Sudden withdrawal from Afghanistan to focus on NATO…

- The 2014 US coup against democratically elected Ukraine government,

- Russia-gate immense hoax concocted by Deep State and St. Obama, Biden and Hillary, and

- NATO expansion into Ukraine

All three are VERY closely connected and components of US bipartisan War party strategy for continuing world dominance. US will fight to the last Ukrainian to weaken capitalist Russia and its alliance with China.

The same lying team and key psychopathic players. Remember militaristic bipartisan funeral of John McCain.

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not with a bang but a whimper

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yep, we must find peace and harmony and love boring. some parts of the world have such peace. but they get little or no publicity. war and disharmony make more interesting news. sad.

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I just added Hulu, too much to choose

I still read philosophy books, maybe they should too

I still enjoy every day; Oh, and from someone that has survived two bouts of lung cancer & severe COPD, you shouldn't smoke, too

Finally; I'm rarely bored these days, If only "they" knew too.

Peace, The Ol' Hippy

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Absolutely definitive, and in the appropriate poetic mode, because that's what we all are basically, poets and artists of all kinds, and we didn't ever need , literally, "to make sense of it all." It wasn't meant for us to make up crazy stories - and then believe them literally - a cruel god from whom you need mercy and "salvation" through ransom and cruel death of our best specimen, an endless competition from which the best rises to the top as cream, when actually the crud at the bottom rules. We are told, "pain is good, and the more of it the better". Saves the soul, but only the souls of elites matter, and they, more than anyone else, dish out the pain from which they believe themselves exempt.

So, "the sense of it all" according to the pre-eminent fable we religiously believe, is utter, total destruction.

Yes, it is boredom that is the greatest error and threat. Because we forget who we are and why we're here: as guests in a unique environment that we should admire and appreciate instead of, in our treasure hunt for meaning and insane fear of "the next world", trying to take it apart like a clock - our conception of the universe ! - and inevitably forgetting how to put it back together - that is, get ourselves, our perceptions, priorities and objectives, together.

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Lethal ennui...

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Beautifully framed, oh perspicacious poetess. No do-overs, except in choose-'em-up stickball, in which street kids become a self-organized collective without the need of "higher authority." Damned socialist impulses, continually thwarted by our celebritized elite, who are de facto authoritarians in the service of self-interest. If conversations with self-styled "liberal" acquaintances are any indicator, boredom set in when Trump departed their daily consciousness, and sleepy Joe entered. It seems that bogeyman derangement is therapeutic for some of these folks, their vitriol perhaps a desirable counterpoint to pandemic boredom. And Putin is the perfect substitute target for that vitriol, these folks telling me that they hate Trump and Putin with equivalent fervor, and for reasons that, in their minds, render Vlad and Donald with a broad enough brush to place them in the same category of global villain. I could understand that anti-authoritarian impulse if it also extended to the other villains still walking the planet with impunity. The Clintons and Bibi Netanayahu immediately come to mind. But no worries, G.W. Bush has been rehabilitated. Redemption is always available to the most vile warmongers, as long as they don't much disrupt Americans' daily consumption schedules.

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