolidate corporate profits, and sock it to the formerly employed Americans.

Twenty-some years down the road, and the lies have multiplied faster then the time has elapsed. Now a batty career hack known as a compromiser is following a script that he could not have written, and the planet is in serious peril.

I recently posted a link to a news story about the Croatian President who stood up and called out his fellow citizens for swallowing NATO lies. Is it too much to expect at least one American to speak the truth?

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The US needs to stop saber-rattling with Russia NOW, and start negotiating a peace deal.

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Surely Crimea is the place to start for advancing the notion of peace, a word nearly never employed in MSM accounts of this war.

A UN supervised referendum er staying with Russia should be straightforward but the US knows Ukraine will lose, so they keep coming up with reasons not to have it.

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The reason they "warm" to the idea of attacking Crimea is not that they don't predict it will cause escalation, but rather the opposite - they predict it will cause escalation, and escalation is in their interest.

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"Nuclear warheads don't care about your feelings."

And I would add that the war hawks in the US and related NATO governments don't care one whit about our feelings or our very lives. Risking total nuclear Armageddon just so their Raytheon and Lockheed Martin stocks can go up. But where will they spend their profits after the Earth is a cinder? Sigh.

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Shalom, I'm in Cincinnati Ohio fighting within the evil empire itself. Not a lot of allies here.

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I may be wrong but I suppose hypersonic missiles can cause huge damage without the need for nukes. What if Mr. Kinzhal and his friends pay a visit to Washington?

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Jan 19, 2023·edited Jan 19, 2023

The Brandon regime has now become a danger to all life on earth. The only solution I can see is for the deep state to force pedo Joe's resignation. He's stumbled too far down the plank to ever admit he was wrong and turn around. They've given up on losing wars before - witness Afghanistan. How could airhead Kamala be worse?

One scenario floating around in my head is for Biden to be forced out by the 25th Amendment, unless he agrees to go quietly. Then, when Kamala takes over (at least as a figurehead) she won't have pedo Joe's baggage. I believe she'll do whatever Obama tells her to. Whatever you think of Obama, I don't think he was an insane neocon. Really, he went to war reluctantly and refused to give deadly weapons to Ukraine after the McCain/Nuland coup, which was probably accomplished behind his back. Obama has long known that Biden is incompetent, even before his current dementia, and advised him not to run in the first place. Then Kamala, directed by Obama, could push for a negotiated settlement. She should replace our rotten neocon SOS Blinken with Obama. Perhaps he'd finally earn the Nobel Peace Prize that he didn't deserve in the first place. Maybe my scenario is farfetched but I'm just looking for a way out the nightmare that the braindead Brandon regime and the State Dept. neocons got us into before the nukes start flying.

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It's hard to believe - reading this newest essay of doom by Caitlin. This Dr. Strangelove idiocy - with a fucking half-wit mentally debilitated US president at the helm - but who in truth is actually a puppet for a bunch of US fanatical militarists who are way the fuck out of control, and putting humanity on the brink of a catastrophe never before seen in the entire history of the species.

I got to get some fucking sleep.

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One absolute reality emerging from the ongoing US/NATO/Zelenski/Nazi foolhardiness in refusing to confront the realities around the conflict they deliberately engineered with Russia...... LUNACY FEEDS ON ITSELF!

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attacking Crimea must look like a bold move to these people and so are sure to win.

They have walked the plank and taken the plunge.

Too bad the bookies aren't taking bets on what happens. They wouldn’t want to lose.

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Jan 19, 2023·edited Jan 19, 2023

The Biden administration is dealing with climate change issues, and has already implemented some changes to slow it's progress, good, although not always wise choices are being made in that regard, but elevations in temperatures will ultimately affect all life on this planet profoundly, and has to be of primary concern. That being said, this administration is willing to play chicken with Russia by encouraging Ukraine to attack Crimea that could precipitate a nuclear war and destroy all life on earth as we know it. To be polite to our demented president and his neocon driven administration, what a classic example of irony.

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I can recall, as an adolescent learning elementary history of world wars, being just baffled by how the world "stumbled" or "blundered" into insane world wars, when they were so obviously predictable, predicted, and avoidable outcomes. Later in my educational experience, I came across Freud's ideas and the concept of "Thanatos", the death drive.

I feel the same absurd irrational death drive operating right now and can now appreciate what must have been incredible emotionally crushing feelings of powerlessness and despair by the people then living through the insanity.

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