A big factor, not being discussed is that Russia/China/Iran support for Ukraine's Donbass, Crimea & eastern oblast regional governments & their 10s of millions of people are more adroit with intelligence gathering systems, which easily identify western communication languages & patterns.

With all of Ukraine most easily transferring between Ukrainian to Russian Slav language dialects as well as 1/3rd of Ukrainian people identifying as Russian speakers, the one's who stand out & are more easily identified & targeted are US, Canadian, American, British, French, Pole, Lithuanian & Syrian ISIS brainwashed mercenary often unilingual cowboys.

Most Ukrainian citizens in the eastern battle-zones identify with Russian liberators over the western financed & armed 2014 Maidan violent putsch unelected government, so western directed Ukrainian armed forces are considered as foreign invaders.

What this population dynamic means, as well as advanced Russian & now Donbass information systems is that; CIA, FBI foreign mercenaries & their offices, facilities & supply chains are being directly & accurately targeted, with massive losses of American among other cowboys coming home in body-bags, missing-in-action, cauldron & captured.

When we put massive shooting-gallery US soldier loss in Ukraine into the framework of western trillionaire oligarchy & US captured government complicity in massive losses to the COVID bioweapon & vaccine at millions injured & many 10s of 1000s dead, one can see that; oligarchy's world war isn't only directed abroad at supposed foreign enemies anymore, but very much at our own civilian populations & military personnel. This is a multifaceted oligarch directed Eugenics program including a whole range of toxic genocide population reduction program on a scale never before undertaken in oligarchy's 'exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') historical atrocities of the last 7000 years.

Its time all humanity wake-up in 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') Mutual-aid before they eliminate all of us. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/home/2-mutual-aid

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Why are we at war with Russia? What did Russia ever do to us?

This interview may provide some answers. It is about the growth of America's "Deep State", which isn't really secret. It's out there in the open, right in front of us but we refuse to see it.

Criminality of US empire and deep state with historian Aaron Good


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In the early days of this war, there was considerable speculation in the MSM that Russia would use chemical weapons to attack Ukrainian civilians, which would constitute crossing the “red line” that would prompt full NATO entry into the war. That was met by such a barrage of online pushback by independent online voices familiar with how NATO had used this false flag tactic in Iraq and Syria that any such plans probably had to be put on ice (or were thwarted by the Russians).

However, for the last couple months—since the Russians accurately disclosed in April that the White Helmets were in Ukraine prepping for the kind of chemical false flags they famously executed in Syria—there has been near silence about the potential use of false flag operations. This months-long silence is worrisome. It may be the calm before the storm. No one should be surprised if all these U.S. intelligence operatives in Ukraine execute a false flag in the near future that will be used to prompt full NATO entry into the war.

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Good article, Caitlin. Your article lays out the shifting sands nature of elite narratives. You redress those narratives with the unspoken, sequestered realities of the scope of US involvement, which comprise the very life support system of the Ukrainian military, as well as the continuation of the tragedy inflicted, by the US, upon the basket case that is Ukraine.

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Around Feb 2022, then Defence Minister Marise Payne committed 7 Australian ADF personnel specialists in psyops/cyberwarfare. I wonder how many of our personnel are currently in Ukraine and in what capacity?

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around 2014, the american and israeli "commandos" or operatives or mercenaries were openly (on social media, nobody like myself read all those) bragging about how they were running around Ukraine making things (like the coup) happen with no problem. then the email communications between US embassy hacks came to light, proving the US state department was running Ukraine, including picking the next president, out of the US embassy. then we found out that most fertile farmland of Ukraine was sold to a handful of zionist oligarchs. then we found out the US was running 48 or some biolabs in Ukraine looking into their genetic makeup and susceptibilities. all for human rights of the Ukranians, of course. nothing new, just another round of faked surprises.

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Within a decade of its name change from OSS, the CIA became the Continuation Insurance Agency-insuring conflicts’ long duration and insuring the MIC’s cut from illicit arms sales. These are not Completely Incompetent Americans, on the contrary.

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Jun 26, 2022·edited Jun 26, 2022

Ya self reflection by the oligarchy, hum, that’s funny. Please these people are intent on winning and the likes of me you and Caitlin are not merely inconsequential we are simple nuisances. Caitlin is right these people are psychopaths but that doesn’t mean if replaced with newbies they would be any different. Same thing, power is the provocateur, it will always animate any new cohort of our deranged brethren who will do what it takes to ascend the heights. This goes for the stranographers as well, they are The Voice of power and fully complicit. The competition to get NYT jobs creates a process of natural selection favouring only those willing and able to comply with the dictates of power. Thank you Curtis Yarvin: tada!

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Hawks in July: "not only are we at war with Russia, we're also losing the war."

Sounds like the most logical announcement for next month. I wonder what August's announcement will sound like.

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Roe vs Wade. Herring all red. War is what they are really into.

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Jun 26, 2022·edited Jun 26, 2022

CJ... Excellent review.

Will no one rid us of our Ruling Psychopathy and its Alphabet Boyz? So very depressing....

And, Max Boot fercrissakes! Klaus Schwab's twin brother.... Never met a war he didn't love....

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It appears that the Powers That Be in the US are intent on destroying the US. Perhaps they think this will be an acceptable loss if they can destroy some other country, or countries, along the way.

If insanity stank like a rotting corpse, we'd all have passed out long ago.

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Jun 26, 2022·edited Jun 26, 2022

Western Officials Admit Ukraine Is Crawling With CIA demons**

as perfectly evidenced by Ukrainians killing Ukrainians in bulk.

**Personnel root word is person. While there are some very human vices among these demons, thinking they are people is like the Supreme Court giving personhood to amoral corporations, who's board of directors are in-human psychopaths.

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Brilliant Article. The most frightening thing for me is recent Interviews with people like Max Boot or Sean Penn. Ridiculous for these 2 individuals to so cavalierly discuss using Nuclear Weapons as if this should ever be considered. Meandering Logic & use of double negatives to "disguise" their obvious blood thirst for death & destruction - Shameful display from all in Corporate News Media.

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Praise be to god that there are no Russian agents in Ukraine. I also assume there weren't any before the start of the conflict.

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the answer to this vexing question is contained in this short video:


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