Sorry about the Mystery Religion around the “truth” about Jimmy Dore and Max Blumenthal. Great analysis as usual from Caitlin. It’s been very enlightening to see the leftist progressive try to rationalize inaction and perpetuation of the status quo.

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Mr Mark's, your either with the people or with the elites, which i h is it?

Never mind your judgemental smears of others your clearly jealous of.

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Another good one Caitlyn!

Our western "global" (capitalist-royalist) ruling class is LOYAL, COMMITTED, ORGANISED, UNITED, DISCIPLINED, (unimaginably) WEALTHY AND POWERFUL, EDUCATED (well-conditioned), AMBITIOUS, SCHEMING, INNOVATIVE, SECRETIVE, MANIPULATIVE, EXPLOITATIVE, IMMORAL, RUTHLESSLY AGGRESSIVE, (murderously) RAPACIOUS, ARROGANT and RESILIENT (unsurprisingly - given their elitist heritage and limitless material resources).

They've been that way for millennia - every generation of them studying and furthering the documented historical efforts of their predecessors to widen their "sphere of influence" (to use a modern nicety) and to "watch their backs".

We, the so-called "people", have been "serving" them since the first "leading warrior" (and his sidekick, the witch-doctor / propagandist / thought controller) whipped us into submission 10,000 or 30,000 years ago. Some of us have also been rebelling against them - probably from the time they began whipping us.

The "class war" is as old as the hills. It has a history - a heritage. We too can study and further the documented historical efforts of our predecessors (to widen their "sphere of influence" and to "watch their backs"). Every generation thinks that it - and its problems - are unique, but they're not. It's all been said and done before - just at a different stage in the everchanging (material) development of civilisation.

Much as we need great people like Caitlin to penetrate capitalism's ideological bubble, we also need to read serious revolutionary classics in order to understand that, e.g. (if it wants to attract supporters) a revolution needs to have specified aims and workable plans and procedures for a "new society"; the army, police, and other agencies of physical coercion are MATERIAL forces that have to be "won over" - or overcome - before the ruling class will be prepared to negotiate (or forced to accept) any substantial changes to their systems. The struggle has many faces and facets (and there is always hope in the underground).

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Along with the less prolific (lately) Helen B., Caitlin is the most compelling voice in RT's op-ed feed, which is comparable to Jimmy Dore being the go-to commenter of YouTube. In each case there's little reason to waste much time on lesser opiners. May both get the recognition they deserve, and may infamy come to their detractors. A lot of their progressiveism amounts to reiterations from the centrist sensibility of Bill Moyers and others who were perfectly normal before the right-shifting of post-Reagan life. Ultra-reactionary and Luddite (two separate things) describe the powers that be, not the voices of protest. Obviously.

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HI Catilin, good work. How about posting a clearly labeled link for the peitition Jimmy and co-sponsors have started?


And the website for their party


Thank you.

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Of the rich

By the rich

For the rich

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With $4 trillion spent on medical treatments in the U.S. this year, and the poorest health outcomes in the industrialized world, it is more than twice as expensive as our military budget, including their socialized medicine. There's a lot of ways to keep us poor, besides divisions around which source to use. I like your prose poems.

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Press TV was one of the rare journalist outfits that regularly interviewed Guy McPherson on abrupt climate change, and they did so objectively without disparaging him for the science he shared. OF COURSE the USA wants them shut down. The truth cannot be televised.

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This has been the MOST important question all along. All this other stuff has just been noise. What Covid has done is expose our system for what it is, one based on predatory opportunism.

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Once you understand that The Plan is to reduce the amount of families, it all makes sense. The past 40 years of making housing prices, cars, healthcare, college tuition, etc., out of reach, pushing transgenderism in schools and now this dangerously stupid attempt to play God with humanity's DNA, with the possibility of creating weakened placental walls (thus inducing more miscarriages) cannot be more apparent.

Pseudo-scientific atheism has arisen in the US and the goal is to rid the world of those who cultivate a spiritual connection (which EXPANDS consciousness and is the REAL evolution of the species). Why? Because they believe that it is non-evolutionary thinking, and everyone who they deem UNevolved must be removed from the planet. This is one of many disturbing examples of how they rationalize depopulation.

Rockefeller medicine has ignored obvious cures like O3, ozone therapy and proper nutrition. Petrochemical pharmaceuticals have yet to cure anything. A century of damage.

If people knew that the father of mass inoculations was a complete psychopath, we wouldn't be subjecting our children to 70+ vaccines or any of these new, experimental mRNA injectables.

I encourage everyone to watch this analysis of Jonas Salk's book from 1972, Survival of the Wisest, to see that the zealous ideology driving today's thrust into this technocratic nightmare should be exposed as the pseudo-scientific nonsense that it is.



True evolution is the infusing of spirit and science, of doing REAL scientific work that scientists are doing. Dr. Masaru Emoto left behind ground-breaking work on the proven effect of consciousness on water molecules!

Tesla, who patented the first ozone generator, said “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

It could also just be that the real reason why they want to gene-edit the soul-belief out of us with their FunVax is that they don't want it interfering with their vaccine passport agenda to inject the world multiple times a year with whatever they choose just so we can live our digitally manipulated lives. There are current court cases against the vaccine program based on religious beliefs.

Below is a video of Dr. Stanley Plotkin, considered a leading authority on vaccinology, who only received ONE vaccine in his life, explaining matter-of-factly that it's okay to inject the average US child with over 70 vaccines during his/her life, filled with aborted fetal tissue, among many other harmful adjuvants.


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Our main enemy at the moment is Mitch McConnell.

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Beautiful writing, Caitlin.


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Yeah. Spread the wealth. That will activate the grassroots.

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Sorry Caitlin, but if you want credibility in an article then you need to learn and understand why quoting ultra reactionary Luddite hypocrites Max Blumenthal and Jimmy Dore is unacceptable.

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