Afghanistan really was a travesty ,the richest nation in the world pounding the living shit out of the poorest nation in the world. The money spent there could have created universal healthcare in America . Instead the money was used to drop million dollar bombs on caves.

Americans are the most misinformed people in the world. Their media is pure propaganda. The left wingers are actually worse than the conservatives.

Hopefully Biden and the lefties with all their insane spending will lead to the collapse of America

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Let see, 5 million killed in Korea, 5 million in Vietnam, Laos, & Cambodia, 5 million in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, etc. —"but no evidence of wrongdoing was found" ...by the national security state or it's press agents, the entire US media.

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It's also grinding the living planet into dust with it's militarism and the independent states responses to the blatant re-rise of fascism.


We Can’t Fight the Climate Crisis Without Fighting the Military-Industrial Complex


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Thank you Caitlin - one of your very best !! I also for the first time listen to audio narration -- it is outstandingly well done. My congratulations to the male narrator of your articles also.

Best regards, Boris

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Is the U.S. vicious because of something unique in the U.S. character? No, we are vicious because we have the resources to be such. If Russia, the UAE, China, had the economic and political resources to do the same thing that the U.S. has done, they would. Just look at the viciousness of all other empires previous to the U.S., from Rome to Germany and Japan. Did they become more enlightened once their empires were destroyed? No. They just lost the ability to execute their viciousness.

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Taking them at their word for a moment, the democrats control the entire government, so THIS right here is supposedly as good as it's ever going to get until the republicans take two thirds of it back in 2022. The brain-denting idiocy necessary to buy into such a scenario leaves one lost for words, yet that's exactly why brain-denting idiocy is the only thing our media and political class churns out.

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Congrats for spelling "boogeymen" correctly! Everyone else spells it "bogeymen" incorrectly.

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Jun 15, 2022·edited Jun 15, 2022

The American left doesn't care about the tyranny of the American Empire as long as they get men in women's restrooms and can transfer money from the working class and small businesses to their corporate masters.

The American right doesn't care about wasting trillions while having a very small social net as long as their taxes don't go up and they don't feel another citizen is getting something (e. g., medical care) for free with their tax dollars

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The Lamb-like Beast fits one nation like a custom made boot!

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Our imperialistic war-mongering ways have nothing to do with it…. I’ve heard a million times, they hate us for our freedom 😉

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Caitlin, is there some way I can reach you privately. I agree with most of what you write, we only have differences in one area, and I would like to write to you privately about that rather than publicly.

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You have to be effective tyranically to be GloboHomoCop. The question is however, who pulls the Cop's strings? Going back in history, a little, Monarchs, who ran Europe, were horrified when "their subjects" in the New World wanted to become, and then forcefully became, independent. This independence was particularly noticeable In South Africa and America happening in relatively the same time period, breaking the (Royal treasury book) camel's back, as it were. Ever since then, the Monarchs adopted a different and indirect approach to exert their power. They made all their colonies "democratic" (selfimposed divide and rule) and they authorised "private" organizations such as NGO's and Foundations to do what Diplomats can't, peddle "influence" costing them a "pittance" (real quote). South Africa was decisively and finally dealt with in 1994 and the next is, of course, America. As British history shows, Monarchial vindictiveness has no generational end.

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