The masters of illusions and wizards of psyops are starting to realize that their consistent spells, reframing, and incantations in public messaging are quickly losing their “magic.”

I agree that it’s about removing illusions. For, the details of our world may be infinite, but the truth remains simple. All the brave new world can do is try to drown it out, but they can’t erase it.

The oligarchy believes they can create blank slates, instill false memories, and drown out the deeper whisperings that know the truth, but all of it is just clever imitations used to divert us from the real thing.

The Narrative Matrix is definitely on notice.

Keep up the great work Caitlin!

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Caitlin, your work has been the basis of my awakened awareness -- coming exactly at the time when the final cognitive dissonance dissolved.

Your writing and that of Chris Hedges, the Gray Zone, Multipolarista, Scott Ritter, Noam Chomsky are in the lineage of the 1800s Radical Garrisonians. Those times, like this one, call for truth, moral integrity, love, and mutual aid as the basis for a true revolution.

Despite the brutal indoctrination brought about oligarchs who would use us as tools in the service of our own destruction for their sociopathic greed-

There is hope. Because through people like you, who tell the truth no matter the consequences, we have the chance of seizing this moment to create a new world where the last shall be first and love of others as oneself is possible.

My wish now is for all of us to reach out to others, to move from media communication into community discussion and action, to cross all the divides we’ve been duped into seeing as “us vs them” and on a grass roots mass scale strike, boycott, non-violently resist all forms of power.

We are so many. They are so few. But we need light bringers and torch bearers, of which you are one. Thank you for your tireless pulling back of the curtain to reveal Oz. 🙏🏼

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Your voice is needed! Thanks for doing your part to remind us of how we can transcend the monkey-mind.

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Happy birthday-ish!

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Caitlin, I really appreciate your ongoing comments, poems, rants and other forms of expression you use to communicate truth you have come to realize. I share your passion for exposing the prevailing narrative for the manipulative distortion it is. Like you, I also write commentaries I make available for free (https://theuniversalonenessblog.com). Thank you for speaking truth to power. I firmly believe more people are seeing past the lies and seeking truth that resonates with their actual experiences. Onward and upward...

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Keep up the good work Caitlin! We can all see that you have a beautiful caring heart and those us who have become despairing and dissallusioned are helped very much. Some of us have lost all faith

in human nature and especially in humanities lack of ability to organize in a positive and constructive way. This system seems terminally corrupt and ready for destruction. All that is needed is a small push from many of us and it will fall. On the other side must be truth and reality!

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Happy Birthday!

Where the way and where the path that arrives at your feet?

Open the door and open the heart that we abide in love street.

We have heard, no man has increased his height by taking thought;

We have heard, silence is genius that can never be taught.

The sun rises, the sun sets, and the mind whirls ’round and ’round;

And my beloved glides through the night, full, without a sound.

I hold out my empty skull as a wine bowl for her to fill;

Maybe, maybe this raging will be drowned, and become still.

But by the beloved’s glance, the door to del is slammed shut;

the heart will never reveal spirit, but chase some tawdry slut.

Master, fill the crystal skull with wine that opens the door

and ushers me to regale you, like a drunk, on the floor.

Darvish’s whining for a drink has become indiscreet;

all his pounding has yet to open the door to love street.

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"If you seek justice on earth, start by calling things by their proper names." - Confucius

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Stumbled across your work (possibly on Medium?) and feel so encouraged by your journey and vision, its great to know that there are writers addressing the Bigger Picture and walking the talk. Thank you Caitlin!

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I just wanted to say that getting to know your work has been one of my most positive experiences in recent times. You, as well as many of your readers who post here and under your tweets, have restored my faith that there are still people who feel human enough to care about the fate of the species as a whole.

Also, you got me reading poetry again, which had been a dead field in my intellectual life for a couple of decades.

Thank You again, Caitlin Johnstone, and Happy Birthday!

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Caitlin, thank you so much from Spain. I follow you and I really enjoy your articles, poems, etc.. This last writing is like exactly how I feel myself in every action I take. It seemed you were describing what it's been happening to me the last years.

I am a professor in Language and Communication, teaching US students abroad in Barcelona about Media, culture and critical thinking. It is so difficult to pull them out from brainwashed propaganda effects on them. Fortunately, being away from the pressure of the Central Empire in the US helps these kids to put into discussion their sampled thoughts system and awake some of them in a way.

Thanks for your work.

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Your value is substantial. Telling the truth is all it takes to outperform the mass media, but you tell it logically and eloquently. Keep it up and don’t let the bastards wear you down.

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Thank you for walking the talk and showing it can be done... I'm having trouble finding how to become a paid subscriber or donate though .. are there direct links ?

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Caitlin, you are so so blessed, fortunate and lucky to have a spiritually awakened and intellectually on par, intimate and writing partner with your husband, Tim Foley. That's a deep unique bond.

I resonate and support your value proposition: collaboration-based models and appreciative beyond words for your and Tim's consistency of writing simply and direct. Grateful for your steadfastness and resiliency in the context of the online abuses.

You've Embolden your readers to 'thine own self be true...thou canst be false to any man'. You've also nourished many wounded souls to heal.

Wrapping a Warm Blanket around you and Tim's Wholesome Sense of Well Being with Protection and Abundance of Success for many years to come.

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Happy birthday, Caitlin! May you have many more and live to see the world you envision. I know it's a helluva lot better one than the present mess we're living in currently. #PowerToThePeople and #GeneralStrike everyone! (And if you can, please support TheRevolutionContinues.substack.com as well.)

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The world would sort itself out in three weeks if everyone just stopped fucking lying.

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