Jul 24, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022

What I really, truly, do not get is why we're being so nice, so polite, so respectful, so considerate with these MUTHERFUCKERS.



They deserve no consideration, no respect, no politeness.

But all a lot of people can think of is, "Ooo... he used the MF word!" Idiots.

Anyone who thinks that "nice" is remotely relevant when blood-crazed fiends toss dice over the bodies and souls of our beautiful babies is either an idiot or a closet fiend themself.

When it comes to these shit-for-brains assholes -- and I mean every stinkin one of them playing games with our lives -- *circumspection means collusion and courtesy means complicity*.

People are walking around like dopes, anesthetized. Numb and dumb, watching it all as if it were some trash movie. Or as if they were the living dead.

Otherwise they'd be screaming bloody murder for the mutherfuckers.

It's just what normal, realistic people do when someone is attacking their babies. They go berserk.

The people I see are too busy checking their pecs or their mascara and worrying if their hair looks good in the back.

Gotta mind the optics, ya know. Berserk just ain't a good look. What would everyone think?

Yeah, but what about our babies they're gonna kill after pumping them full of MAGA bullshit and leftist fascism and the "glories" of war and "service" and "ultimate sacrifice"? What are our babies going to think of us, grown and lying there dying, ripped to shreds, bleeding from every hole, in some alien place that we abandoned them to?

What about them?

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Putin gave an extraordinary speech to a conference in Moscow:


He calls for a multipolar world free from the oppression of the "Golden Billion" Western neocolonialists. Brilliant stuff!

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There is no negotiating, cutting deals, augmenting trade for mutual benefit or equitable trade with the US. Their attitude is give it to us or we will destabilize your country, assassinate your elected representatives and then if that doesn't work out level the targeted country with air strikes. Then crank out Hollywood movies glamorizing the central bankers' death cult warfare model.

Did anyone hear the latest? An ex-US Navy sailor blew the whistle on the downing of TWA 800. He alleges with evidence that has been confirmed the US navy off the east coast accidentally knocked TWA 800 down with a ship-to-air missile in a war exercise. So much for their over exaggerated technology. That is how the empire works. Kill 230 Americans then cover it up just like what was done with the flying events of 9/11.

Nemesis approaches for the empire because the rest of the world simply will not tolerate those predators anymore.

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Caitlin...I have long been a follower of yours but admit to finding some of your rhetoric after the Russian invasion of Ukraine hard to hear though to your credit you did mix in at least one article which demonstrated deep appreciation for the emotional and intellectual work required to escape the government propaganda of a lifetime. I am in my 80th year, a political leftist and activist since age 17 and involved in the free speech movement that ignited Mario Savio when he was an undergraduate at Queens College in NYC. Though a registered Democrat until 2016 I rarely voted for their presidential candidates, fully engaged in activism for civil rights and against the invasion of Vietnam and so many more causes thereafter. I embraced a Marxist worldview but always with a human rights edge to it. I am now living and working in China for the last 12 years, having given up on my mother country as it devolves into full blown fascism. My mission in China is to train career and life design counselors using the ancient wisdom of the i Ching to plant the seeds that will lead at least some of them away from the dead end of consumerism and towards careers and life choices that lead to sustainable civilization. I understand your point of view about this proxy war in Ukraine but suggest you read, if you haven't already, Andrew Tanner and Umair Haque on Medium. Mearsheimer and Kissinger weirdly converge with you in your passionate wish for us to avoid Armageddon but others of us are not confident that negotiations with Putin will hold him back from further grievous aggression. There is great though not much public knowledge of the great power struggle taking place at all levels of the government here in China. With succession to be decided this fall, those of us who are expats here have found China increasingly closing to the outside world since 2013. We see this as a very dangerous turn as the world needs greater collaboration between world powers to retreat the domination and exploitation models currently in place. Survival of life itself is very much at stake. This article you have written has the tone and clarity that is needed. Taking a hatchet to the fascists is likely the only way forward but we need to drag along the centrists and traditional liberals of greater age to do that. I love the Chinese Millennials and Generation Z here even more. There is a restiveness and hunger for a better quality of life emerging in spite of the shift to State Capitalism that stands to get in the way of a more humane and truer socialism.

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Someone, and it won't be Congress, will need to get the football away from POTUS.

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The USA has always been run by criminals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1FlXcwhsp4

Aaron Good and Ben Norton discuss Good's book, "American Exception".

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The more we fight the Russians with sanctions and weapons the stronger they get. We're only hurting ourselves. And that could be a good thing.

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Your articles are so brutal/devastating to read because that’s how things actually are “out there.” I love when you alternate between truth bombs and reminders that we need to stay spiritually whole to get through these times. Our survival depends on it. 🦋

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Ah Caitlin, I think your vision is already happening. It won't get around to a war. It's already fizzling like a firework dud that just blows off a few fingers. And they won't be ours.

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we shall all DO whatever we can in order to force the change for justice and peace, as the fuckers are not gonna volunteer to change their own system.

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One of Caitlin’s best in my opinion. I had breakfast with a long time friend who acknowledged how upside down our world has become. So I asked him what he knew, about Klaus and the Great Reset, John Mearscheimer on US meddling in Ukraine, WEF and Trudeau’s affiliation, and other obvious tid bits of reality. The end result upon finishing breakfast was he said “now I’m depressed”. The facts are truly overwhelming, so much so that to accept them puts most comfortable people into immediate denial. We are modern day Romans enjoying a comfortable existence oblivious to the gathering hoards who resent our success and will kill us in the end assuming they will simply take our place. The dark ages was the result with Rome and our future looks even worse since all of it depends on a single source to maintain it, ELECTRICITY.

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"Just say Nah" is your suggested response to the army of lethal robots the empire will unleash on us?

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Those systems which financially incentivise war have been in place for a very long time - in fact, I suspect they form the key infrastructure of our world. So dismantling them is indeed necessary - but also a herculean task - let's hope not an impossible one. Somehow, the movie/video game we are living in is set up so that aggression, greed, and the urge to power are selected for...

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This is the robot that scares me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=In02i--rBuw

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Finally, something I disagree with Caitlin on. Gen Z. "They're inventing their own culture all on their own and using their own means of communication to express it. This culture is developing exponentially faster than any other in history..."

Gen-Z culture is Roblox sandcastles of great complexity, explosions of creative energy from nowhere creating unique communities bootstrapping their own novel mythologie... More free from the weight of inherited culture than previous generations for sure, but swept away by the next tide; and this more than anything else is what's making the generation gap.

I don't think it's good it's definitely not good.

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Those people suffering from the sanctions are not the Russians - who consider 6000 + sanctions some kinda absurd aberration, but so-called US Western allies and the West itself. The best chance of avoiding apocalypse is for these "accidental" victims to say, "nah, we don't buy it: let the Dem and Rep politicos, but Dem mostly, who want this war be the first to starve and freeze in the dark. Not to mention walk miles to work every day while starving, and If they don't yell uncle, we'll take our turn on the rack."

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