This one was a masterwork, Caitlin. Amazing work!

We'd probably also have a bunch of media-controlled Americans living in absolute fear of a virus that kills next to no one. In fact, they'd probably also get a vaccine that causes clots that are 10 inches long, and kills healthy people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s.

So, thank God for Jo Mama...er, His Fraudulency, the lifelong grifter, Joe Biden.

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Resident Biden. He is a puppet for Nuland, Blinken et al.

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Caitlin's attention to detail confirms that whatever party, in the two-party system, in the not very United States comes to power, we'll get dished up the same old shit.

My mate and colleague Professor Guy McPherson refers to the two-party state as "The Twin Cheeks of the Same Corporate Asshole"


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Another one: Trump wouldn't have eased sanctions against Cuba.

I foolishly hoped that a Biden administration actually would do this. More fool me.

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Now imagine a face of your Bidenite relative/acquaintance when presented with this list. How blank will their stare get?

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Bang on! Only those who have been immersed in BS up to their nostrils since birth buy the crap the US government peddles daily. Biden was selected by the DNC because they knew he would do what he was told. Iraq was his test of fire and he was inflammable. He and the grandstanding Blinken cheerled that invasion. What a legacy. And he has delivered, so to speak.

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After voting in every possible election that I could over the last 30 years - always for the D's - I stopped voting permanently in 2020. In fact, my state allows voters to rescind their voter registration and I did just that.

In 2020 I was disgusted to see that a doddering old Mr. Magoo who was openly promising nothing more than the status quo and "nothing will fundamentally change" was celebrated as the "best" nominee for the Dems. Republicans are hot trash and no way will I vote for them either. Additional parties and candidates are basically outlawed in the U.S.

As a parent, I'll NEVER forgive Dems for forcing public schools to close for 1.5 years during the coronavirus. Dems fucked us parents and our children's educations over - with disastrous long term consequences, just to appease their big teacher union "donors" but pretended they did it to make us all safe.

So I don't participate any more. I've given up. Done. If there were a revolution, I might join in again but this will never happen because Americans will never be allowed to rise up and effectuate any meaningful changes for the better.

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This has been the default behavior of every Democrat in the WH since Bill Clinton succeeded the first Bush. The latter was mocked for his “read my lips: no new taxes...”. , but not only did the duplicitous Clinton lower the taxes, he then raised them for a minute then lowered them to a level below what either Bush or Reagan had sought. And to prove to his Wall St and corporate benefactors that he could be trusted, he presided over bank deregulation that led directly to the 2008 economic meltdown.

Then the law professor from Chicago who campaigned on his opposition to the illegal invasion of Iraq succeeded the 2nd Bush, and not only did he opt to not prosecute the conspirators named Cheney, Wolfowitz, Liddy, Powell and Tennant, he then doubled down on the unwarranted, unprovoked aggression, becoming a commander-in-chief with a penchant for deportation of desperate illegal aliens, and deployment of drones to kill designated enemies of the state, of ANY national origin. Oh, and he didn’t raise the taxes...a point that has sealed the fate of the DP as feckless and corrupt as its Republican twin.

So Joe Biden is a predictable soldier of a faceless power that exists only for its own sustenance. And to be clear, Trump has been little more than a useful distraction, not so much a soldier as a pawn, but he did serve the same master as Biden serves. And Trump lowered the taxes to an obscenely low level, and even though the “liberal” Biden did undo that, taxes are still ab oligarchs wet dream. This is the profile of an illegitimate regime that its subjects largely hold in reverence.

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Loved it! Back in 2020 when I predicted that Biden would just be Trump 2.0, I was viciously trolled as a Trump Lover, kinda like Caitlin Johnstone....LOL. This article is wonderfully written. No one could have done it better.

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Dec 27, 2022·edited Dec 27, 2022

"Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule -- and both commonly succeed, and are right."

H.L. Mencken

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BUT! No more mean tweets... so on balance, Biden is a win?

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Of course, on the plus side for Biden, he's helping woke Joseph Mengeles cut off little boys scrotums, and chop off confused teenage girls breasts. Biden has always been good at exploiting normal teenage identity questioning--it's a human stage of development--and exploiting it to cause enough mental damage that he can acquire another lifelong voter.

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Hey, Caitlin! I don't know how you did it, but you read my mind! Nothing has fundamentally changed--again. (And it's this week's blog title at The Revolution Continues, too.)

May 2023 bring about some fundamental changes FOR THE BETTER.

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Dec 27, 2022·edited Dec 27, 2022

Well, what part of "We Wanna Go Back To Brunch" did y'all not understand?

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I have long been cynical, and would never have considered voting for either Trump or BIden, but even I have been surprised at how little difference there has been between the policies of the Biden and Trump administrations.

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Trump took his pro wrestling heel shtick all the way to the white house. Now somehow the whole world is stuck in this much less entertaining trickle down pro wrestling alternate universe. Had to look up kayfabe the other day...medical expertise, democracy, social media: what isn't anymore? What Isn't Any More...

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