Jul 25, 2022·edited Jul 25, 2022

Caitlin, absolutely. Everything that matters? All lies.

So we need to take that to its inevitable conclusion.

The belief that we cannot leave unless we do it together is none other than one of those lies. We learned it while we were operating under the delusion of all the other lies we were drowned in.

But it's not like we have been sane, intelligent, capable people who were given a shit bag of bad information. The lies haven't just perverted our perspectives, our outlooks. They have perverted our internal processes as well. In fact, most of all. The damage, in turn, perverted our vision itself, corrupting everything we thought we saw.

I challenge you to get to the root of your belief that, "The only way we're getting off the set of the Truman Show is if we can all succeed in waking each other up from the lies which built it."

It's just not true.

It has not been my experience, not in the least. Nor has it been the experience of those who freed themselves from captivity and slavery of all kinds. I recommend Chapter 10 of Frederick Douglass' autobiography. Or the recounting of any woman who was stuck for years in an abusive relationship but finally managed to free herself and then walk out the door.

We each are the only one it takes. And it always happens in those two steps.

Our liberation comes well ahead of our emancipation. And the liberation requires only one will:

I will be able to escape.

I will be able to walk off the set.

I will be able to turn to everyone there and say goodbye.

And then we just walk out that door.

It doesn't matter if anyone follows or not. Each of them has to do exactly the same.

It's the kind of door that we go through alone, or we never get through at all.

The *only* place from which we can succeed in waking others up from the lies which built the prison set is from *outside that door*.

You can do it. Anyone can do it. Don't wait.

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". . . even if you know it's all lies, you're still stuck in a world full of humans whose behavior is driven by lies." Exactly. I experience this stuckness pretty much every day.

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Thank you for writing this. I have been looking into what happened to "Denazification" after WWII only to find that tens of thousands of former SS officers and high ranking military were just taken on by the US, France, Britain and Germany. I found out about the MKUltra program and the Project 4.1 and similar operations, where the government of the US just took regular folks and tested drugs and radioactive material on them without their knowledge. Giving nuclear material per injection to people who came to the emergency room, to pregnant women, to children in their breakfast serial. All without their knowledge or consent. And those are just examples that we know of from the US. I am sure there were similar stuff going on in other countries, that we just have not heard about yet. Then of course came the 11th of September and we were told that something that had not happened ever before happened three times on one day. If we were to actually follow the science we would see that we have been lied to but even today when we are told to follow the science what we are actually being told is to listen to the Scientists that our government wants us to hear, the others are being censored. We live in a world of lies and it sucks.

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My son loved the Truman Show movie from a young age, along with Groundhog Day. I always found it fascinating that he would rather watch Truman than say a kids animated movie. Over and over he watched these two films, loving every part of them. The constructed reality that is being forced upon humanity is a lie. And occasionally the truth peaks through - only for those brave enough to see it, contemplate it and take the message on.

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I taught a high school Philosophy course for 10 years and always tried to include the Truman Show in my curriculum. There are overt connections to philosophical tropes like Plato's cave, but I also saw students make connections to their own lives in ways I could not have predicted. This essay sums up beautifully why the film continues to resonate with us, and how we all wish we could walk off the set the way Truman does.

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We're deceived into believing there's really such a thing as the "lesser of evils."

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LBJ laughing over folks believing Tonkin Gulf. Debbie Wasserman Schultz sneering under oath, that DNC™ LLC only exists to fulfill contractual obligations to CRUSH anything remotely Democratic or "our" party bragging about killing twice as many "essentials" as Trump, while fabricating a war to save their imbecile fracking Ponzi Scam... It's ALL we've ever watched US petit-bourgois, white flight suburbanite & their souless yuppie spawn pontificate unremittingly, spew didactically TOTALLY buying-into exactly what they're told they believe by AT&T, Comcast, Fox, Disney, Bezos or Israel's NYT. Like COVID up-ticks, any resulting tsunamis o' death aren't reported and DENIAL has always been our pandemic!

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Somehow the big idea is that this particular stage of human development is somewhat different from the previous ones and that there is no excuse for the people to not finally awake.

Wrong. The kind of engagement demanded is unrealistic for most people, by design. People dedicate themselves to other things necessarily and do not have capacity and/or ability to do this other thing. Hence they'll always be led by a few charlatans as has been the case for ages.

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An amazing piece, thank you. For years I thought there was something wrong with me. I was never driven by consumerism, never wanted to keep up with the Jones's, never followed trends, never followed celebrities, and always made my own mind up about things and people. I would periodically question the struggle to make it or make ends meet but would always dismiss my intuition. I think I have always known subconsciously that something isn't right with a society. When family time is impacted by both parents working long hours, when society has to brag about having the latest this and that, when we have a celebrity culture that makes young women feel inadequate, when we have so much hate encouraged by the media and authorities in the name of 'inclusion', when the elderly are living on the worst pensions in developed nations, when the poorest in society in a developed nation have to use food banks, when people in economically less developed countries are still starving and some without sanitation despite the billions sent in foreign aid and despite the many hundreds of charitable organisations set up to help them, you know something is not right. It hit me hard when I realised all of this, but I'm glad I see things clearly now. Some say democracy is an illusion but it is a system that has been put in place. We must now work to legitimise it and safeguard ourselves from future tyranny. We are sovereign and free. The elites may have all the money in the world but we have the potential to tap into a force that is so much stronger, community and a heart full of love and empathy. We are the 99%. We now just need to wake people up.

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I was in middle school when 9/11 happened. Even at that age, I didn't understand the "they hated democracy" reasoning for 9/11. I remember as a kid, it was very common for adults to say the government lied about JFK's murder and question the official "paparazzi " narrative of Princess Diana's death.

So as a young kid, people who today would be moderates and Democrats commonly made jokes about "the Kennedy curse" and all kinds of stories about Vietnam.

I think there was more awareness in the public space that the government was primarily lying crooks.

I thought Iraq and Afghanistan would've been more of a wake-up call for millennials. That was a bipartisan hoax and now the name "Patriot Act" makes a lot more sense after J6.

The reality is I don't think many Americans trust the government but a portion of Americans just want to be "good citizens." So even if they know the government is lying or corrupt, they go along because it reduces their suffering and ensures their material comfort.

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Human beings have been subjected to and used lies since the beginning of time. Deception, the most common lie is part of survival in a cruel world and developing that skill whether obtaining a mate or a new car has proven indispensable. Coupled with our capacity for denial, also indispensable, the two are woven into the fabric of relationships at every level. Let’s face it too many people throughout history were and now are incapable of recognizing or accepting their being taken advantage of by people who are adept at manipulation for their own self interest. You are correct we must pool our resources by stressing our common Americanism regardless of viewpoint or background. Trump represents a rude and unpredictable ego maniac with a mastery of self promotion while Brandon represents a polite yet slimy snake oil investor., they are both full of shit. Our government and all governments must be feared since they have pooled their resources and will lie, cheat and kill to maintain their power.

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It's time to pull the curtain down on this charade. It's time to wake up our fellow cast members to the play we've been forced to perform. It's time... What's holding us back? Fear? Doubt? Confusion? Let's step off-stage together and those things will go away as we go on our ways.

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Maybe we don't ever walk off the stage we call the world as though it's tangible real estate, as if it's actual physical topography, but instead, wake ourselves up and recognize it as a reflective surface where ideas appear, as a reflection we call the world.

Maybe we don't ever leave the world because it's not a place, but is instead is the surface reflection of ideas in mind.

Maybe we address the deception we find here from a place of individual responsibility for the area of the field at large where our local signal arrives, the place we notice it arriving as what we think of as our thoughts.

Before being able to effect a shift or wobble in the collective signal that informs the global cultural mind, maybe we should familiarize ourselves with causing a ripple at our own access point, our private IP address and internal antenna settings.

I don't think we ever wake up and leave, but maybe instead we wake up and gain bandwidth by furthering our listening out to a previously unheard of and unknown horizon while simultaneously dropping further into the depths of our own heart.

There’s an open-mike night happening beyond the sounds of babel that world culture has on offer now, a place where someone can strike a clear bell tone that penetrates our current shared cultural mind like an earthquake, shaking the very ground of it and toppling what were once thought of as well built structures of deception, a quaking strong enough to wreak havoc on the very foundations of the lie from which all iterations of it are derived.

The trick might be to stay put once awake and quietly build a listening path to that universal microphone from which whatever's uttered is heard by all regardless of their comprehension or understanding. You can sound a clean tone there that bypasses the language center and and all its chaos, a pure clear heart tone that doesn't require any system of comprehension to effectively wobble the signal attachment of the temporarily deceived.

Maybe there's even a way to listen carefully and record the actual heart tones of a single beautiful mind and set them free to be amplified at the big microphone out there on the distant horizon that’s connected to the center of the universe where it exists in your own heart and set it free there for all to hear.

If some day soon you hear something that sounds like soft birdsong slowly building into a universe-spanning hurricane of vibrational music that remakes DNA in its passing, be unafraid as your vision blurs and the whole world wobbles. When you come to your senses and realize you can see auras and smell lies and taste deciect as easily as you used to be able to tell mint from cinnamon be at ease because you've been upgraded courtesy of a tone worthy of being shared into the heart of the matter, one that shifts the surface reflection of an idea in mind that appears to you as what you call the world you see.

If you learn to be still and listen, you'll hear the soft beginnings of a distant symphony of such tones that has already begun and is making its way inward to the center of the univese which has always been at home at the still point inside of you. Surrender as it approaches in awareness, relax and let it in.

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What is the magic event that will open their eyes? What are the magic words that will allow them to see the real world?

I spent some time with out-of-state relatives these past 2 weeks. They have almost no knowledge of world events, and limited knowledge of national events. They never watch media, and they never real about events that don't impact them direct.y. They have their own problems to worry about, and those problems consume their waking lives. In one sense, theirs is an enviable existence, unclouded by useless information that, on balance, would serve only to make them more worried and more anxious than they already are. But, as we who are here know, that kind of ignorance will likely leave them more than bewildered if/when the tragic events that are planned for us come into their lives. We here may be mentally and physically prepared, as best we can be, but those whose heads are in the sand will be hurt the most, and will suffer greater tragedies than we will.

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Two books that helps start looking at 'reality' in a different way:

• Mysticism and the New Physics, by Michael Talbot

• The Tao of Physics, by Fritjof Capra



Michael Talbot - Synchronicity & the Holographic Universe


Fritjof Capra - Mind, Matter, and Life: Fritjof Capra


Then we can discuss a way out of the 'lie'.

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I love Caitlin's work.

I am also reading this book:

In The Great Reset: And the War for the World, the most controversial man on earth Alex Jones gives you a full analysis of The Great Reset, the global elite's international conspiracy to enslave humanity and all life on the planet.

If you really want to know what’s happening in the world, this is the one book you must read now. Alex Jones is the most censored man on the planet and you should ask yourself why that is. There is a powerful authoritarian takeover in process that is seeking to capture the entire human system and turn it into an artificial factory farm controlled system. We are in a war for the future of the world. In this book, you will hear from the world’s elites, from their own mouths, what they are planning for you and your families and you will learn what you can do to fight it.

From central bankers, corporate billionaires, and corrupted government officials, global elites have been organizing a historic war on humanity under a trans-humanist, scientific dictatorship. Alex Jones was the first major figure to expose the World Economic Forum’s agenda. He has dedicated the last 30 years of his life to studying The Great Reset, conducting tens of thousands of interviews with top-level scientists, politicians, and military officials in order to reverse engineer their secrets and help awaken humanity.

The Great Reset: And the War for the World chronicles the history of the global elites' rise to power and reveals how they’ve captured the governments of the world and financed The Great Reset to pave the way for The New World Order.

Once dubbed a conspiracy theory, but now openly promoted by the most powerful corporations and governments, The Great Reset is a planned attempt to redistribute all the world’s wealth and power into the hands of banks, corporations, billionaires, and The World Economic Forum.

If you read one book in a lifetime, this is it. In The Great Reset: And the War for the World, you will discover from the self-appointed controllers of the planet in their own words, their plan for what they call the final revolution, or The Great Reset.

The only way this corporate fascist conspiracy can succeed is if the people of the world are not aware of it. And this book lays out their sinister blueprint and how to stop it. While many great books have been written to help awaken people to this sinister agenda, no author has ever spent as much time and research on The Great Reset as Alex Jones.

The Great Reset: And the War for the World is the undisputed trailblazer for understanding what’s happening and how to stop it.

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